forgot that one, are they going to audit BLACK budget operations or just skip it??? There are TRILLIONS missing, not only billions..

or and that one, from SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY, not the natural real biology, from Science mag today:

"Multiplex generation and single-cell analysis of structural variants in mammalian genomes"...

are 'they' now investigate how successful the covid injections were, in changing the human genome? ANd they go straight to SYNTHETIC biology, right in front of your eyes!

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Congress is the branch of government that is the ONLY branch that constitutionally has the right to budget spending or cut spending. I'm NOT saying they do a good job, BUT...

When you endorse Elon Musk, who is NOT a citizen of the United States and has no legal authority, to cut funding you are saying the constitution no longer matters. It has no authority.

That's what they want you to say. For all of us to say. Bein' played, Playa...

From both sides of the aisle.

So soon we have no binding constitution. No bill of Rights. NaDa. Take Down.

Hegelian Dialect : Problem - Reaction - Solution

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are you following up on some of the Senate hearings for RFK Jr, or Tulsi, etc.?? Don't they say to you plain in face: 'screw you constitution' or 'Since when the constitution was good for anything...'?

btw. why did you call yourself a Pirate?? Are you even real?

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Just because "screw you constitution" is what you hear people saying doesn't justify what Musk or anyone else does that violates the constitution. It's the standard of law that all our other laws are derived from and has to be upheld or the entire fabric of law unravels. And we then find ourselves living in a lawless world.

Perhaps you feel the system of justice needs to unravel. Fine. But a well thought out alternative system needs to be ready to immediately replace it. Not spontaneous destruction of what we have with no plan of replacement or the country will unravel as well. Into chaos. And we will have no control over what DOES replace the constitution we now have. That is a lot of power up for grab.

And this is exactly what's being done. The US is being unravelled and destroyed if the plan goes as planned. Not something I plan to sit back and watch happen without saying and doing what I can. Primarily because it will harm the least able to defend themselves the most. And I know the ones behind this couldn't care less about the harm they inflict. They want us all dead or as slaves anyway.

It's not republicans or democrats that are responsible. They all are. They're tools and beholden to masters. All of them. They are all playing this out whether they know it or not and are furthering the globalist goals. Goals which will result in death for many.

So I think stopping Elon Musk in his tracks is a good thing. He's been asked to come before a senate hearing and explain what he's doing but has refused. Instead he sends a group of interns into the US Treasury on a Saturday night with no supervision from any authorized representative of the Treasury and they hack the computers and download immense amounts of the private information of US citizens.

Then he covers what he's done with the USAID disclosures. Disclosures that were made from illegally seized information. Under the direction of an unelected man who is unauthorized and unvetted and isn't even a US citizen.

Because they knew USAID was filled with misuse of funding and other egregious activities and we, the people, would cheer on this breach of our own constitution. Because USAID is SO bad, the constitution had to be violated. The laws broken. No, none of that HAD to happen. They just made it appear that way. There is nothing USAID was doing that couldn't have been taken apart legally in a due process of law. Instead we have now given permission for constitutional law to be tossed . Mission accomplished.

The people are being played. Again.

If you see no dangers in these things. Okay. I do.

Trump is purposely creating a tsunami of confusion and chaos and I'm asking WHY? Most of what he's done is nothing that needed to be rushed at breakneck speed. Or by piling 50 EOs one on top of the other in the first two weeks. Orders that will provide years of distraction. Over 32 legal actions have already been filed. Tying up courts for years and wasting time as STARGATE proceeds to be implemented.

Like the "AI Emergency Act" on day 2 when he announced STARGATE in his first press conference before the world. There is no AI emergency. It's a power grab and he said so himself to prevent anyone from stopping STARGATE long enough to question what it really is and that's because it's already built in Abilene Texas with 10 more facilities around the country in stages of construction. Obviously it's been planned for some time. Those are the questions he doesn't want asked because the answers are horrific.

And everything else is smokescreen and chaos.

It's classic Hegelian Dialect. Problem. Reaction. Solution.

It's likely why all the private information from the Treasury Dept. was taken. To load into STARGATE and train it and then use it. On us.

My name is Studebaker and the first known Studebaker was a pirate. So in essence it's a family name.

What kind of name is mejbcart? That's not a name I've ever heard before.

Are you even real?

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Shoulda brought popcorn. It's always a helluva show when you throw down. (*And* I always learn things. Like watching aikido meets ballet while the dancer calmly shouts truth to power.)

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I realized you're talking about me. Wow. Thanks.

I think I'm just getting started. We'll see...

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I sure hope so. We need some more goddamn *actual* heroes around these parts. ❤️‍🔥🙏 They have no idea what we're staring down the barrel of. Either we change course in a big way... or I hope everyone likes basically-inescapable slavery for nearly every Human on Earth.


(Sorry for the confusion earlier; contextual media linkage is kinda my thing. Also seems to help verify I'm real if it's juuuust complex enough to be a metaphor a bot couldn't capture, but not so esoteric it flies over everyone's heads. Seems like they haven't mapped the full range of emotion yet.)

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You weren't confusing. I'm tired. I've been wrestling around Substack for days and I wore myself out so I'm kinda dense.

I'll power back up. Thanks for your encouragement. I totally understand slipping around in metaphors. Good strategy.

I doubt they'll ever get anything esoteric or understand anything other than the most superficial of emotions.

Gotta remember that for future entanglement...It'll come in handy.

Maybe make some bot heads spontaneously explode.

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Fun video. Thanks.

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I'll grab some popcorn...

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with every day there is more shocking news, just being afraid to even open them , including yours.., sorry. BUT, what the heck, one needs to face reality... It is slowly visible that what is going on was PLANNED, maybe for decades, nobody can be so precise in dismantling in a perfect timely coordinated fashion the system rotten for ages... So Q is real indeed, ha??? Or maybe not, and this all is a dream, not finished yet..?

Can never forget the goose skin while watching their documentary film about Q, for the first time, it was exactly like reading the 'The protocols of Elderly Zion...'. one can finally grasp the entire miserable life on this planet!

Btw, warning, not only Bibis face is talking 'I'm the boss, watch out', but here more from the AI's weaponry:


Just wonder: is Pope somehow involved in bibi's actions???

Btw., AI is editing my text, writing one thing, and reading something else, afterwards. WTH?

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Their control is just ramping up. "The protocols of Elderly Zion", like "1984", unfortunately are not fictions. And once when people raised their children on the wisdom of God's Word, now we have artificial intelligence. Intelligence that is artificial,....what could go wrong.

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Now that we know we are breathing chem trails as well as evaporated satellites,.....why do we need the internet,...aren't we all close enough to naturally connected?

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I love that "rat race" video. Did anyone else notice "Trump the musical" at 1:05?

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"Senior Israeli member of the Orthodox Jewish sect Lev Tahor has been arrested"

If only the world knew how widespread child "super" abuse was they would simply refuse to believe it. This guy here was just "unlucky" enough to be made a token for the deep state. Why? because they're ALL involved.

We're talking about not only sex trafficking but unregistered, unnamed, underground babies in the tens of thousands (at least) birthed by kidnapped teens who are repeatedly raped and abused in satanic worship services. Enough young women have escaped and told their stories to those who would listen but the problem is no one would listen. Have you checked the "missing persons" report lately? If so, multiply that times 100.

GENERATIONS of illegitimate boys and girls BRED like cattle for the PURPOSE of abuse including infant sacrifice to Molech, bloodletting for adrenochrome, vampirism and harvesting of body parts and organs which are sold for BIG bucks on the "open" black market. The biggest of these is the ceremonial, satanic sacrifice of the most innocent of life, the babies, which worship of satan, i.e. Molech, Baal, Beelzebub, etc. has gone on without stopping since the days of Nimrod and even before the Flood of Noah.

This fairytale esque, topside, scripted play of everyday life which the MSM has created and fostered since the early days of TV and radio; this Norman Rockwell warm and fuzzy family life portrayed on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post for decades helped form this "normalcy" bias in the minds of the people thus restricting any kind of suspicious thoughts of such depraved and evil practice and simply ridiculing such thoughts should any facts about them present themselves. It was highly effective and worked on many levels to cover up the insanity that is at the vile belly of this wicked world. So, while we make homes for our families, save up for vacation cruises, falling victim to every materialistic desire created by the mainstream to "keep up with the Joneses," under our feet is the most vile, unthinkable, wicked atrocities being committed by our neighbors, coworkers, law enforcement officers, judges and most politicians. How well do you know your neighbor? Next time he smiles and waves to you think about what he might be up to at the local Blue Lodge and how deeply he may be involved in it. "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18

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REwind 13 years and Jones was showing EVERY MAJOR INCONSISTENCY of this ridiculous false flag nonsense of Sandy Hook PROVING that it was a false flag, fictional story concocted by the deep state and the MSM. Today, Jones, by remaining silent about those inconsistencies has shown that he was either PART of the conspiracy or was PAID to remain silent, i.e. a government shill. I say he was BOTH. No one person gains that much viewership, in the millions without being part of the cabal.

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And I just thought of this...if someone arises on Youtube or any other social media out of obscurity, gaining millions of followers, they are quickly snatched up by the elite and made an offer they cannot refuse to become a shill, allowing the steering, editing and filtering of the message which made them famous.

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A lot of these things is happening on Substack too. X, Rumble and Gab... FB, TikTok, Insta... Everywhere, They want to bring people to their sites, so they will pay some 'influencers' to get their followers coming...

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What an excellent Round Up of News!! Thanks, Manuel!!

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About the female prisoners in Africa, raping and burning people alive is a demonic offering... it is not a mystery. The UN which is a lucifarian entity is probably involved.

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Manuel, that video about the Senior Israeli member of the Orthodox Jewish sect Lev Tahor, was taken down... by Bibi or its friend google????

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As always, thanks for confirming we're doomed. Some thoughts:


IMO, there's no love lost between Trump and Bibi, I suspect that pager gift was a Mossad warning to Trump. A mistake IMO again, as Trump doesn't respond well to threats. And Trump by tossing out a very implausible Gaza plan did manage to derail Bibi, for he from what I read had come to get a green light to resume bombing Gaza, that is off for now.


Let me guess, GATES gamed out this plague as well? And I see the poor long suffering bats are to blame? Spare me.

Gates family


Alex Jones

The settlements those people were awarded for hurt feeling are absolutely insane. Much like the claim settlement they levied on Mayor Rudy.


Interesting, I wonder if any of the agencies DOGE will close might have addressed the atmospheric harm but given NOTHING has been done about chemtrails, I doubt it.

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but why Trump just recently underscored in case oh his death Iran will be annihilated..?? A side track???

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If you watch the whole discussion on this, he began by saying that any country responsible for his death would be destroyed, a reporter asked about Iran, and that is when he referenced Iran.

Given that Bibi beeper gift, I wonder if he feels he has an equal concern regarding Israel, maybe greater. Keep in mind there have been 2 attempts on his life that we know of.

I read an article this morning that questioned the DC Blackhawk crash, the Blackhawk repeatedly approached other aircraft, could it have been a training exercise to take out air force one? I hadn't considered that, but anything is possible.

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thanks for the answer, I didn't watch that part, having enough here to fight with the 'weather' in CA.

That new Blackhawk story comes from George Webb, which writes many proper stories and some questionable too, to me... What's the difference between ar force one and an passenger air plane?? If killing almost 70 people is 'just a training' I think we are dealing with psychopaths of NON-HUMAN proportions.. Almost like the entire MD cartel who knowingly genetically modified BILLIONS!

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Your weather has been absolutely nuts!

Yes, I saw Webb' article, I also read that the Blackhawks can now be remotely controlled, so that is another factor to consider.

IMO we have been dealing with psychopaths in govt for a VERY long time!

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Of all the things USAID has funded, the WEF is probably the least worrisome. I hear El Salvador still has plenty of prison space, anyone associated with this garbage needs a speedy trial and a 1 way ticket on guilt.

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WEF is the least worrisome? That's like saying the Third Reich wasn't so bad.

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while I know this is an absolutely crazy notion; it would have been to me 6 months ago… it is important to closely examine hitler and the nazis outside of the propaganda… it is very shocking why Churchill and Roosevelt destroyed Germany; it was because the Germans rejected the international banking run by the satanic magic money masters

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Be that as it may, i was referencing the universally projected perception of the not-see party.

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if you are saying the not see were actually the good guys, that is what I have been learning..

how you communicate is extremely crpytic for me so I don't know if you are going to be offended or if you on the same wavelength as I so bear with me if you believe the mainstream narrative

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Just like the Confederate states who suffered the same reputation, i don't know if you can change the world's perception of them, but you can try.

That's not my fight. There's too much new stuff to shine a light on. As for you, work it, seek only truth, put it out there, and best of luck to you.

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yes, i have realized that the Confederate states were rejecting being taxed by the north without representation. It is the same situation and when the victim resists they are demonized endlessly.

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Have you seen the other garbage that was funded? Yeah, the WEF is the most benign.

And you really need to stop believing the history that was written by “the winners”. The Third Reich and Hitler were not the bad guys. I’d suggest some David Irving books.

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I'm one of the most sensitive to conspiracy theories persons you'll ever find but denying the holocaust is akin to believing the earth is flat. Why don't you go with the rest of the world and blame the holocaust on the Jews? Lots of people are blaming EVERYTHING that is wrong with this world on the Jews which is not only illogical, it's HATRED of one particular group of human beings. It's on full display at the Stew Peters Network.

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Okay, how about an edit:

WEF is the least worrisome? That's like saying Stalin wasn't so bad.

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Manual's great webpage abundantly shows Evil is alive and well in this world! Spread the word...The good watchers are not asleep. Thanks Strangesounds God Bless

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And we have the legacy Media bleating that overseas aid and peoples lives will suffer by closing USAID! They are totally bought!

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There are no such things as viruses or contagion. That "virus" story is just to prop the Rockefeller twin towers of lies (viruses and contagion).

Neither of those things has been honestly proven to this very day.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Y'all have been bitterly complaining about DOGE's reach ever since the election, but you're suddenly big fans of DOGE's light switch that's exposing the filth and making the cockroaches scatter.

Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways. Admit it that, so far, Elon and President Trump are heroes.

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