What do I think is next?

On Oct 4 FEMA is running a nationwide 5G test at 2:22 pm Eastern time. There is also the possibility that if that test doesn't occur on Oct 4, that Oct 11 is a back-up date.

So what you say?

Key words:

•Attorney Todd Callender


•Zombie apocalypse


•Sealed pathogens

•E coli


•lipid nanoparticles

•Hydra gel

•Homoborg synthesis

•Brewer's yeast

***5G broadcast 18 gigahertz signal for 1 minute 3 different tones as a pulse or will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic compounds thereby causing a Marburg epidemic

***1P36 gene deletion that will effectively turn those that received the vaxx into zombies

•CDC published in 2011, CONPLAN8888-11 "Counter Zombie Dominance"

Take this seriously.

Don't take this seriously.

That's up to you.

You've been warned.

God bless.

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I don't know if this test will accomplish these goals, but I know where I'll be for a few minutes...somewhere without any cell service.

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Thank you for all of the updates! You know “they” are losing their insane battle against humans and their continued slavery scheme as more and more of us laugh and shake our heads.

Project Blue Beam will continue for the mind numbed. Up next perhaps the flipping of the switch and those who have taken into their bodies the Toxic Potentially Lethal Experimental Gene Altering Injections and creating a Zombie land as was practiced in…what was it 2013🤔nope it was 2011

Movies foretell their plans - watch Cell - John Cusack in it…just saying these days, nothing is beyond what they predictive program through movies etc

Interesting this popped up in my email today 9/24/2023:



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Certainly can't ignore "The Simpson's", the "X-Files", and many more. If we only knew then of the predictability, then maybe things might be different. Even though I can't find verses for it, God does say He will not do anything without first revealing it to the prophets. I think God holds satan to the same standard, it must be revealed before he puts it into action. No better satanic/demonic mouthpiece than Hellywood to be his "prophet".

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"What will be the next big thing?" ~ Maybe, people in the U.S. will come to understand that we no longer operate under the Constitution? Or ~ Maybe a demonic hoard invasion? Maybe the earth will open up and SWALLOW Washington D.C.? MARSHAL LAW perhaps? Maybe this fascist-shadow government will hurl a couple hundred Neutron Bombs onto the American Public? Maybe ALL of those things? Maybe all the "tranny's" will contract, mass-contagious''Hypertrichosis,'' turning them ALL into hairy WOLF-MEN?

AaaaaaaaWooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The body waxing industry will make a fortune!

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"Sturgeon are native to Washington and date back 200 million years on this planet. "

Um.........NOTHING is 200 million years old on this 'planet'. Academia needs some new testable and repeatable dating methods.

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Of all the pagan religions in this world the one that creeps me out the most is Hinduism. The man holding up his right hand for 50 years? Such a thing couldn't possibly be done by his own will. The man willingly allowed demons to possess him and I'm sure he's not even aware of it.

I recall a video I once saw; a tourist in India videoed a Hindu man on a dirt road; a filthy, bearded, skeletal, malnourished man squatting in the dirt, defecating into his hand and throwing it at the tourists. He was a Hindu "high holy" man who was in "prayer" to his gods. He's a "holy" man alright, only at the WRONG end of holiness.

I was raised to respect, admire and even embrace paganism of all sorts by liberal, worldly, "educated" parents. The world looks at these religions as just another culture's way of reaching the same god. I believed up until the age of 16 years that our Creator, God Almighty and the Muslim god Allah WERE THE SAME PERSON!

All of my upbringing couldn't keep me from FINDING my Creator and His Name is not Buddha or Shiva or Shinto or Allah or Mohammed as this world likes to imagine. His Name is JESUS CHRIST and HE created all things seen and unseen.

The gods of this world are DEMONIC and are of those wicked Heavenly beings that REBELLED against God and were thrown out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15) Isn't it peculiar that every one of these "religions" looks at our Creator as a great man or philosopher or master and accepts all religions as different ways to "achieve" God?

Bible Christians, born again by the shed Blood of Christ are the ONLY ones who reject all other religions. Why is that? Simple. We FOUND Him. Did you ever lose something? You searched all over until you found it. Question: After you found it, did you keep on looking for it???

We KNOW God and we KNOW that He is the ONLY Creator and we KNOW that there can be only ONE God. None of these other religions know anything because they don't have the Truth. My faith is so very criticized in this world, even hated and more so as we approach the Day of Jesus Christ. I will proclaim the Truth with my dying breath if necessary! Jesus Christ is LORD to the Glory of God the Father!

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AMEN ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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My parents were world travellers in the 70s and 80s and really LOVED to travel and see the world. They went to India on one of their world tours and were so thrilled talking about it. I was just a child in the 70s but my thinking as a mature, born again Christian man is the OPPOSITE that they held.

I can barely stand watching a documentary on India (and/or Pakistan) and see them all in one place because the spirit of antichrist is so solidly entrenched there. This world calls me a "bigot", even a hater when I say things like this; just the sight of a Hindu with the dot on their forehead gives me the creeps. I can't help it. I am REPULSED by that whole culture. The ONLY reason I would ever be found in India is to share my testimony and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I do not hate or even dislike THEM. It's the DEMONIC PRESENCE that I hate and to me, it's much more visible in the Hindus. I send money to ship talking Bibles to India because I do NOT hate them, in fact the opposite, I love them. There are now many born again Christians in India and Pakistan who are my brothers and sisters in Christ. I love the Hindus but I DESPISE their worship of devils.

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I hate to break it to you, but mortification of the flesh has historically been big in Christianity as well.

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Never in historic, Apostolic, Biblical Christianity, however is seen big time (flagellation) in offshoots of the Roman Catholic religion, which when examined closely is Christian in name only. The Second Council of Trent not only states that one must adhere to the sacraments of the RCC and be a lifelong member but outside of the Catholic church, salvation from sins is impossible and thereby ALL outsiders are ANATHEMA. The RCC requires WORKS when the Bible explicitly states that we are not saved from our sins by our good works (obeying the law) but by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ.

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Thanks, Manuel!! ;-)

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Thank you.

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I write The Straight Juice Substack, and I've got a few ideas about what comes next.

I'd recommend: What's the Next Great Crisis, Are We on the Cusp of a New Viral Outbreak, and Is the End Near?

Asteroids, virus, or nukes, with predicitive analysis and good research .


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Before I even look at today's substack, I will answer the question which is the title, "What will be the next big thing?" It's possible that nukes could fly before we do but we know that Millions of people all over this world will suddenly and completely disappear leaving behind anything that they weren't born with, e.g. dentures, fillings, pacemakers, prosthetics, stints, jewelry, tribal earlobe stretchers, clothes, etc. This will send the world into utter chaos as one might imagine.

NOTE: Some Bible teachers actually believe that, as Christ shed His Blood here on this earth and rose into Heaven that we too will leave our blood behind following Him as in Romans He is named "...the Firstborn among many brethren." (Romans 8:29) Think about what kind of scenario that would create!

I don't concur with that theory because it will be necessary for those who are setting up this world for the rule of antichrist ability to convincingly EXPLAIN what had happened. This scenario would complicate and make impossible the lies which must be told to settle the chaos. I am not dogmatic in these conclusions. These are simply my hypotheses based on the years of Bible study I have done and they are not Bible doctrine.

They MUST say that we had been abducted by aliens (or something very similar) to comfort and make calm those who suddenly lost babies, (even right from the WOMB [!] forever ending the debate of when life begins...at CONCEPTION!) young children and loved ones who believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and had been forgiven of their sins.

(we who are saved do NOTHING to earn salvation; we are saved UNTO good works, not BY DOING them; Ephesians 2:8-10 Note: do not attempt to make yourself clean before you come to Him, COME AS YOU ARE. He will clean up your sins!)

I believe it is necessary that they would promote the lie that we will be returned very soon so this world could continue "peacefully" because at the beginning of antichrist rule, the motto will be "peace and security" (they're already continually touting this!). The chaos of this event would for last years if something were not said QUICKLY about where we had gone and when we would RETURN. It would stand to reason they might say that we would be returned when our training in "spiritual evolution" (or some other nonsense) was complete. One thing is for certain...they will NOT say we were taken by Jesus Christ in the long anticipated Rapture of the Church (true believers).

I have another theory which also may happen based upon Scripture. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says that the dead in Christ will rise FIRST. THEN we which are alive and remain will be caught up. The Gospel of Matthew says that after the Resurrection of Jesus, "... the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Matthew 27:52-53

Thessalonians says the dead will rise and THEN we which are alive will rise, but perhaps there is a gap between the end of v. 16 and beginning of v. 17 and we are changed into our immortal bodies yet we do NOT rise immediately but we can go to loved ones as Jesus did when He rose from the grave and appeared unto the apostles and many disciples! Whatever happens, we will be with Jesus forever after meeting Him in the air. We who wait for Him agree that NEVER was there a higher expectancy of His coming for us than there is RIGHT NOW, at this moment.

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Being pedantic (ugh) but I gotta do it. It's autumn. It happened at 2:50 am EDT on 23 September.

Chart here for the astrologically inclined:


So far it looks like....good-bye, Joe, welcome President Harris, inflation gets a lot worse, and many folks will get sick. Like hospital sick. Still puzzling out the rest.

Let's hope I'm wrong on all counts, eh?

The Canadian chart is very close to the US one, though. Does that mean we could get rid of Justin? Without Chrystia taking over? Please yes.

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How did I go through 61 years of life and higher (and continual) education without ever hearing the word PEDANT? I'm pedantic myself as anyone who reads my comments is aware. Mostly it's down to TRUTH. I defend it often and quite pedantically. Thank you for the new word. My gray hard drive is nearly full but I have room for it, I think.

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I also delight in the discovery of new words :)

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