I remember 50 years ago when I did not read, listen to, or watch news. I think when we are young, we aren't included in the world as much, so news matters little. When we age, we are expected to stay informed. I would happily go back to the days when news did not matter. Rotary dial, smoking in the theaters, riding the bicycle to school, playing sports after school. Hunting or fishing on weekends. Each day I wake up, turn on my radio, and wonder what news or disasters will unfold. Most news is biased or filled with lies and propaganda. At least here ---we get more truth than lies. Thanks again, Manuel.
Why every country has military bases in Djibouti… I didn't actually watch the video because I already know the answer. All countries of the world will gather to fight in the battle of Armageddon. Revelation 19:19 Djibouti is the most strategic point to gather the militaries of the world. The antichrist KNOWS what is going to happen because he knows Bible prophecy! I believe he is alive, well and directing the wicked rulers of this world as we speak. They are going to fight against JESUS CHRIST and His Armies (we who were taken in the Rapture) How foolish are they???? They actually believe they can defeat the Creator of all things seen and unseen? This must be supernaturally imputed stupidity. But don't worry, this won't happen for at least 7 years and that's if we depart today.
After we disappear, the antichrist will arise and LIE to the nations and guess what...They'll BELIEVE him (of course; they already believe all the lies being spread through the media right now!) He will convince them that The King of Kings can be defeated. They will all be thrown into the bottomless pit WITH Satan and the false prophet and it will be LOCKED. (Revelation 20:1-3) Then, 1000 years of total peace in a world that is returned to the state it was prior to sin entering the world, that of the Garden of Eden. (Isaiah 11:19)
Jesus will be the Prince of the kings of the earth. (Revelation 1:5) The kings and priests will be we who had ushered in His coming because we are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. We were NOT ASHAMED of Him as the rest of the world is. To us, He is FIRST and foremost in our lives and we now see everything coming together throughout the world just as Bible prophecy said it would. We will rule and reign with Jesus for 1000 years on this earth and then a new heavens and a new earth will be made by God and it will be the best of the best of everything.
All of this is TRUTH and can be learned by reading the Bible. Don't follow or blindly believe any one person (me either) to get the truth but read for yourself, forgetting EVERYTHING that you thought you knew about God and Jesus Christ. Ask Him if what you are reading actually is the truth. If you truly desire in your heart to know Him and to be saved from your sins and their wages (death) He will save you and you will be one of the Kings and/or Priests ruling with Christ in the 1000 year Millennium. (Revelation 1:6)
It's all happening before our very eyes and nothing can stop it. God inspired the men who wrote the Bible and He knows EVERYTHING so He inspired them to write about the things to come and the things that would be HEREAFTER or "Metatouta". The youngest apostle of Jesus, John, was actually taken up to the "third Heaven" (as was the apostle Paul) and was shown the things that would happen. (Revelation 4:2)
That's what the Book of Revelation is; it's the Revelation (singular) of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John. It's still for sale, even at the Dollar Tree for $1.50 (the Dollar Tree has become the "Dollar Fifty Tree", inflation, you know) The whole Christian community of pre tribulation Rapture believers (those who rightly divide the word of truth; 2 Timothy 2:15) are in a constant state of readiness because we can see how close the day of Jesus Christ is on God's calendar. We can't remain silent about it because God saw fit for us to inhabit the very last days of this age out of all the people who have ever lived and it is very likely that we may never see death! (1 Corinthians 15:51) It is we who have shared this with the world and many whom we have informed will see that we were absolutely correct after the Rapture happens and millions of us disappear.
This is the reason I write so much about it. THERE IS VERY LITTLE TIME LEFT. The scoffers are having a field day, by scoffers I mean those unbelievers who are duped by the lying media and science and know nothing about the things talked about on this page and in other uncensored news. The scoffers are written about saying, "where is the promise of His coming" (2 Peter 3:3-4)
We are those who have been studying Bible prophecy for many years and are CERTAIN that those things written are unfolding at an increasingly rapid pace in these days. We KNOW that the "catching away of the saints" can occur at ANY MINUTE.
There are many professing Christians who deny this essential doctrine and say that it is still many years away and others who claim that we who love the Lord Jesus Christ will NOT be taken out before the Great Tribulation. The latter group I have found to be mostly those not really anxious to meet Jesus (for whatever reason, unsaved perhaps?) We however, simply cannot wait and we have great joy in this "Blessed Hope" Titus 2:13) and want to have ample warning that these truly are the end times but they must twist Bible Prophecy and many Scriptures to make that fit into their theology.
One last word if I may. Notice how I back up what I say with Bible chapters and verses. That's because I KNOW the Bible. Most of the verses I used above are locked in my head because I am a TRUE Christian. Please know that I am not boasting, not in the slightest, it has all been God who has done this in me, encouraging me to memorize whole chapters of the Bible, (my memory has never been that great but for Scripture, it is a different story) giving me wisdom and insight into these things and giving me the confidence to share what I know with whosoever might listen.
I have said it before but I must keep saying it, Manuel, thank you for allowing my comments on your platform. There are several Christians here who agree with me and your substack is always growing. Youtube censors every comment I make, even Rumble is beginning to censor comments so we see the walls of free speech crumbling before our eyes in preparation for the global government of antichrist. I must share this news everywhere that will allow me and those places are becoming fewer by the week.
Indonesia, Papua, New Zealand, Oceanic Spreading Ridge, Continental Rift Boundary.
All on the N / E / S edge of that plate surrounding Australia in the Indian Ocean. So, been reading up on some projections. If that plate dips downward on the SE. edge of that plate where the quakes have been popping---Clearly, Australia will be deluged. Past month all I see is heavy seismic activity too. ((SMH))
🎗And there followed another angel, saying, ✨Babylon ✨is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the 👿wrath of her 👿fornication= USSA BABYLON MOTHER OF HARLOTS🎗🎗
🎗And there followed another angel, saying, ✨Babylon ✨is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the 👿wrath of her 👿fornication= USSA BABYLON MOTHER OF HARLOTS🎗🎗
This thinking that USA is Babylon the Great of Revelation 17-18 is patently FALSE. The Bible describes her in great detail. I will use only three out of many proofs of her identity. 1.) She is a CITY on SEVEN HILLS (this is actually 2 proofs); 2.) She is drunken with the BLOOD OF THE SAINTS; Has the USA killed millions of martyrs? and 3.) She is a MERCHANT of all sorts of merchandise INCLUDING that of THE SOULS OF MEN; These three alone identify the "harlot" as the Roman Catholic Church.
Please give that lecture to our resident trollbecile, the autistic crusader and broken record poster on SS. You know the little bastard Anonymous/ Visitor (double account) typical of trollbeciles!
He is back at it again, and reverted to his original moniker. He had alot of downvotes under Visitor 4 weeks ago, and lied to Manuel on multiple occasions. Probably why he switched back to his "Anonymous" moniker. Also he is a yeshuatard!
Ok, so I purchased six goslings. Three were sick or inbred, and passed away. I have raised over 125 from hatchlings. I know birds. Anyways, I had one gosling that couldn't stand or walk. I did a physical examination and determined there may be an issue on the feet. I decided to pray to Christ for guidance and healing. I took the gosling to the workbench, and gently stood it up supporting the underside with my fingers. Next I extended the legs to the standing position. Then used my right hand to move right leg forward one step, and left leg forward one step. Several times as physical therapy. Then I put it back with the other two. I then repeated the Lord's Prayer (KJV). Next asked God and his Angels to please bless the goslings, purge them of evil influence, and heal the one with walking problems. I repeated ths physical therapy session again, and later went to bed. I say my prayers at bedtime, and always thank God for my blessings. I woke up, and checked the goslings. All three were standing and peeping, I couldn't discern which gosling was the afflicted one. Then I remembered the head coloration, and zero'd in on the afflicted gosling. It appears it is coming to be blessed with incredible progress, and although not 100%, a clear and marked improvement. That is why I always pray to Christ on these matters, and myself as far as ailments. It is the power of prayer and Faith in our Lord which can lead to incredible miracles. Praise the Lord!
Wow, 180° turnaround. Gimpy goose is barking orders from center stage by heat lamp, and other two on outside of heat now. Standing up looking sturdy too. The alpha gosling was having a fit since he is not center heat lamp space now. Ahhahaa haha. Very cute turn of luck. PTL.
The oceans are warming because of increased volcanic activity under the sea, driven by the sun/because we are in a sunspot minimum.....there is jack s..t we can do about it.
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
When will they stop playing with us? When they own us and can destroy us.
Japan and Nietzsche have a lot in common, atheism. Nietzsche wrote that atheism would take over Europe, and people would find having children tedious, interfering with their fun. Families would grow smaller till people stopped having children. Then marriage would go, as well. In the end, the population will collapse till no one is left. What Nietzsche ignored is, of course, is religious nations taking over. Yet, even religious nations are assaulted by movies and radio from the West sneering at large families. Women in Muslim nations have dropped from 6+ children per woman to as low as 1.7 and that’s still falling. https://ourworldindata.org/fertility-rate
Keep up a supply of sulfates. Bacteria aren’t resistant to that. Valley fever is spread by the wind, and now we know even animals that spread it, predators, are susceptible. If that can be spread by a wind, then why not a lot more. I’ve been suffering what seems to be tick fever, a virus, but it also causes pneumonia. Zinc works on the virus, but clove cigarettes are for the pneumonia. Gonna drop an old penny in the coffee if it persists. Nothing resists copper. niio
True that, in most cases, raw materials don't figure much into the cost of food items in the grocery store, but the rising costs of labor and energy to turn that wheat into bread and that corn into corn flakes, and then to transport those items from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers to retail stores, are all significant factors in price determination.
That Amazonian plant with the 8 ft. leaves, C. gigantifolia, grows to about 15 meters in height. It's related to sunflowers, hibiscus, tomatoes, and roses.
Sweden ~ Electrified Roads
Good idea! Now electrocute all the rapefugees that hate your culture, drug, rape, pimp out your kids, and randomly stab your citizens.
News ~ The Banality of Existence:
I remember 50 years ago when I did not read, listen to, or watch news. I think when we are young, we aren't included in the world as much, so news matters little. When we age, we are expected to stay informed. I would happily go back to the days when news did not matter. Rotary dial, smoking in the theaters, riding the bicycle to school, playing sports after school. Hunting or fishing on weekends. Each day I wake up, turn on my radio, and wonder what news or disasters will unfold. Most news is biased or filled with lies and propaganda. At least here ---we get more truth than lies. Thanks again, Manuel.
Moldova ~ Alexander Nesterovsky
Very good demonstration. 😁👍
Thanks ❤️🙏🇺🇸🐸
Why every country has military bases in Djibouti… I didn't actually watch the video because I already know the answer. All countries of the world will gather to fight in the battle of Armageddon. Revelation 19:19 Djibouti is the most strategic point to gather the militaries of the world. The antichrist KNOWS what is going to happen because he knows Bible prophecy! I believe he is alive, well and directing the wicked rulers of this world as we speak. They are going to fight against JESUS CHRIST and His Armies (we who were taken in the Rapture) How foolish are they???? They actually believe they can defeat the Creator of all things seen and unseen? This must be supernaturally imputed stupidity. But don't worry, this won't happen for at least 7 years and that's if we depart today.
After we disappear, the antichrist will arise and LIE to the nations and guess what...They'll BELIEVE him (of course; they already believe all the lies being spread through the media right now!) He will convince them that The King of Kings can be defeated. They will all be thrown into the bottomless pit WITH Satan and the false prophet and it will be LOCKED. (Revelation 20:1-3) Then, 1000 years of total peace in a world that is returned to the state it was prior to sin entering the world, that of the Garden of Eden. (Isaiah 11:19)
Jesus will be the Prince of the kings of the earth. (Revelation 1:5) The kings and priests will be we who had ushered in His coming because we are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. We were NOT ASHAMED of Him as the rest of the world is. To us, He is FIRST and foremost in our lives and we now see everything coming together throughout the world just as Bible prophecy said it would. We will rule and reign with Jesus for 1000 years on this earth and then a new heavens and a new earth will be made by God and it will be the best of the best of everything.
All of this is TRUTH and can be learned by reading the Bible. Don't follow or blindly believe any one person (me either) to get the truth but read for yourself, forgetting EVERYTHING that you thought you knew about God and Jesus Christ. Ask Him if what you are reading actually is the truth. If you truly desire in your heart to know Him and to be saved from your sins and their wages (death) He will save you and you will be one of the Kings and/or Priests ruling with Christ in the 1000 year Millennium. (Revelation 1:6)
It's all happening before our very eyes and nothing can stop it. God inspired the men who wrote the Bible and He knows EVERYTHING so He inspired them to write about the things to come and the things that would be HEREAFTER or "Metatouta". The youngest apostle of Jesus, John, was actually taken up to the "third Heaven" (as was the apostle Paul) and was shown the things that would happen. (Revelation 4:2)
That's what the Book of Revelation is; it's the Revelation (singular) of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John. It's still for sale, even at the Dollar Tree for $1.50 (the Dollar Tree has become the "Dollar Fifty Tree", inflation, you know) The whole Christian community of pre tribulation Rapture believers (those who rightly divide the word of truth; 2 Timothy 2:15) are in a constant state of readiness because we can see how close the day of Jesus Christ is on God's calendar. We can't remain silent about it because God saw fit for us to inhabit the very last days of this age out of all the people who have ever lived and it is very likely that we may never see death! (1 Corinthians 15:51) It is we who have shared this with the world and many whom we have informed will see that we were absolutely correct after the Rapture happens and millions of us disappear.
This is the reason I write so much about it. THERE IS VERY LITTLE TIME LEFT. The scoffers are having a field day, by scoffers I mean those unbelievers who are duped by the lying media and science and know nothing about the things talked about on this page and in other uncensored news. The scoffers are written about saying, "where is the promise of His coming" (2 Peter 3:3-4)
We are those who have been studying Bible prophecy for many years and are CERTAIN that those things written are unfolding at an increasingly rapid pace in these days. We KNOW that the "catching away of the saints" can occur at ANY MINUTE.
There are many professing Christians who deny this essential doctrine and say that it is still many years away and others who claim that we who love the Lord Jesus Christ will NOT be taken out before the Great Tribulation. The latter group I have found to be mostly those not really anxious to meet Jesus (for whatever reason, unsaved perhaps?) We however, simply cannot wait and we have great joy in this "Blessed Hope" Titus 2:13) and want to have ample warning that these truly are the end times but they must twist Bible Prophecy and many Scriptures to make that fit into their theology.
One last word if I may. Notice how I back up what I say with Bible chapters and verses. That's because I KNOW the Bible. Most of the verses I used above are locked in my head because I am a TRUE Christian. Please know that I am not boasting, not in the slightest, it has all been God who has done this in me, encouraging me to memorize whole chapters of the Bible, (my memory has never been that great but for Scripture, it is a different story) giving me wisdom and insight into these things and giving me the confidence to share what I know with whosoever might listen.
I have said it before but I must keep saying it, Manuel, thank you for allowing my comments on your platform. There are several Christians here who agree with me and your substack is always growing. Youtube censors every comment I make, even Rumble is beginning to censor comments so we see the walls of free speech crumbling before our eyes in preparation for the global government of antichrist. I must share this news everywhere that will allow me and those places are becoming fewer by the week.
Earthquake Report:
• 5 quakes in magnitude 5+ range
Indonesia, Papua, New Zealand, Oceanic Spreading Ridge, Continental Rift Boundary.
All on the N / E / S edge of that plate surrounding Australia in the Indian Ocean. So, been reading up on some projections. If that plate dips downward on the SE. edge of that plate where the quakes have been popping---Clearly, Australia will be deluged. Past month all I see is heavy seismic activity too. ((SMH))
🎗And there followed another angel, saying, ✨Babylon ✨is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the 👿wrath of her 👿fornication= USSA BABYLON MOTHER OF HARLOTS🎗🎗
I hope you meant the USA...because yes, she is the Babylon.
🎗And there followed another angel, saying, ✨Babylon ✨is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the 👿wrath of her 👿fornication= USSA BABYLON MOTHER OF HARLOTS🎗🎗
This thinking that USA is Babylon the Great of Revelation 17-18 is patently FALSE. The Bible describes her in great detail. I will use only three out of many proofs of her identity. 1.) She is a CITY on SEVEN HILLS (this is actually 2 proofs); 2.) She is drunken with the BLOOD OF THE SAINTS; Has the USA killed millions of martyrs? and 3.) She is a MERCHANT of all sorts of merchandise INCLUDING that of THE SOULS OF MEN; These three alone identify the "harlot" as the Roman Catholic Church.
Please give that lecture to our resident trollbecile, the autistic crusader and broken record poster on SS. You know the little bastard Anonymous/ Visitor (double account) typical of trollbeciles!
He is back at it again, and reverted to his original moniker. He had alot of downvotes under Visitor 4 weeks ago, and lied to Manuel on multiple occasions. Probably why he switched back to his "Anonymous" moniker. Also he is a yeshuatard!
Miracles are Real:
Ok, so I purchased six goslings. Three were sick or inbred, and passed away. I have raised over 125 from hatchlings. I know birds. Anyways, I had one gosling that couldn't stand or walk. I did a physical examination and determined there may be an issue on the feet. I decided to pray to Christ for guidance and healing. I took the gosling to the workbench, and gently stood it up supporting the underside with my fingers. Next I extended the legs to the standing position. Then used my right hand to move right leg forward one step, and left leg forward one step. Several times as physical therapy. Then I put it back with the other two. I then repeated the Lord's Prayer (KJV). Next asked God and his Angels to please bless the goslings, purge them of evil influence, and heal the one with walking problems. I repeated ths physical therapy session again, and later went to bed. I say my prayers at bedtime, and always thank God for my blessings. I woke up, and checked the goslings. All three were standing and peeping, I couldn't discern which gosling was the afflicted one. Then I remembered the head coloration, and zero'd in on the afflicted gosling. It appears it is coming to be blessed with incredible progress, and although not 100%, a clear and marked improvement. That is why I always pray to Christ on these matters, and myself as far as ailments. It is the power of prayer and Faith in our Lord which can lead to incredible miracles. Praise the Lord!
Wow, 180° turnaround. Gimpy goose is barking orders from center stage by heat lamp, and other two on outside of heat now. Standing up looking sturdy too. The alpha gosling was having a fit since he is not center heat lamp space now. Ahhahaa haha. Very cute turn of luck. PTL.
The oceans are warming because of increased volcanic activity under the sea, driven by the sun/because we are in a sunspot minimum.....there is jack s..t we can do about it.
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Thanks Delta Force... Just had to remove some of your posts. Sorry for that! Manuel
When will they stop playing with us? When they own us and can destroy us.
Japan and Nietzsche have a lot in common, atheism. Nietzsche wrote that atheism would take over Europe, and people would find having children tedious, interfering with their fun. Families would grow smaller till people stopped having children. Then marriage would go, as well. In the end, the population will collapse till no one is left. What Nietzsche ignored is, of course, is religious nations taking over. Yet, even religious nations are assaulted by movies and radio from the West sneering at large families. Women in Muslim nations have dropped from 6+ children per woman to as low as 1.7 and that’s still falling. https://ourworldindata.org/fertility-rate
Keep up a supply of sulfates. Bacteria aren’t resistant to that. Valley fever is spread by the wind, and now we know even animals that spread it, predators, are susceptible. If that can be spread by a wind, then why not a lot more. I’ve been suffering what seems to be tick fever, a virus, but it also causes pneumonia. Zinc works on the virus, but clove cigarettes are for the pneumonia. Gonna drop an old penny in the coffee if it persists. Nothing resists copper. niio
True that, in most cases, raw materials don't figure much into the cost of food items in the grocery store, but the rising costs of labor and energy to turn that wheat into bread and that corn into corn flakes, and then to transport those items from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers to retail stores, are all significant factors in price determination.
That Amazonian plant with the 8 ft. leaves, C. gigantifolia, grows to about 15 meters in height. It's related to sunflowers, hibiscus, tomatoes, and roses.