Good coverage of "pressing" issues. Every day it's more "WTF!!?

And just when you think it can't possibly get any crazier, it DOES.

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Thank you young man, great info as usual.

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I exercise my brain by thinking critically about deception and lies. In this case, the Adam Johnson incident, which in this case doesn't require much thought at all. It is alleged that he died when he had his throat slashed by a hockey skate which, at first glance appears to be possible when observing the contact made to the area near his head and neck.

However, since he died from his injury that means that his interior jugular vein was severed. (if his exterior jugular vein were cut it could have been treated and the bleeding stopped and he would have survived) But if his interior jugular was severed (which is how he allegedly died), he would have bled out very quickly, in only two minutes or less and would have at the very least gone unconscious in one minute and probably would have died right there on the ice.

A big athlete like Johnson would have over a gallon of blood circulating in his body. He would have left 1/4 of that blood on the ice during the incident! Is it likely that we would NOT see blood in this clip? So, where is the blood? With his heart rate and blood pressure naturally elevated from the physical exertion of playing hockey, blood would have been spurting out of his neck up to 6 feet away, (even accounting for the fact that veins like the Jugular, carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart are under less pressure, it still spurts out like a geyser when the vein is severed) coving the ice, himself and the referee and making for a very disturbing scene, as the video warns beforehand of its graphic nature. (which should have been the case!)

His uniform is white, the ice is white and the opponents’ uniform is bright red and very visible so it's logical that blood would be quite visible even in this grainy video But at the end of the video, we see him get up on his knees, then onto one skate while his right hand is being held by the ref helping him up and his other hand just dangling by his side.

It would seem completely logical that if a person had their jugular slashed, they would immediately grasp their throat, writhing and kicking and unsuccessfully attempting to stop the bleeding. No visible blood as Johnson casually gets up off the ice and although the footage is cut off right there, he would have apparently skated off the ice. If his Jugular vein was cut, he would have left a horrific trail of blood from the first contact with the skate to his throat, to the point of his collapse from blood loss and the video clip would have lived up to its warning given in the start of the clip of being graphic. As it was, it was not graphic in the least.

This is highly inconsistent in all points considered for someone who had his throat slashed. So, then, how did Adam die? And why are they lying about how he died? It should be very obvious to any "conspiracy theorist". It is very reminiscent of Damar Hamlin, the football player who died on the field, was resuscitated, taken away and the rest of the story is mired in similar inconsistent and questionable controversy. Could it be that these athletes are dropping from the massive increase in heart attacks directly attributable to the clot shot? Nope. Gotta keep that a secret. Can't let the people know that we are working a nefarious depopulation program.

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One confirmed Myocarditis case in my family, 17 yrs. old, one day after vax, rushed to hospital, 3 times now, lucky he is alive with us! PS love the doggie and tiger cubs!

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Hey Manuel, here's a link to where a Hamas leader storms out of a BBC interview. He didn't like being asked to justify Hamas going door to door murdering families in their sleep and other terrorist acts against innocents. That's a lot different than human shields dying when an ammo dump is blown up. i thought it would be a good fit for your newsletter.


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