You’re not going crazy, all of these things are happening right now and it's not about to end soon…
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for August 25, 2023
The American government is in a Civil War right now. Hate Trump all you want. You don’t realize how crazy this situation is. I am afraid for the future of this nation…
Actually… There is no civil war in politics. It’s all theater to try and convince YOU there is a civil war. Everything they do is by design a separation tactic.
At the end of the day they all retreat to the same country club and dine together while the unwashed masses duke it out on the streets on their behalf.
This very photo was released to galvanize and further separate groups in order to divide and conquer. It’s all a fake narrative to astroturf for the next election.
If you're still binge watching the DC soap opera, you're a long way from connecting the dots…
They want you to think there is a civil war, so we don’t start a revolutionary war…
Can't wait for the 2040 NBA season with Jordan, Magic, Bird, and Kareem playing again… Age reversal closer than we think…
What are the odds that the tick that is spreading across the US which causes red meat allergy is also now in Australia. Something is not adding up…

Every day it’s just wonderful news that could’ve been avoided or postponed, but no… Brutal moment thousands of emperor penguins killed by extreme ocean event…
To circumvent local government's restriction on sharp price drop, Chinese real estates developers literally handed out gold lingots to home buyers…

The problem isn't a housing shortage, it's the concentration of ownership by the wealthy…
CDC says the new super variant of Covid is going to be much worse on those with prior covid or are vaccinated for covid. Does this makes sense?

U.S. ambassador to Japan will publicly eat Fukushima fish amid radioactive water release outrage… BTW, 13 nuclear power plants in China each released more radioactive tritium into the ocean in 2021 than the planned amount to be released from Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in one year…
BRICS expansion map…

This next decade is going to be wild. All the housing is owned by old people staying in place and young people have nowhere to buy… Home affordability is the worst it has been since 1984…
Hawaii voted for this…
It sounds like he had a job he was supposed to do, didn’t do it, only even started to do it when the public started to hear about it, then half-assed it just enough to appear, well after the fact, that he did his job. If he’s looking for a new job, he should run for office. This is how politicians handle everything… British Museum director quits over stolen treasures…
It’s peculiar they even updated it that quickly… Google Earth and Maps update Lahaina Sat pics…
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Electrode stimulation of the anterior insula led to a profound mystical experience, as detailed in the research paper titled "Insular Stimulation Produces Mental Clarity and Bliss"…
Wildfire rages in Turkey forcing evacuations of several villages…
And at least 18 new deaths reported in Greece wildfires…
Trump sells Mar-a-Lago estate weeks before surrendering to authorities in Fulton County, listing reveals…
Severe summer storms leave nearly 700,000 without power across Michigan and Ohio…
The Hill publishes opinion piece “LED Lightbulbs may be hazardous to your health” and it won’t go unnoticed. Recommends that Department of Energy REVISE its ruling which banned many incandescents…
Although this might sound like a story told in legends, it is completely true… A Colombia’s active volcano ejects more than 100 kilograms of gold each year. And, when an eruption occurs, the amount of gold emitted sometimes ranges into the tons of material. This occurs at the towering Galeras stratovolcano through its main crater releasing many millions of tiny gold particles primarily as a gas…
Biodegradable food packaging and increased exposure to leachates of concern will go hand in hand. The shorter the shelf life of the food contact surface, the more of the surface you will eat… A new European study has found that 90% of so-called eco-friendly paper straws contain “forever chemicals,” compounds that don’t – or barely – break down and can accumulate in our bodies, leading to health problems…
Lightning kills 73-year-old walking across parking lot to her condo…
Oh joy this shit again let’s just keep reliving the wonderful experience of 2020 forever because it was such an enjoyable dumpster fire. /s if you didn’t know… Two school districts in eastern Kentucky have canceled in-person classes this week after a rise in illnesses including Covid-19, respiratory viruses and strep among its students and staff, according to local officials…
Are we really going to do this all over again?
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The tick causing meat allergy in Australia is NOT the same tick causing meat allergies in the U.S., so what's the mystery here? In fact, meat allergies from Ixodes holocyclus (Australian paralysis tick) bites were originally discovered in Australia by Australian scientists in 2007, and Mammalian Meat Allergy (MMA) cases are on the increase there due to an explosion of the tick population in certain regions.
In contrast, the tick causing meat allergies (Alpha-Gal Syndrome) in the U.S. is the Lone Star Tick, but other tick species have caused meat allergies in 17 countries on 6 continents and were first noted in 2002.
If this is a plot by globalists to prevent people from eating meat, it's not very successful since the syndrome is still very rare in tick bite victims. My husband was recently bitten by a Lone Star Tick and suffered no reaction other than an itchy red welt on his back. He's still eating his favorite bison burgers with no effects - lol.
The c d c and the variant being harder on folks who’ve already had covid or are vaccinated.
I believe this is so - the damage done to immune systems is the issue. The immune systems of those who have had the cov id or are vaxxed are now more weak and they are more susceptible to any illness, not just a real or made-up variant or vaccine.
The “shedding” issue may also contribute to weakened immune systems, so many may very well be more affected by a variant and even more so if they choose to be “medicated.”
The perpetrators are very slick - haven’t missed a trick, as they say.