Your life is yours to do what you want with, it's all yours. Don't let them stop you...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for September 16, 2022...
Work out your spirit. Revive your spirit. Put a fire in it that no one can affect. You've got to develop self love that is independent from the world. Get rid of the excuses. Get after life. This is all you get, then you turn back into dust.
It all comes back on you, your narrative fails…

Extraterrestrial intelligence is more likely to be artificial than biological…
I would also panic…

Is a space war brewing? Interesting… The Kremlin is threatening to destroy Starlink satellites… EMP attack? Get your EMP protection here…
2 buses of migrants have arrived outside VP Harris’s residence at the Naval Observatory in DC… And this is what the newcomers have to say: ‘The border is open…everybody believes that the border is open. It’s open because we enter. We come in, free, no problem…We came illegally…’

Depending on whether religious switching continues at recent rates, speeds up or stops entirely, current projections show Christians of all ages shrinking from 64% in 2020 to between 54% and 35% of all Americans by 2070… If interested, here’s the whole report…

5G health danger and misinformation: Canada is lying to us again!
Measure your EMF radiation at home and around with the best EMF meters around…
A lesson of aerodynamics…

Adults with ADHD are at greater risk of developing a range of cardiovascular diseases than those without the condition… Sorry for me…
Food delivery robot rolls through LA crime scene in viral video as confused cops look on…
San Francisco sued by woman who says her rape-kit DNA was used to arrest her…
Two grinning brothers, hair standing on end, unaware that they were minutes away from being struck by lightning while climbing Moro Rock in California’s Sequoia National Park…
Above the timber line, that area of mountain w/o trees is the deadliest in storms. It's called the devils playground because when lightning hits the top, it bounces around for several seconds before hitting something it grounds to. So if you are ever above the timber line and you see a storm coming in, MOVE. The lightning will bounce around trying to find the easiest path. You most of the time are the easiest path…
Ravens can also mimic human speech…
EU lawmakers declare that Hungary is no longer a democracy… Actually everybody against their propaganda… More will follow…
Totally bad ass advert from 1913 for the Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition with Ernest Shackleton…
Smelly sacks containing 7,000 smuggled donkey penises intercepted at Nigerian Airport… The were heading to Hong Kong (old Chinese medicine)… Donkeys are facing extinction (in Nigeria). It is an animal you cannot breed in large numbers because of the very low rate of fertility…
The British are famous for queuing. The lines to see the Queen’s lying in state has grown from 3 miles earlier today to 4.5 now… Apparently they’re going to cap The Queue at 5 miles, which means pretty soon people will be queuing to get into The Queue… Just LOL!
Turkey violated Greece's airspace 110 times on Wednesday, just a day before the Greek Parliament has ratified Sweden and Finland NATO bid…
Typhoon Muifa brings heavy rainfall along China's east coast, around 1.6 million people forced to leave their homes…
US border forces are seizing Americans' phone data and storing it for 15 years…
'Water bomb' kills at least 8 as 16 inches of rain falls in Italy's Marche region in just 2 HOURS, sparking catastrophic floods…
NC Woman falls in massive sinkhole after ground collapses at Winston-Salem car dealership…
The same crazy storm swept across Croatia…
I hope you’re having a nice day! If not, I hope this helps…
Incredible hail storm in South of France…
Depression CONFIRMED! JPMorgan CEO warns U.S. is headed toward something worse than a recession…
Again, your life is yours to do what you want with, it's all yours. Don't let a little discouragement stop you. Work out your spirit. Revive your spirit. Put a fire in it that no one can affect. You've got to develop self love that is independent from the world. Get rid of the excuses. Fucking get after life. This is all you get, then you turn back into dust.
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It’s one of the best time to invest in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS to limit the effects of inflation on your IRA/401K and achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
Below, you will find some affiliate products that I highly recommend to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
Never be in the dark again with this portable power station…
Remove ALL major contaminants of your drinking water at home with this amazing filter…
Restore youthfull look, revive your sex drive, feel 20 again…
Thank you,
Lots of gators, lots of meat.
2 times you have written that 'this is all there is'!....that is a very sad look at life!
Wrongo.....your 'SOUL' is ETERNAL, where you spend eternity is what you choose!...Heaven or that other place!......God gave you free will to choose where to spend eternity! choose wisely because you may go there before you know it and that will be too late to come to Jesus as your Lord and Savior!
Yes, your fleshly body will die, but your soul will carry on