God has declared the end from the beginning. This earth and world system has an expiration date. Come Lord come.

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Yep! We are ready! I think most reading this newsletter and QFiles are. Better to get ready today to be prepared for tomorrow!

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We will meet in the clouds Rory. This world can kiss my keister. I am so rapture ready brother.

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Yep. They WANTED us to know about the "80% lethal" new coronavirus developed in Boston. NOW they will say this one "leaked" and is what is killing all of those VAXXED people. They will still have a have time covering up that fact UNvaxxed are unaffected, and they know this. So they must have a plan for us resisters, a plan they do NOT want leaking out.

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Soon to be stored in a US biolab in Ukraine... Again...

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What's crazy is the new booster is a combination of the exact 2 strains being experimented on in Boston

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Wow! You are CORRECT! I had not even thought about that.

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More well-themed articles my brother, much appreciated. Re: Dr. Greenberg- he's correct. Rx as we know it is not that old in the grand scheme of things. I've covered much of the history in older comments so I won't beat a dead horse. But as it's evolved from the Mystery Religions of Babylon to the federally regulated bureaucracies of today, it's become a "tool" of population control and regulation. Probably the most dangerous subset of this "tool" is the vaccine portion which, since 1986, has enjoyed complete immunity from legal liability. Witness your additional post regarding "CDC to vote on adding mRNA vax's to required childhood vax schedule..." AND the "Conflict of interest..." story. Hopefully your other readers can start to connect-the-dots too. Not throwing my profession under the bus....yet, as there are still some good Dr's and RPh's that haven't been totally brainwashed and there are still good life-saving drugs, albeit they are declining at a rapid pace now. Our history of insulin and insulin-analogs in the last 30years is prime example. Anyway...this is your show, and I thank you. More to come.

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thank you for your add ups and discussion

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dl pdf and read it, or find it *agenda 21 full document* elsewhere online. the original document is over 300 pages.

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▪︎ Vortex Dynamics Video:

I think that guy must have gone to my boarding school. We used to sit in our smoking room and do smoke rings tricks like that.

▪︎ Nishiyama Hotel Article:

Pretty damn cool to have a culture that respects their heritage and traditions. We had Japanese design books in our home. We even built a Japanese garden, pond, and bridge. I used to buy my father a big koi fish every year for his birthday. We had about a dozen, and they grow large and will eat out of your hand too.

One day, a stork went spear fishing and killed them all. We even had built underground rock tunnels for the koi fish to hide, but the stork killed them. Pissed me off big time.

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Stork: Too easy for me! Thank you!

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The best thing in a long to for kids was the lockdown. Parents got to see what their children were taught and parental protests scorched liberals.

Doctors stopped asking me to get a covid shot because I keep sharing studies done in Germany and backed by studies in Russia, Japan, and China. These studies prove smoking tobacco kills corona virus. The problem with the US, UK, and Mexico is that they still accept lies told by Nazi researchers after hitler ordered them to prove tobacco causes cancer. All I was told by doctors into natural meds is, do not inhale. Now they add, no bleached paper but use natural.

Yup. Now liberals will forget all the nazis they love who took refuge in Mexico in 1944-50. Antiabortion is an anathema to liberals because then there are more nonwhites and mixed-blood, like mestizos. The only problem I have with this is closing the border means the price of guns and ammo are going to shoot up (no pun intended). More citizens will have to ‘borrow’ theirs from drug lords. The PRI is having cat fits over all the guns coming into Mexico. Ai bien!

One great-grandfather was our braukor, herbalist. He never saw a doctor but socially and lived to be 97. he left behind a 35 year old widow and 15 year old daughter. When I was four, he passed away due to pneumonia. He had a bad habit of going to the outhouse at night barefoot and people told him he was gonna die of pneumonia doing that. He could have healed using herbals but refused. It was time to go home, he said. He walked in beauty

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