Let's see....first was Greenspan, then came Madeoff, now there is Bankman-Fried...any one think this scam has been going on for a while??....Federal Reserve is NOT federal and has NO RESERVE!

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We will maybe discover that in the coming economic collapse...

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Was wondering since it's been a subject in recent days, if you could post something about sabbatean and what that possibly represents . Thank you. I love that your article's are about so many different news worthy topics. Take care. Hope your mom is doing well.

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Yes, she is fine again... But has to rest... Not good for her before Christmas and New Year...

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Glad to hear. Hope it continues. I'm sure she'll be bright and chipper for the Holidays. Lots of rest, good food and some sunshine. Take care.

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..... AND you will be HAPPY that we are murdering you after we take everything from you!

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Yes, sorry, I forgot this one!

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Yeah, a nd then they will say: "I vus ohnlay followink ohdahs"

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Clearly in the Swiss pic, the lights tho smaller in scale, show the dome above us. It's biblical 👏

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Hitler did not start off slaughtering Jews, but mental patients and the disabled. Anyone getting social security. He moved deeper and then took out the elderly. An elitist communist, nazis exempted the wealthy.

Ah, no, hitler had a number of black friends, all powerful and wealthy princes in Africa. He was not a racist, but hated religion, especially anything Jewish. As many tribes in Africa are Jewish...Ethiopia, Lemba, Bantu, and so on. Yet, the king of the Zulu was invited to become a nazi. He refused and thereafter suffered assassination attempts.

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Also note that Hitler was a big follower of Martin Luther. Luther wrote book after book trying to get the Jewish people to recognize the New Testament, to which they said....nope, ain't gonna believe it!....so then Luther began to slam and slander the Jewish people calling them pigs and lower than whale poop.....Hitler took this to the bank and then began to hate the Jewish people!

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BTW, hitler was a New Ager and an ex-Catholic. He despised Christianity as a Jewish religion, which it is. I know Table Talks are factual. I do not agree with the thought hitler wasn't an atheist. https://conservativecolloquium.wordpress.com/2008/12/14/hitlers-war-on-christianity-quotes/

Hitler’s War on Christianity (Quotes)

Posted by Tony Listi on December 14, 2008

Hitler was NOT a Christian. He hated Christianity. If he made any public remarks in support of Christianity, that was because he was in public and would lie or obfuscate to appease a crowd at times. Hitler was opposed to atheism because  he was a spiritual man: “atheism… is a return to the  state of the animal…” (Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 59). But opposition to atheism doesn’t make anyone a Christian. Nazism was his religion, an authentic religion of his own creation (yes, life is SO much better when people create their own personal religions in a search for “authenticity,” ha).

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I'm always looking for proof, Martin Luther was anti-Semitic. Given his feelings about Jews from early on after leaving catholicism, it's not likely he wrote anything like this. One telling factor is, we know his fingerprints, but no one can say whose prints are on the original manuscripts. BTW, hundreds of German Jews who were Messianic, flooded into 12 of the 13 colonies using what was called a Jew tax, a voluntary tax collected by placing a box outside church doors. Monies were used to look for and encourage Jews to emigrate to the 12 colonies. The majority were Messianic followers of Luther. I have been asking for nearly 50 years, and am a manuscript researcher, and have yet to find anything definite on manuscripts used by Nazis.

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That would not stop Luther from writing to the Jews, as I see it, as this would give him a 'one up', if you will on them. Being anti-semitic I do not think would stop him from writing books to 'lead' them to his line of thinking. And like I said, it was the 'rejection' by the Jews that angered Luther and Hitler picked up on it...I am not beyond correction, history is of major interest to me, as in the Bible, 'nothing new under the sun'!....we learn a great deal from history, the main reason for all the confusion in the world lead of course by Satan

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Great read! I would LOVE to interview you!

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Sigh, what I was getting at, was, was he ever anti-Semitic? As I was given to understand, the 3rd book complaining about Jews was 'discovered' in the late 30s. More, if Luther had been anti-Semitic, why did so many Lutheran ministers die in Ravensbruck? That was one of the things that ran the Confessing Church afoul of nazis. Again, hitler was an atheist, and to be a nazi, you have to be an atheist new ager and into space aliens, old-earth evolution, ascended masters, and green fascism. For more, see liberals.

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Just in their bogus names alone!

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