They Mandela-ed the monocle ? My dad taught me about jeweler monocle because of it! I was inquisitive and he was very patient.

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The digital ID or Social Credit Score ID to log onto Internet? Goes hand-in-hand with your thoughts on "wars" being used to obtain ancient/historic knowledge. Absolutely connected and has been a mainstay in empire acquisition and conquests for millennia and the control-of-knowledge is paramount to it's survival and/or destruction. Nothing new under the sun.

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Of course there is nothing new here... But I think we always need some reminders from time to time...

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Absolutely! Post to your hearts content, this stuff is new to some people. Heck, I didn't connect-the-dots till a couple years ago. I certainly don't have it all figured out and am constantly seeking out the hidden messages on how it's controlled. Some are more obvious than others, while some are more subtle. Probably the most easy method to use is from the "Art of War" and other military strategies. Example; A couple Generals battle plan to take a certain region, in order to achieve it, they know they will have to sacrifice a few platoons to divert the enemy's attention to a different area. That makes their primary target area a more easily accessible route or means. But the General knows he can't tell this "overall scheme" to rank and file soldiers or it would cause mutiny among those men. So he tells his Captains we want to capture the diversion area which gives the rank and file men incentive to think they are doing something positive in the war, we are going to secure this particular area. But the Generals know it's really just a suicide mission that will get the enemy diverted to this area and leaving the victory lane wide open. Another simplistic example is the "Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhich World". In this example the man at the top has a plan. He owns 3 seperate islands in his world and they do not know that the other islands exist, each island of people think they are the only ones in this world. One island only makes bread. Another only peanut butter, and the 3rd only makes jelly. Now the King envisions bringing all 3 products together to make the PB & J Sandwhich, totally unbeknownst to the island people.

Cheesey (no-pun-intended) examples...I know. But the principles have been used forever and it applies to controlled knowledge, the "on a need to know basis", corporate and military strategies. Go back to Satan's temptation of Christ (I give you domination of the world if you worship me), or his tempation of Adam and Eve "you can become god with this knowledge". He still uses the same methods, giving his top disciples in the satanic hierarchy (think Nimrod or Nebuchenezzer--many others too--like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc). He gives them wealth and power but satan could careless, his plan is to take as many to hell with him or as in the End-of-Days, with DNA manipulation, making man transhumanist and then they become unredeemable. Satan doesn't tell the Klaus Schwabs, Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates and the other assclowns this, but he gives them enough esoteric power/knowledge to let them enjoy the power trip and to also think that they will be able to live forever.

Along answer, and certainly not critiquing you, just stating what is now obvious to me.

Thanks for all you do.

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Thanks for that great comment!

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Sodium Sulphur Battery vs Lithium Ion:

Ok, this idea sounds very promising. Disposal would be safer and easier. Duration of charge better, cost effective too.

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