THANK you for the Great collection of terrifying reports.... Ashton Kutcher should put his speech into for example Butterfly movie, oh,, but would hollywood allow..? There is also a tight connection between child trafficking and DRUG industry, including all the p-harm-acists prescribing harm-ing, addictive drugs, in particular picked up by YOUNG women,, ANd how HHS helps here? Drugged/drunken woman gets pregnant, police/''child protecting services' are after her to 'monitor' her during entire pregnancy and trying to convince her for REGULAR DOCTORS' visits, while each time 'side effects' of the drugs and well paid off male companions, assure the future mother 'gets caught', oh and those who don't go to the 'doctor', are caught multiple times with the 'prescription' drugs (given out, once again, illegally via OFFICIAL p-harm-acists) and as soon the delivery happens the 'monitoring' intensifies, mother finally gets in jail, and the 'child protective' services stop by to pick up the child!!! All thanks to whom??? Those who pay the men AND the DRUGS, OFFICIAL MEDICATIONS 'prescribed' illegally. It's crazy, it smell like covid story, a deliberate crime.... But maybe true.

I've been once told by a P-HARM-ACIST, every drug has side effects, including death! That was the answer to my question to him: why is he prescribing valium, 40 tablets, to a known by him alcohol addict who almost died after having a good dose of that 'mad-I-cin-e'!!!!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds


So many of these reports wrench my gut.

So many stories, and yet I know consciousness is simply running wild with imagination! Stupendous!

Watch me startle, freak out if a mouse or baby snake runs by , though!

Thank you, Sir, for the great news items. Always unique.

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Aldous Huxley taught Eric Blair (aka George Orwell) at Eton. According to Paul Theroux’s research, which is woven into his fiction novel of Blair’s young adulthood titled Burma Sahib, Huxley was not a popular teacher. My review of the book is posted here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/burma-sahib-paul-theroux/1143532840/

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Sure Huxley was a great intellectual of his time and all that, and I've read Brave New World, though I found Orwell's 1984 to be much more bleak, chilling, and impactful. Still, I don't see what qualifies him to decide what's normal and what's not - for him, devotion to Eastern Mysticism and psychedelic drugs were normal. He was tripping out on acid when he died.

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Why do comets only ever head towards the horizon? Isn't that kind of strange since we are on a ball flying through space?

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I have a really hard time pegging Ashton Kutcher as a bad guy just because he appears in some past photos at Hollywood parties with people like Diddy. As I've mentioned before, the rich and famous all travel in the same circles, go to the same parties, awards ceremonies, premiers, fundraisers, etc. Just because there's a photo of people standing next to each other smiling, doesn't mean anything in the absence of real evidence against them. Ashton Kutcher has done a lot of really good work on the human trafficking crisis. Dude grew up, settled down, got married, had kids of his own, and he's doing a good thing, just like Tim Tebow on this issue.

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So a couple of Republicans and a couple of Democrats have put together an amendment to the Constitution that would require House members to submit names of people they would want to serve in an interim capacity should they be killed in an attack like the one Steve Scalise was wounded at on the baseball field. The shooter specifically wanted to kill enough Republicans that day to shift the balance of power in the House to the Democrats. The amendment would prevent that sort of thing from happening. But it won't pass. So really it's a nothing burger.

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