Lots of gators, lots of meat.

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2 times you have written that 'this is all there is'!....that is a very sad look at life!

Wrongo.....your 'SOUL' is ETERNAL, where you spend eternity is what you choose!...Heaven or that other place!......God gave you free will to choose where to spend eternity!....so choose wisely because you may go there before you know it and that will be too late to come to Jesus as your Lord and Savior!

Yes, your fleshly body will die, but your soul will carry on

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High 5 for an especially great edition! Loved this one "..Get rid of the excuses. Fucking get after life. This is all you get, then you turn back into dust...."

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"Your life is yours to do what you want with, it's all yours. Don't let them stop you..." Says Manuel. Sadly, this is the worldview most commonly found in the population today. It is absolutely WRONG. The modern abiogenesis and "everything from nothing" logic can be PROVEN to be wrong. And if you do little more than glance at the genetic code, of all living things, which is a very complex system of information, the notion of all of this complex information, so precisely constructed, having no designer cascades into the realm of the absurd. Yes, there is a Creator and He made you with a plan for your life and a purpose for your existence so, you see, your life is NOT your own. You did NOTHING to gain any bit of your existence. And when you come to the end of your life, you will have to stand before your Creator and give a detailed account of what you did with the life He gave to you. I can't sugar coat this or make it any less real than it is. He didn't leave us without information about Himself, and for the people of this age, it is the King James Authorized Bible of 1611.

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