What's up with the women wearing penis/testicle yoga pants? That's some sick sh*t. Was that guy Eddie Murphy? Degenerate world has gone trannypedohomo-demonskin, and think normal people will tolerate that crap. Wrong!

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This kind of planet earth cannot go on.

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Look to history. Every civilization that had active pedosodomites and human blood sacrifice went right in the crapper. Rome, Greece, Babylon. Probably Aztec, Inca, and Egyptian too.

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Yes Amen. Every society that forgets God eventually is destroyed. Humanity without God is fixed on death. We are so helpless without God.

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Woe unto the adults who ok'd this curricula. Jesus says it would be better if a huge millstone was tied around your neck and you were cast into the sea than to mess with the children. Eternity will not be good to pedophile educators who do not repent. Woe unto them.

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Yes, and those millstones are not only for molesters, but for those that would lead children astray with the dirty books and pervert ideology. Pretty sure you know that, but some others may not.

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Yup, that's Bible bro.

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Klaus Schwab cheers these nuts on behind closed doors.

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Have you seen and heard his pet pedohomo-sodomite/luciferian nutclown, Harrari?

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On the U.S. troops deployed to near the Pukeraine border---Mark my words, we will see a huge false flag to initiate WWIII. It is being set up. Many wars have been started by a false flag as wars were the traditional method of population pruning.

Edit: if the banksters, kenites, khazarian mafia want a war, we're going to get one whether we like it or not.

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Something of interest. The city of Hazleton, PA, museum has a human skull encased in anthracite coal. Coal and oil were used for years to ‘prove’ evolution and deep ages, but now both are made in the lab, and old oil wells capped long ago are pushing out oil. Fossilization takes 2 weeks under the correct natural process. Argon dating has proved to be very unreliable and carbon is all right back to at most 50,000 years. BTW, carbon dating in dinosaur fossils show them to be at most 39,000 years of age.

The sooner fauci, gates, the biden crime family, obama and the rest of the nazis in Gitmo, the better I’ll feel. Given all the blackmail/propaganda soros has it may take the Second Coming of Christ. I’m patient. I can wait for another prayer to come together ☺

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On the cannibal sodomite that ate his Grindr date:

He must have been a Chefrey Dahmer fan? Or perhaps he was demon possessed? Wondering if kuru disease will set in on that psychopathic monster? You know, some of those cannibals in Papua, New Guinea aquired kuru disease. At one point it was looking like Hitlery had kuru. Remember when her face was twerking on video?

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Re-join the Unelected Banker Scam known as the EU - they didn't cover it and that's a conspiracy?

Are you out of your mind or did you just never research the EU and its origins/actions/economic scam?

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Oct 24, 2022
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Shhhhh, we aren't suposed to know the truth. Lol.

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The bombers were, I hear, supposed to do their dirt before W was in office. It was the liberals who stopped the CIA from sharing info with the FBI. It was the clintons' 2nd major try to remain in power.

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