The wildfire crap is bunk! The past few days or so, the chemtrails were non-stop. Even though one could not see the planes at night due to the milked over skies. one could hear the planes. The skies were blue in NW PA, even after the "air report" of stay inside, smoke bad, etc.... Myself, yesterday sitting outside with glorious blue skies - and I mean real ones not the glazed over ones, I witnessed the chemtrail onslaught. Heard planes last night, and voila! Gross gloomy milk skies earlier today. The skies cleared later this morning, and the chemtrail planes returned. My eyes were burning from being outside for minimal time because I know they are spraying toxic chemicals on all good life intentionally. So many people are fooled. If you do not have a window in your office or are employed where you cannot see outside, the narrative is easily believed...." Oh man, it got crappy out" Unfortunately, all good life and creation is being smothered by the infiltrators who only have a two things in mind.....power and control. Too bad for them the ones who are tuned into the frequencies can alter the outcome. Send love to the skies and all good life. It raises the vibrational frequency of what is being sprayed on us, and eliminates it. I know it sounds crazy....but it works. Intentional thoughts of transferring the frequencies to a higher level, one not of destruction and fear, but one of creation.
In the past wildfires you could actually smell the wood fire. This does smell like plastic. Lost voices, and coughs, and headaches here. What they Funk are they doing to us? Non stop bullshit. Food poison. Air poison. Water poison. TV poison. Music poison.
Shark finning. A scary tale. When I was in NZ about 5 years ago I met a couple in Dunedin from a ship docked there.. He said they were working for the Chinese, shark finning. I asked if that wasn't illegal in NZ waters? He said it was but the Chinese didn't care nor did anyone enforce it. I am pretty sure the reason the dinosaurs are extinct is because the Chinese ate them.
Love to hear more from you regarding fracking. As you might actually be qualified to comment!! Just curious as it does seem it would be detrimental ...not that I don't love my NG.
Yes, most of us who smell the smoke have said it has a chemical smell...I beleive it is formaldehyde and maybe one other chemica.. Idiots like my sister say oh its firefighting chemicals...oh yeah like in California? Like they are NOT even fighting the fires, idiot girl.
Pat Tillman is still an awful thing. And they lied about him so badly.
When I wake up these days, I don't see leaders, politicians, judges, lawyers, military leaders, spiritual leaders, educators, media personalities, or celebrities anymore. I see tyrants, marxists, traitors, warmongers, war profiteers, psyops, psychopaths, narcissists, liars, cheaters, criminals, perverts, groomer pedophiles, arrogant fools, backstabbers, gaslighters, doxxers, mindless puppets, and satanic rituals on display. The big questions are. How come there are so few of us ? And why, are we berated and marginalized, so readily ? Answer. Because, this is america 2.0 ... GOD save us all.
No fireworks allowed down here, in the Old Pueblo. Really dry and windy. Mount Lemmon caught fire last week, but they contained it, thank God. Happy 4th, to you and yours Red ...
What happened to Pat Tillman? Regime unmasked 11/7/2022 ...Pat Tillman, was asked by George Bush’s PR team to join the special forces. He was the most famous American soldier during the Iraq war.
His tall stature and movie star looks aside, his rejection of a $3,6 million contract offer from the Cardinals in order to fight made him the most important PR tool for Washington DC...Despite the lack of biographical detail, there is in fact no biography on Tillman’s life, it seems his worldview collapsed within a short span of time. He confided in his brother Russell Baer that he thought the invasion and occupation were “fucking illegal”. By early 2004, Tillman’s friend Jared Schrieber emailed Noam Chomsky, informing him that Tillman wanted to meet him after his deployment in July 2005.
The Bush administration were presented with a ticking time bomb. His White House were already drowning in crises. By 2004, Bin Laden’s trail had gone cold, the Iraq war was falling apart, a 60 Minutes exposé on Abu Graib was released. And now, Pat Tillman.
On April 22, 2004, a month after Tillman was transferred to Afghanistan, the Pentagon released a statement claiming that he was killed by enemy combatants during an ambush. That statement is a retracted lie, we know that today, but for the year or so it was allowed to circulate as official truthdom the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) put together a detailed investigative report confirming the initial statement. With hindsight, the effort and audacity it takes to just make shit up like this is breathtaking...
Sorry, does no good for us to wait around for "God" to save us.....we have to get up off our couches & DO something about it!!! How about the American Revolution, for example?! ;-) As for "God", any Bible readers should check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino's new book, "Gods of The Bible" for a surprising new take on the Old Testament Stories! Why does it NOT matter if we received a correct translation???
On Tillman, in this we disagree. Had it been true, his mouthy nutty mother would have screamed it to the rooftops. Yes, the army lied, but there’s too much politics in the military. Nothing in his talks with friends and family indicate anything anti-war. As for opiates, pharmaceutical companies raise their own. Had soros been involved, I would agree with this article.
Glaciers come and glaciers go. It’s summer and t-shirt weather in Greenland. Remember the missing WWII planes? How many hundreds of feet down-slope were they found from their landing space? And over 91 meters under the glacier, at that. Because glaciers can move, it was once believed they were inhabited by god and/or demons.
Gates get called out? And have liberals lose all that lovely wealth he hands out? An atheist, Gates is a follower and believer in hitler’s claim that the earth is man’s only god. For more on Gates, read what Arrhenius, Greta Thunberg’s great-grandfather had to say is us ‘undesirable people’ and how to dispose of us.
Thank you for all the information. You makes us think!
Why is Bill Gates [of Hell] being allowed to destroy the earth and humanity? I believe that God allows the wicked to prosper first according to His Plan for the Salvation of those who choose to love Him and also because they are daily making their PUNISHMENT so much worse!
If we were somehow allowed to try Bill Gates in a court of law, find him guilty of everything you mention and sentence him to death, we couldn't apply sufficient punishment to him. No matter what we did to him, the punishment wouldn't be STRONG enough! We wouldn't be allowed to torture him or beat or burn him, and that is our law fitting in with Scripture which says "vengeance is MINE sayeth the Lord". Deuteronomy 32:35 and "Recompense to no man evil for evil." Romans 12:17
I must add here that right now there is even hope for Bill Gates (if he is human) however if he would repent (which seems highly unlikely that he ever would) but if he did, the Blood of Jesus would cover even the sins of Bill Gates if he truly turned his heart and mind to Jesus Christ for salvation being 100% WILLING to turn from his sins to God by simply asking. (Romans 10:13) No man is beyond hope of salvation.
But for me, knowing that God will release His FURY upon Gates and I will get to SEE it (Psalm 91:8) and PARTICIPATE in his judgement! (1 Corinthians 6:2) Knowing this allows me comfort for now even though it hurts my soul to see the wicked succeed for the time being. He will not get away with what he is doing. There will be HELL to pay and it looks as though Gates will occupy the very deepest depths of Hell (the lake of fire; Revelation 20:15) FOREVER AND EVER. Unless he repents.
I must add something else here. The fact that the Blood of Jesus Christ could save Bill Gates and even Hitler, was a truth that enraged my mother. It angered her how someone like herself having all outward appearances of being "good" might not make it into Heaven but if Hitler, after having done so much evil, repented on his deathbed he would be in Heaven. This is the "works" gospel.
This is what happens when we don't understand the PERFECTION of God and the wickedness of our own hearts. Jesus said that if we lust after a woman, that is just THINK about having sex with her (and what man hasn't done AND continues to do this?) we are guilty of committing adultery.
That single sin would prevent us from being able to see God Who is perfect. Forget all the other sins we are all guilty of in our lives, ONE is all that is needed to make us unfit for God and His Kingdom. This is the whole message of the Bible! How that Jesus Christ - God in the Flesh - came to pay the penalty for every single person that has ever lived! From there, it's just a matter of who will CHOOSE Him. He was WITHOUT sin. The ONLY sinless Man that ever lived.
Understanding this is the key to understanding OUR sinful nature and why we so desperately need a Savior. None of us can do a thing to make up for any of our sins because they are against our Creator and their stain lasts forever, unless... the stain is removed.
My mother was raised a Catholic but wasn't even on board with them in many ways She was pro-CHOICE, supported "pride", used God's Name in vain COUNTLESS TIMES every day. But to the world, she was the epitome of good; thoughtful of others, great homemaker, generous, loyal to her husband, even highly educated - every good thing that people use to judge someone's character my mom was. I can only hope that she made a decision for Jesus Christ (who was preached to her all her life yet she rejected Him) before crossing over into eternity.
Vancouver launches the first electric fire trucks in Canada…. Okay. We have now left the realm of the visibly insane and crossed over into the asylum of the impossibly insane! Canada is burning. (and I'll leave a clip at the end of this comment as to why) And to stop emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere they spend millions of dollars making a "carbon friendly" FIRE TRUCK to fight the intentionally set fires which are exponentially worse than the carbon emitted by these fires. Moreover, they burned more "fossil fuel" CREATING and MANUFACTURING the "carbon friendly" trucks than they would ever create themselves! First go here;
The wildfire crap is bunk! The past few days or so, the chemtrails were non-stop. Even though one could not see the planes at night due to the milked over skies. one could hear the planes. The skies were blue in NW PA, even after the "air report" of stay inside, smoke bad, etc.... Myself, yesterday sitting outside with glorious blue skies - and I mean real ones not the glazed over ones, I witnessed the chemtrail onslaught. Heard planes last night, and voila! Gross gloomy milk skies earlier today. The skies cleared later this morning, and the chemtrail planes returned. My eyes were burning from being outside for minimal time because I know they are spraying toxic chemicals on all good life intentionally. So many people are fooled. If you do not have a window in your office or are employed where you cannot see outside, the narrative is easily believed...." Oh man, it got crappy out" Unfortunately, all good life and creation is being smothered by the infiltrators who only have a two things in mind.....power and control. Too bad for them the ones who are tuned into the frequencies can alter the outcome. Send love to the skies and all good life. It raises the vibrational frequency of what is being sprayed on us, and eliminates it. I know it sounds crazy....but it works. Intentional thoughts of transferring the frequencies to a higher level, one not of destruction and fear, but one of creation.
In the past wildfires you could actually smell the wood fire. This does smell like plastic. Lost voices, and coughs, and headaches here. What they Funk are they doing to us? Non stop bullshit. Food poison. Air poison. Water poison. TV poison. Music poison.
Take care everyone ❤️
Thank You for as always great post with extremely important facts!
Just would change that sentence:
'Another rich person hiding its money… Microscopic handbag "smaller than a grain of salt" has been sold for $63,750 (£50,569) at auction…'
'another rich person is getting sick of having too much mooney'...
Shark finning. A scary tale. When I was in NZ about 5 years ago I met a couple in Dunedin from a ship docked there.. He said they were working for the Chinese, shark finning. I asked if that wasn't illegal in NZ waters? He said it was but the Chinese didn't care nor did anyone enforce it. I am pretty sure the reason the dinosaurs are extinct is because the Chinese ate them.
Love to hear more from you regarding fracking. As you might actually be qualified to comment!! Just curious as it does seem it would be detrimental ...not that I don't love my NG.
Have a good one Manuel!
Yes, most of us who smell the smoke have said it has a chemical smell...I beleive it is formaldehyde and maybe one other chemica.. Idiots like my sister say oh its firefighting chemicals...oh yeah like in California? Like they are NOT even fighting the fires, idiot girl.
Pat Tillman is still an awful thing. And they lied about him so badly.
When I wake up these days, I don't see leaders, politicians, judges, lawyers, military leaders, spiritual leaders, educators, media personalities, or celebrities anymore. I see tyrants, marxists, traitors, warmongers, war profiteers, psyops, psychopaths, narcissists, liars, cheaters, criminals, perverts, groomer pedophiles, arrogant fools, backstabbers, gaslighters, doxxers, mindless puppets, and satanic rituals on display. The big questions are. How come there are so few of us ? And why, are we berated and marginalized, so readily ? Answer. Because, this is america 2.0 ... GOD save us all.
I had another surprise! We're going to celebrate the Fourth. Since obama stole the elections, I've been surprised we still have a country.
No fireworks allowed down here, in the Old Pueblo. Really dry and windy. Mount Lemmon caught fire last week, but they contained it, thank God. Happy 4th, to you and yours Red ...
Same in San Pedro Canyon a few miles north of you. Weird crap; did not kow Lemmon had a fire! Happy 4th, and may America survive to enjoy another.
Yeah, lightning strike at 3 am.
'Tis the season. What gets me is how did I miss hearing of it? hasta
Here, here. God WILL save us all. Not sure which way that will be, but....
w0w... ' The Story of Pat Tillman's Football Career and Death' Mikerophone
------ /p/what-happened-to-pat-tillman
What happened to Pat Tillman? Regime unmasked 11/7/2022 ...Pat Tillman, was asked by George Bush’s PR team to join the special forces. He was the most famous American soldier during the Iraq war.
His tall stature and movie star looks aside, his rejection of a $3,6 million contract offer from the Cardinals in order to fight made him the most important PR tool for Washington DC...Despite the lack of biographical detail, there is in fact no biography on Tillman’s life, it seems his worldview collapsed within a short span of time. He confided in his brother Russell Baer that he thought the invasion and occupation were “fucking illegal”. By early 2004, Tillman’s friend Jared Schrieber emailed Noam Chomsky, informing him that Tillman wanted to meet him after his deployment in July 2005.
The Bush administration were presented with a ticking time bomb. His White House were already drowning in crises. By 2004, Bin Laden’s trail had gone cold, the Iraq war was falling apart, a 60 Minutes exposé on Abu Graib was released. And now, Pat Tillman.
On April 22, 2004, a month after Tillman was transferred to Afghanistan, the Pentagon released a statement claiming that he was killed by enemy combatants during an ambush. That statement is a retracted lie, we know that today, but for the year or so it was allowed to circulate as official truthdom the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) put together a detailed investigative report confirming the initial statement. With hindsight, the effort and audacity it takes to just make shit up like this is breathtaking...
Sorry, does no good for us to wait around for "God" to save us.....we have to get up off our couches & DO something about it!!! How about the American Revolution, for example?! ;-) As for "God", any Bible readers should check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino's new book, "Gods of The Bible" for a surprising new take on the Old Testament Stories! Why does it NOT matter if we received a correct translation???
On Tillman, in this we disagree. Had it been true, his mouthy nutty mother would have screamed it to the rooftops. Yes, the army lied, but there’s too much politics in the military. Nothing in his talks with friends and family indicate anything anti-war. As for opiates, pharmaceutical companies raise their own. Had soros been involved, I would agree with this article.
Glaciers come and glaciers go. It’s summer and t-shirt weather in Greenland. Remember the missing WWII planes? How many hundreds of feet down-slope were they found from their landing space? And over 91 meters under the glacier, at that. Because glaciers can move, it was once believed they were inhabited by god and/or demons.
Gates get called out? And have liberals lose all that lovely wealth he hands out? An atheist, Gates is a follower and believer in hitler’s claim that the earth is man’s only god. For more on Gates, read what Arrhenius, Greta Thunberg’s great-grandfather had to say is us ‘undesirable people’ and how to dispose of us.
Thank you for all the information. You makes us think!
Why is Bill Gates [of Hell] being allowed to destroy the earth and humanity? I believe that God allows the wicked to prosper first according to His Plan for the Salvation of those who choose to love Him and also because they are daily making their PUNISHMENT so much worse!
If we were somehow allowed to try Bill Gates in a court of law, find him guilty of everything you mention and sentence him to death, we couldn't apply sufficient punishment to him. No matter what we did to him, the punishment wouldn't be STRONG enough! We wouldn't be allowed to torture him or beat or burn him, and that is our law fitting in with Scripture which says "vengeance is MINE sayeth the Lord". Deuteronomy 32:35 and "Recompense to no man evil for evil." Romans 12:17
I must add here that right now there is even hope for Bill Gates (if he is human) however if he would repent (which seems highly unlikely that he ever would) but if he did, the Blood of Jesus would cover even the sins of Bill Gates if he truly turned his heart and mind to Jesus Christ for salvation being 100% WILLING to turn from his sins to God by simply asking. (Romans 10:13) No man is beyond hope of salvation.
But for me, knowing that God will release His FURY upon Gates and I will get to SEE it (Psalm 91:8) and PARTICIPATE in his judgement! (1 Corinthians 6:2) Knowing this allows me comfort for now even though it hurts my soul to see the wicked succeed for the time being. He will not get away with what he is doing. There will be HELL to pay and it looks as though Gates will occupy the very deepest depths of Hell (the lake of fire; Revelation 20:15) FOREVER AND EVER. Unless he repents.
I must add something else here. The fact that the Blood of Jesus Christ could save Bill Gates and even Hitler, was a truth that enraged my mother. It angered her how someone like herself having all outward appearances of being "good" might not make it into Heaven but if Hitler, after having done so much evil, repented on his deathbed he would be in Heaven. This is the "works" gospel.
This is what happens when we don't understand the PERFECTION of God and the wickedness of our own hearts. Jesus said that if we lust after a woman, that is just THINK about having sex with her (and what man hasn't done AND continues to do this?) we are guilty of committing adultery.
That single sin would prevent us from being able to see God Who is perfect. Forget all the other sins we are all guilty of in our lives, ONE is all that is needed to make us unfit for God and His Kingdom. This is the whole message of the Bible! How that Jesus Christ - God in the Flesh - came to pay the penalty for every single person that has ever lived! From there, it's just a matter of who will CHOOSE Him. He was WITHOUT sin. The ONLY sinless Man that ever lived.
Understanding this is the key to understanding OUR sinful nature and why we so desperately need a Savior. None of us can do a thing to make up for any of our sins because they are against our Creator and their stain lasts forever, unless... the stain is removed.
My mother was raised a Catholic but wasn't even on board with them in many ways She was pro-CHOICE, supported "pride", used God's Name in vain COUNTLESS TIMES every day. But to the world, she was the epitome of good; thoughtful of others, great homemaker, generous, loyal to her husband, even highly educated - every good thing that people use to judge someone's character my mom was. I can only hope that she made a decision for Jesus Christ (who was preached to her all her life yet she rejected Him) before crossing over into eternity.
Vancouver launches the first electric fire trucks in Canada…. Okay. We have now left the realm of the visibly insane and crossed over into the asylum of the impossibly insane! Canada is burning. (and I'll leave a clip at the end of this comment as to why) And to stop emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere they spend millions of dollars making a "carbon friendly" FIRE TRUCK to fight the intentionally set fires which are exponentially worse than the carbon emitted by these fires. Moreover, they burned more "fossil fuel" CREATING and MANUFACTURING the "carbon friendly" trucks than they would ever create themselves! First go here;
Then go here: