I have to say that there is so much confusion built into the latest attempt by the lap dog media to elevate Prigozhin to military status (of leader of a group nobody has ever heard of) that it can be taken so many different ways. Prigozhin was Putin's CATERING CHEF! How does he rise to the power of being in control of Wagner which is supposedly so big that it can challenge countries as big a Russia and African countries??? I don't know all the details and I don't have to. I know what this is. It's a piece of media performance before the world with the purpose to distract. Something big is coming and they want all eyes OFF of it. One who has the time now could be distracted all day long by this complex Wagner issue instead of looking at what is going on that they DON'T want us to see! It has worked well for me in the past to look beyond what they are showing us to see the real truth hiding behind in plain sight and it is usually much less complicated. I'm now on a journey to do just that. You must always remember that we are in the days of DECEPTION and ANYTHING the media is "covering" is just not what it seems to be and is CREATED to distract us. I'll be back with more on this as it unfolds.

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I'm like you Manuel, I'm not really sure what's going on either, but there is an old idea that I can honestly see as a possibility. In the late 60's or early 70's, a guy named Franz Springmeier wrote a 200 page (+/- a few) paperback book called "The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines" (Satan's answer for the 13 tribes minus Dan). The book, if you can find a copy is about $700 on Amazon last I looked. There are electronic versions that are accessible but keep in mind, anything in electronic form can be altered. That being said as a backdrop, here is one of the inferred conclusions. The majority, like 10 of the bloodlines (and these include Inklings, Rothschild, Rockefellers, A China version and Russian version, an Iranian line, and a few others. Even though last names change often, the family line stays connected), are all in agreement to the UN/WEF method of achieving the Globalist/NWO/Great Reset. China's Xi (who has volunteered himself to be the first leader) and Russia's Putin both disagree with the method of NWO that the other 10 have taken. We are mere pawns in their quest for ultimate world power control. Before anyone writes this off as conspiracy (and I admit, it could be), this was written before the WEF ever formed, but not by much-a few years at most. Not long after it (WEF) was formed, Schwab started his Young Global Leader's School in the mid-to-late 70's. Here are some graduates of the yearly school--Putin, Xi, Macron, Trudeau, Head of IMF (forget the name), Governor Newsome of CA, PM's of both Australlia and New Zealand, Kevin McCarthy (House majority speaker), Boris Johnson, and numerous corporate CEO's and Beuracratic position chiefs. They've graduated about a 1000 per year, and you can go to the annual UN website and see who the names are of each of them. This is what enabled the CV19 planned-demic to get 190 countries to immediately come together in agreement on this charade. Anyway, the 13 bloodlines, to me, is as plausible as any theory currently being thrown out there. Think about Sadam Hussein and other world dictators of the past 30 years, if those dictators were not in agreement with the UN/WEF/ Trilateral Commision, Bilderbergs, Council of Foreign Relations, IMF, or World Bank groups (we could say the yearly Davos crowd), then they were eliminated through some trumped-up war strategy (think Weapons of Mass Destruction) and "Democracy" was ushered in. Our POTUS line in our entire 250 year history are all connected- a 12 year old girl uncovered this when Obama was Chief Usurper and made the news over on this side of the pond. I think out of our 46 or so Presidents, only 3 weren't connected via DNA. I believed she use Ancestry.Com or 23andMe.com. As the late-George Carlin proclaimed in one of his early 1990's comedy skits "it's one Big Club, and we aint in it".

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Thanks just found a copy on the CIA website... Would be great to compare the original version with this one: https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf... Maybe with AI... Will try to read it. Thanks

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Amazon still has it on it's website, and his name is Fritz Springmeir. At least the price has come down "used starting at $120.00". And reprints in other collections are really cheaper, but I wonder what's been edited out? Amazon is a global player obviously and they have a way of burying books against their narrative. Maybe Springmeiers isn't as relevant now that they've already got the Global "ball rolling" so-to-speak and they dont care now if we know. There have been many people Clintonized or Obamacided if certain info was gaining too much media coverage "before it's time", like Bill Cooper and some of the people associated with the birth certificate or homosexuality, like Loretta Fuddy as Hawaii Public Health Director who was the only "victim" of an 8-person plane wreck off one of the islands. All stuff you probably already know, so not going to beat a dead horse over it.

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Wow....the cia website? That's crazy that they would have it--unless there is something to it. I've found it on various fringe and prophecy sites before but would love to get my hands on a real one, but at $600-700 for a used copy??? I don't need it that bad, but it's strange that a little old 200pg paperback would go for that price. There was another one that Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media.com had mentioned a few years ago about the psy-op mental war called "Promethius" (I think that was the name), it was an upper level college class type book that went out of print maybe mid-90's, but it also had that $700-900 for a copy and it was a paperback too. Funny, but the German version was priced normal ($60-80/range), but the engish ver. on Amazon was ridiculous. I think her 30-40 minute rant on youtube is still out there https://youtu.be/1EUJaS_NuAM ,it's still there, titled "Have you ever heard of the prometheus project?".

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The Iowa weatherman quitting his job because of his "view" on climate change is demonstrably faux media and false news. He supposedly "slipped" and gave away some extra info on the Doppler radar reports saying that the echoes were not rain but CHAFE deployed by the military. Just go to my channel and see in 30 seconds or less videos of what they are REALLY trying to hide. I cannot get ONE meteorologist msm or youtube to even attempt to explain to me the anomalies showing up on REAL Doppler radar maps (not the animated ones most people see) I have requested numerous times and it's crickets. To sum it up, this guy is supposedly being harassed by whoever, to the point of resigning from an 18 year career for giving away "secrets" about the military which MANY meteorologists had exposed over the years live on camera but suddenly, they want to draw all attention to ONE man who makes a comment about military deployed "chafe" showing up on Doppler radar as if this is the secret they don't want getting out? It's getting obvious now with all of the unnatural weather manifestations and they are trying once again to CONFUSE, distract and deceive! Why don't any of them address THIS???: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL9XuVSZQpQ and this??? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ttLN_D3FCz4

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Please inform whether you were able to view the two links. Youtube is actively censoring me in many nefarious ways, one of which is making the audio nearly impossible to understand. The videos have perfect audio when I make them but they garble the sound when I upload them. They sometimes outright DELETE my comments but they're visible to me from my devices but not others devices. All my youtube video notifications go to my spam folder (no matter what I do to stop it through tools) and I never get notifications of my subscribers new videos OR of likes to my videos, that it, those that DO get through. I can't believe the extremes they go to just to keep their narrative of lies intact!

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Yes they are working... I will post more from you... Sorry for the delay...

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No problems at all. Thank you.

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Try Rumble as an alternative.

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Yeah, why didn't I think of that?

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Can't seem to upload videos from my iphone. One tutorial says MUST use "rumble camera" so I go to app store and there IS NO rumble camera! Why do they make it so hard???

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That I'm not sure, but looks like if you can get them on a computer or USB Flash drive, you can just drag-and-drop on the Rumble website. But I dont know any technicalities beyond that point because I've never put out a video on any site (but might have to start). Good luck. Maybe reach out to another Rumble Creator like ChapStillwater, Wretched Watchman, or Shane at Shaking My Head Productions. One of them, hopefully, would get back with you for some guidance.

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Staged and scripted theater, but the NPCs buy it like it's for real without hesitation.

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Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸

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THE LORD'S PRAYER translated from Aramaic: "Oh Birther of all radiation & vibration,

Soften the ground of our Being & carve out a space within us where Your Presence can abide.

Fill us with Your Creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruits of Your Mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with Your Mission.

Endow us with the Wisdom to produce & share what each Being needs to grow & flourish.

Untie the entangled threads of destiny that bind us as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose.

But illuminate the opportunities of our present moment,

For You are the Ground & the Fruitful vision, the Birth, Power & Fulfillment as all is gathered & made whole once again & so it is!"

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Thank you so much.

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