Thanks for the excellent collection, lot's to ponder...

The 7' alien/demon stuff is now being reported on many different and unrelated sites now. Just throwing this out there, but in the past several years especially, there have been many phone videos of "mysterious" light like objects being cast from the sky towards earth and I'm not referencing meteors. Is it a connection to fallen demons? Kind of weird and I don't recall the bible saying that they have God's authority to kill or maim humans other than the locust-like demons of Revelation. So just wondering out loud.

The CNN gaslighting story is funny considering the source.

Oprah and the Satanic Panic---now there's somewhat of a shocker, but years in Hellywood can certainly change a person or it's all just been a ploy to lure millions in "as a woman who initially seemed genuinely sincere in helping people to only then pull the bait-n-switch" but we definetly know she's a different person now. Funny story, I was raised in the church during the 60's and 70's, off to college and got caught up in the worldly things and let much of my faith take a backseat to worldly life. Just before leaving for college I went to a FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) convention and heard (at least paid attention this time) to a sermon on Revelation. That summer I did some digging on the subject (we didn't have computers or internet back then) and read a couple books, one night I had a dream (I can only assume it was what I could consider as being a Holy Spirit moment) and the voice told me that this NWO and AntiChrist prophecy stuff was going to happen in my lifetime. Well, I didn't know, at that time, much about Biblical markers like Israel becoming a Nation in day 5-11-1948 (what I consider the cornerstone of "end times prophecy") so I didn't put much thought into it, but it stuck with me in the back of my mind. Now, fast-forward to about the Fall of 2006, I'm playing on the computer, the wife was watching Oprah on the couch, so I'm hearing bits and pieces of her show when I hear her say "welcome our guest Barrack Hussein Obama, who is now a candidate for POTUS". My light bulb moment immediately took me back to that summer of 1977. That show sent me down the AC rabbit hole and haven't looked back--why? Not sure, is he the AC? I do not know, but lets just say he and Larry Fink of BlackRock are on my short list-LOL.

Anyway, just sharing part of my testimony story. Y'all have great weekends-we may not have many more good ones left.

See ya'

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My faith took a similar backseat for a few seasons. I was raised Catholic but couldn't stand the church. It always gave me the creeps. After seeking Jesus by reading the Bible, to learn the truth of the Gospel, I found Him one night in February 1978. I was a Sophomore in high school and smack in middle of my most impressionable days. Long story short, although I was born again, I couldn't hang with the pressure of peers and my Catholic, worldly mom who wasn't thrilled with my being one of them "born agains".

I partied and fornicated all through high school and college, earned my degree, gained a good job and at 30 He called me back. I've been following Him hard ever since but in the last 5 years my faith has suddenly shifted into overdrive. I realized the urgency of the hour after Covid (which is a common cold) hit and realized how much prophecy actually is coming to pass. I realized that many of we Christians (not merely church goers who claim to be Christian but live a live entrenched in the world) alive today very probably will ESCAPE DEATH, that's how close He is to coming for us in the Rapture of the church, church being the saved.

As for Obama being the AC, it's possible I guess but judging by his description in Scripture, the AC won't appear until after the Rapture and the Holy Spirit (dwelling in us) is removed THEN shall that Wicked appear (2 Thessalonians 2:8) So I tend to believe that the AC is alive, well and directing, behind the scenes, his cronies i.e. all the billionaires which do his bidding. Obama may still be revealed as the AC, he just hasn't yet but in either case, AC or not, we know that his global kingdom is being set up right now and the tribulation period is taking shape before our eyes, overlapping with this, the age of Grace. Any way you slice it, it comes up "END TIMES" and we are in them!

Could you imagine that God has perhaps chosen YOU and me as two of the very few in human history that WON'T SEE DEATH??? Everyone that's born again has that chance and the odds get better every day! I'm 61 and in good shape so chances are favorable, baring accident or major health related event, e.g. heart attack, stroke etc. but I pray that He keep me from any of those things EVERY day before I work out! And according to Psalm 91 which is filled with the promises of those who dwell in "His secret place", which I do, it appears that I just may be one of those spoken of by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:51 !! "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed" !!! I'm stoked. Are you???

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I should have mentioned that my mother said that one of the reasons that we went to church every Sunday was that it made us feel good. We always felt happy after we went to church and this I had to agree with. But it wasn't until later in life that I figured out that the good feeling we had after church was precisely the same good feeling one has after they stop banging their head against a wall. It feels so good when you stop!

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So some poor guy is struck and killed by lightning in the Florence AL industrial park a few miles from my house and the first I hear about it is from Strange Sounds!

One thing I know - after many years living in the lightning strike capital of the nation, Volusia County, FL, I take thunderstorms and lightning very seriously - take no chances!

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Sorry Colleen this is not a comment on your comment. Although I can't imagine being in lightning strike territory.

I used to have a recurring dream that I was sitting on my porch, many years ago, and saw a tornado headed my way. (I didn't live in a tornado area) Maybe it was about all this...


Manuel - thank you for your title today, absolutely perfect! And for this:

"Are we all doomed? And now I’m laughing…"

Also absolutely perfect!!!

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I used to have tornado dreams too, but I think it was due to having watched the Wizard of Oz so many times as a child - lol!

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Really, could be!

Yeah this one was odd.

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Just wanted to make a few corrections. Tyler Durden is the guy who has the wonderful Zero Hedge website, and not the guy who created the unique bar soap. But maybe Tyler will feature it on his site! Also, any "investments" that the federal government makes, are at the expense of taxpayers / private sector which actually produce what people want. Henry Hazlitt's 'Economics in One Lesson' has a good explanation in its "broken window" fallacy. Thanks for the amazing newsletter and have a great week!

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'Tyler Durden' is the name of the main character in 'Fight Club', a good movie with a lot of shocking subliminal messages...

The guy that founded Zero Hedge is Daniel Ivandjiiski. He is a Bulgarian-born, U.S.-based former investment banker and capital-markets trader, and currently financial blogger and main editor at 'Zero Hedge.'


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Please. I'm too old. I need beauty in my life. I can't take it. No more images of G-string & Spandex wearing "entertainers." I don't care how flowing its hair is. Steve Allen once made a comment about the State of Comedy in the Twentieth Century, and I think it might generally apply to most of today's entertainers and their audiences: "The vulgarians addressing the barbarians." (For those too young or ignorant to know, Mr. Allen was an entertainer/Comedian/musician/writer from the so-called Golden Years of Television, in the early 1950's.)

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"LOL! ‘Eco gender gap’… Are women more concerned about climate change than men?"

Of course. "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." 1 Timothy 2:13-14

Love your unique reporting Manuel, keep up the good work!

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The Babylon Bee has been doing some hilarious Lizzo-themed satire lately!

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Thanks for the news! This Svalbard, Norway link does not say in a single word that that place is ALREADY TAKEN, by Gates, Monsanto et al...:


That's where they placed all the ORGANIC seeds from this planet.

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thank you

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You know something, I can no longer stand listening to the lying media mouthpieces' fake intonations and overdone attempts at trying not to sound monotone as they spew lies while reading off a teleprompter and making hand signals of the Illuminati. It's cringe to me and getting cringer as the years go by. They all sound sickeningly the same, as they were trained to sound; wet nurses for the dispensation of the agendas of the elite now fully ripened before our eyes. It just all equates to incessant, mendacious voices plucking a sore nerve in me because I know that most of their drivel are lies to the nth degree. It's like waking up to reality and knowing that ever since we were children, we were being conditioned to believe these propaganda pushers deception and their feigned, puppet voices upon which hearing, no matter when or where, falsely alerts the listener that "truth" is being told.

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"Are women more concerned about climate change than men?"

That's the wrong demographic. It turns out that, in fact, uneducated, gullible, and stupid people are way more concerned about climate change than decent, literate, intelligent, and competent people. Now if you want to be misogynistic, go ahead and apply whatever traits to whatever gender you want. i'm not stepping into that trap.

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