Speaking of the American Indian, I just finished reading an excellent book about Red Cloud, a major Lakota Sioux Chief. He was the only chief to defeat the US Army. Little Big Horn was a single battle, Red Cloud's War was more prolonged. If you find the topic of the 1860's American west interesting you will appreciate this book. It's quite the eye-opener.

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Okla Hannali is a great novel, historically accurate, about the Choctaw from prior to the removal to 1900. Lagherty isn't Choctaw, but most of the kids he was raised with are. He shows

how Democrats used the people during the War Between the States, then afterwards worked to destroy them, and all of us.


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May 27, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

BREAKING: Attorney Todd Callender reveals Biden officials are IMPOSTORS who swore no oaths to America


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May 26, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I enjoy your info. Substack has made it very hard to even hit the heart for like. Even harder to type something. A long lag makes it frustrating. I don’t think you or others are seeing the true numbers. Keep up the good work. Jesus is coming soon. 💜

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I see, that our esteemed leadership; just left for Memorial Day weekend. Wouldn't you think, they would see how bad the optics are on that move ? They do. Congress, simply does not give a RAT'S ASS. kudos Manny

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Not since they lost the right to own humans like they were cattle have dems done more than hate us. 1930s, wealthy dems became nazis and losing the WWII to redneck Americans made them even more gross.

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Dead on analysis Red. God bless

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Curiouser and Curiouser, cried Alice. We appear to be cursed with interesting times.

One son-in-law, Lakota, is over 6 feet tall, but then, he wasn’t rez raised. When we met, I told him about Mom, no gluten allowed because of diabetes. His parents and a sister were diabetic, and he went red, Injun, eating a lot of meat, some fruit and veggies but almost no grain. That’s what works for us.

The Dawes Act was part of the reservation termination act, whereby reservations would be terminated. The head of each family got 160 acres, and the rest sold, the money to be put in the Indian Trust for the future where democrats ‘borrowed’ it all (billions are missing), and never paid it back. Nixon stopped the terminations; he and Reagan helped a lot of people get back their lands.

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The corn with vomitoxin. How much do they catch compared to how much gets through? We all MUST eat processed foods unless we grow and kill our own but most don't farm like this. Our food is being purposely contaminated with toxins and poison just like our water, air and oceans. They are KILLING the life on this planet because they want us DEAD.

There is a way to make your food safe but it takes great FAITH in God. Before this end- of- the -age extermination of the useless eaters began, back in the good ol' days, people used to say "Grace" or thank God for their food. I grew up saying Catholic grace that my mother learned from her mother (on down through history) but it was a quick, memorized diddy, mumbled quickly and which none of us really used as a way to thank God from our hearts for His constant Provision for us. It was, you know, RELIGIOUS, a habit.

As an adult at age 30, after sowing my wild oats, I came back to Him (He saved me at age 16) and have been thanking Him for my food before every meal. Recently, I have been thanking Him and ASKING Him to make my food safe. I believe that He will honor my prayer and SUPERNATURALLY intervene in the food that I eat in whatever way He chooses to do so.

I might imagine that He changes the genetically modified foods (they're in everything now) BACK into the original DNA code that He made thus CORRECTING it; I don't put this beyond His care over me, or He could remove anything that has been added to my food like antibiotics, growth hormones or anything that would be harmful to me or He may simply make them impervious to me. I just thank Him and ask Him to make my food safe. He knows we have to eat, right?

I now have an entire lifetime of seeing how He has protected me, my property, my child et al. and I fully believe that He honors my request to make my food safe. After all, the promises of Psalm 91 point to His love and care over us. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." v.1 Check out the rest of that chapter. Those are the PROMISES to those that love Him and seek Him and pray to Him daily, attempting to do His Will in our lives. (sometimes failing miserably but He knows our condition...fallen, sinful, woefully imperfect, mortal creatures - for now :)

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I wonder, has anyone at all within the scientific community thought to TEST the ice and hail for ANYTHING that might lead to an answer for why this is happening after a history of 4000 years of NOT happening in Saudi Arabia and all over the Middle East? I'll answer that question for you; NO. Why not? Because they would find exactly what they DON'T WANT TO FIND; the answer they sought for the strange weather. They would find ICE NUCLEATING CHEMICALS in the water and hail! These are dispersed from aircraft into the ionosphere in combination with reflective metals which block the sun's rays. What they are REALLY spraying metals for is to heat them up by bombarding them with millions of watts of microwave energy thereby heating up the sky in any location they desire. These metals become so hot that they plasmatize making the area around them very hot. This causes the air to rise and cool air rushes in to replace it, (and woe to the flock of birds that may be flying through that area) the basic idea behind convection and thunderstorms only on an unnatural and insanely increased level. It is weather warfare perfected.

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Anyone can see that these big corporate companies that "choose" to be LGBTQIMVSNWFSRJUVWXYZ inclusive, (please feel free to add your letter to describe the absolute lunacy of the quintessential and antithetical and complete reversal of nature that this crap is) are not the ones making the decisions for them. They have been in business historically to make money and not a single CEO of any company is going to willingly dump billions of lost dollars to be "inclusive". That must mean that the money lost is being PAID directly back to them to cover their losses. Hmm, let's see; who has that kind of money? Soros? Gates? Rockefeller? All of those and many more. They're the only ones that can AFFORD to pay these companies the losses they incur for pushing a vile, vitriolic, vomit agenda. There is only one consolation in all of this; the damage done to Budweiser for example won't be undone in this age. They will see much more than the losses they see on their latest capital statement! Everything wicked will get its reward in the end. And they can take THAT to the bank!

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Head's Up.....Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino has a new book out called "Gods of The Bible" demonstrating how key words that have been incorrectly translated have led to our belief in a religious system that is manmade! What a relief to know that we no longer have to worship the Psychopath called "God" in the Old Testament!!! ;-)

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deletedMay 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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As is anyone, who abuses animals. Especially dogs !

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