The tick causing meat allergy in Australia is NOT the same tick causing meat allergies in the U.S., so what's the mystery here? In fact, meat allergies from Ixodes holocyclus (Australian paralysis tick) bites were originally discovered in Australia by Australian scientists in 2007, and Mammalian Meat Allergy (MMA) cases are on the increase there due to an explosion of the tick population in certain regions.
In contrast, the tick causing meat allergies (Alpha-Gal Syndrome) in the U.S. is the Lone Star Tick, but other tick species have caused meat allergies in 17 countries on 6 continents and were first noted in 2002.
If this is a plot by globalists to prevent people from eating meat, it's not very successful since the syndrome is still very rare in tick bite victims. My husband was recently bitten by a Lone Star Tick and suffered no reaction other than an itchy red welt on his back. He's still eating his favorite bison burgers with no effects - lol.
Isn't it incredible how we the people are under attack from so many (secret) weapons yet most people don't even KNOW it? Here's the short list: Toxic metal nanoparticles criss crossing the sky, falling on us and killing the whole biosphere; weather being controlled and manipulated; fires burning all over the world, extreme floods and droughts the norm; mosquitoes being engineered to spread disease (the Bible calls it pestilence); ticks being made to carry disease (I'm sure Lyme disease was their creation) 140 biolabs all working hard to CREATE and make more harmful pestilences; food being contaminated; food being GMO; water filled with fluoride, ROTTING teeth! (that's correct, it does the opposite of what they say!) and now they want to bring back covid and the shots and every other attack against the people? Just say NO!
Jesus is coming any minute now. I believe that with my whole heart. I have been waiting for Him for many years but it's only been in the last 4 that I have felt (and many others likewise) that the tribulation period is overlapping with this age and the world is set up for the reign of antichrist. These are the days! We are in them and they will end very QUICKLY!
And isn't it queer, we the consumer don't get any say or a vote on GMO foods, fluoride in our water, 5g towers in our neighborhood, and on and on. But a billionaire, psychopath, cult member of satan does?
Alpha-gal allergy is a reaction to the carbohydrate galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, so the name makes perfect sense. As for Sam Bailey, my standard for burden of proof goes far beyond basing a belief on coincidence alone. As anyone who's ever taken a college course in mathematical statistics knows, coincidences that may seem significant are incredibly common and completely random. If you don't believe that, look up the coincidences surrounding the lives and deaths of Abraham Lincoln and JFK.
Regarding climate change, our planet is naturally warming because our climate is in an interglacial period of warming, which has happened before, and will happen again, interspersed with glacial periods, during which we have ice ages. Rising temperatures will give rise to increased populations of parasites such as ticks and will give rise to new and ever mutating pathogens. This is also a naturally occurring event.
Prior to the Black Plague of the Middle Ages, autoimmune diseases did not exist. The Plague caused human genetic mutations that gave rise to diseases such as Hashimoto's, Graves Disease, multiple sclerosis, Type I Diabetes, and other autoimmune disorders.
Just like the Globalist Leftist Elite always blame natural events like climate change on human activity, many conspiracy theorists seem to do likewise when they claim that tick borne diseases are a globalist plot, or when they blame every cancer or heart attack death on COVID vaccines, even if the deceased was morbidly obese and smoked cigarettes for 40 years.
We don't need to invoke zebras when there are plenty of horses in plain sight. In almost every case, and especially in the absence of hard evidence to the contrary, the simplest explanation is the correct one.
The c d c and the variant being harder on folks who’ve already had covid or are vaccinated.
I believe this is so - the damage done to immune systems is the issue. The immune systems of those who have had the cov id or are vaxxed are now more weak and they are more susceptible to any illness, not just a real or made-up variant or vaccine.
The “shedding” issue may also contribute to weakened immune systems, so many may very well be more affected by a variant and even more so if they choose to be “medicated.”
The perpetrators are very slick - haven’t missed a trick, as they say.
No , that is not what the CDC said. The new variant is different enough from the previous ones such that it evades both natural immunity and vaccine immunity, so everybody is back to square one. No one ever said this variant is "harder on folks who've already had covid or are vaccinated." It's likely not very hard on anyone except the very vulnerable - the virus has evolved to become much less deadly than it was at first, which is what viruses usually do because they are like parasites - they need a host to reproduce themselves, and if they kill off all their hosts quickly, they cannot spread as far or as fast, so they become less lethal and more highly contagious. So it's like a bad cold, and it's going to spread quickly. And the "experts" will try to use it to gin up fear and control people, and hopefully they will not be successful this time around.
I don't either - even Dr. Deborah Birx, the scarf lady, once said in a news conference that she doesn't trust anything coming out of the CDC, and I agree. They deserted their primary mission decades ago.
However, you brought up the CDC and what you said they said was not correct. But the CDC is right about this - it makes sense that this new variant is evading natural and vaccine immunity - that's what viruses do, so that's to be expected. This variant is an equal opportunity pathogen - nobody has protection against it, regardless of vaccine or prior infection status.
It's already rolling where I live - cases are on the increase. After a basically COVID free summer, several people I know have been infected in the past couple of weeks (including a 2-month-old baby,) plus people are cancelling appts at my work due to COVID and also strep throat.
I had to go back to the beginning of the thread, because I generally wouldn’t quote the cdc on anything. I did use the acronym in the beginning of my comment - that was to indicate the item in the news that I was talking about, referring to. The article - and some added “artwork” did give reference to the idea that the new variant would be, to use my words, “harder on certain folks.” Or that certain folks may be more susceptible to illness from it.
“Nobody has protection from it.” I also alluded to that same thing, albeit not in quite clear words.
I do also believe that an immune system compromised in any way, will make anyone more susceptible to any virus, bug, even bad/“off” food or whatever.
I think we actually agree - just different wording of thinking.
I’m sorry for those that have already been affected.
Thank you - you too! Recent research on people with long COVID shows they definitely have damaged immune systems; if I remember correctly, it was the T-cells most affected. Most of my friends have had COVID, and most of them seem to remain susceptible to all sorts of health problems and infections, even two years after their initial cases of COVID, and also seemed likely to have repeat infections - some have had COVID 3 times.
As I was considered to be high risk for severe illness and death, I got the original two dose vaccine back in January 2021 - figured in my case, the benefits outweighed any risk, and had no reaction or side effects whatsoever, and stayed perfectly healthy throughout the pandemic. My antibody levels remained so high, I never bothered with any boosters and don't plan to get any more of these vaccines in the future. With this virus mutating so fast, these vaccines can't keep up and are pretty worthless at this stage. Plus, we have treatments now and we know a lot more about the disease.
I think immune systems are also damaged from the lockdowns and obsessive disinfecting and sanitizing. People didn't get exposure to normal germs that keep our immune function strong and they are paying for it now with increased susceptibility to strep, flu, RSV, etc. We lived life completely as normal during the pandemic, didn't isolate or work from home, and we traveled long distances out-of-state on commercial airlines, stayed in hotels, went to concerts, theme parks, and crowded venues without masks and we stayed healthy - not even a sniffle.
Everyone should have the freedom to decide what's right for them, and the gov't needs to take their mandates and lockdowns and put them where the sun don't shine. People have had enough of their crap!
The hype about the new covid variant, IMO, is just another exercise in compliance. Who will mask? Who will take the shot? Remember that during covid the flu disappeared and this is the same. This variant (if it exists) is no worse than the flu. Had the flu before? Well, there's a new strain. Have taken the shot? Well, it might or might not work and you can catch the flu anyway. The best way to guard against any virus is to strengthen your immune system (if you haven't gotten a bad batch of the covid jabs and your immune system is compromised regardless) by getting plenty of sunshine & fresh air, rest and sleep, organic and fresh foods, some exercise, supplementation with trace minerals, Vitamin C, D3, K3, and generally by following the protocols to detox your body from the spike - yes you can get via shedding - communing with good friends, nature, and our Creator, and living without fear. Fear of the unseen, and especially fear of death which causes people to do weird things, will cause a stress response that disengages the brain, which will eventually lead to what people are trying so hard to avoid - death.
I depend a lot on the Zelensky protocol to keep my immune system strong: vitamins C and D3, plus Zinc and Quercetin. Quercetin also clears the senescent cells, also known as "zombie cells" that accumulate with age.
THANK you for the news, you don't have some good ones, ha? Nothing in sight? SOme people start to speculate about the missing children of Lahaina, can you find anything???
You made the point here, GOOGLE, NASA, Musk et all, MUST HAVE THE ENTIRE satellite imaginary from the entire fire, including its start.... That's what they are for up there, to WATCH, and possible direct... Gateway Pundit published a NASA picture from the 8/8th, showing a big patch of the most intense circular area in the NORTH of the city. Included it my my post about Lahaina with added more thoughts..
There is a reason that modern science hasn't found a cure for aging - they don't know WHAT it is! God tells us what aging is in the Bible. God created mankind to live forever but disobedience to Him brought the CURSE upon him and all his ancestors (us) and that curse is DEATH. Aging is the PROCESS of death. Every person born is stained with the indelible ink of sin and it must be removed because it's wages are DEATH.
We see it everywhere we look. We see it in our pets; we see it in our relatives; we see it in a rose; we see it in OURSELVES. Our youth suddenly passes, our senses fade, our strength weakens and we take the same route we have seen throughout our lives everywhere we look and even AS we look, as the years go by, we can't see as clearly. We are first hand witnesses and informed all throughout our lives by our living environment that something is wrong, even through the lies that have relegated the Bible to the dump of bad, even laughable fairytale nonsense by modern science.
They decry, "that's a book of fairy tales and we CAN live forever! We simply have to learn how!" They have thrown out the ONLY message that can save them from this persistent, constant, oncoming, ever speeding up freight train of old age, decay and ultimately, death.
God put an alarm in us; a constant FEAR of death so that we would be afraid enough to SEEK our Creator to LEARN what we can do about it. But most ignore that nagging fear and pile up more stuff into their lives; distractions which only serve to put off the thoughts of death and of which things themselves also crumble to dust.
At the end of their lives, they are so disillusioned by their resistance to HEAR the call of God that they close their eyes, some believing that the lights go out forever and others believing perhaps that they will come back as someone else and even others believing that the Creator will weigh out their good deeds with their bad, hoping that the balance tips in their favor - ALL ideas that the Bible explains are false hopes. If you had only ONE sin, it would tip the scale against ALL your life full of good "works". We must be made PERFECT to be with God forever.
This saddens me because I am one that, despite the lies I have been told, have sought to know the truth at a very young age, looking everywhere for it INCLUDING in the one place that most people have shunned, the Holy Bible. In it I learned that God LOVES us and while we were yet sinners, He came as one of us for the PURPOSE of giving up His life and taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself at the Cross of Calvary.
I accepted that this is TRUTH and by God's Sacrifice of coming as a Man Himself, Jesus Christ, the God-Man and dying the most torturous death ever known to demonstrate His LOVE for us, and THEN taking the punishment the Father poured out on HIM, His ONLY Son, suffering the sins of the entire world, He rose from the grave, conquering sin and death FOR us and rose back into Heaven to be seated at the Right Hand of the Father, IN His Throne, ever interceding for us.
I believe this completely and because of my belief, He has forgiven me of every sin I have or will ever have committed AND I KNOW IT! (1 John 5:13)
I have no fear of death but only anticipation of a glorious eternity with Him in a body that NEVER DIES. The urgency is now very real and those that belong to God are sounding the warning alarm louder than ever. The time is VERY short. The time is NOW.
Literally, any day now millions of us around the world will disappear, taken by Jesus Himself (1 Thessalonians 4:16). It's still not too late. If I were unsaved, I would spend every waking moment seeking the truth of God in the Bible. God lives in me (indwelt by the Holy Spirit; 1 Corinthians 3:16) and He doesn't want ANYONE to die. That is why I write so boldly. Now is the time. Do not miss the Free Gift of God in Christ Jesus. He is the only Truth to be found in this world. Seek Him today.
I wonder if Zelynsky has a mansion on Maui, somewhere between Oprah's and Bezos's?
The show is getting zanier and zanier, with the same sick feeling to it as I got watching the movie Time Bandits so long ago.
The Powers are trying to snap us like little twigs, but have you ever seen the demonstration where you try to cut through a hank of hair corded together, after cutting through a single hair or few?
It gets more and more difficult, of course, the stronger the cord becomes.
Obviously politics aren't the way forward, but how do we manage to come together in great enough numbers to oust the evil influence(s)???
IS the new COVID variant actually more dangerous? We didn’t get the DeathVaxx but did get Omicron. Do we have any protection or is this simply another PsyOp?
Its dangerous to people who were vaxxed. There is a virus phenomenon called (ADE) Antibody Dependent Enhancement that causes the body to attack the immunization and the host as a foreign agent. This was one of the big reasons why NO ONE should have ever taken the vax. ADE is almost impossible to treat and the likelihood of survival drops very low when ADE occurs in a vaxxed patient. Its not really a new is simply ADE displaying its own natural state when it sees the host as the one generating the spike proteins. No matter how many times I warned people about this, sadly most people were neither educated nor intelligent enough to understand the key issues.
"All the housing is owned by old people staying in place and young people have nowhere to buy.." Observationally seniors who manage to live in place these past 4 years and hold on to their property as well with legal control may not at all be the issue. Credit and work history as well as affordability to own is. As with everything we are embedded into customs and habits of mind persist throughout time and place. No law - only medical/political writ large intervention - can force change and the forcing reinforces catastrophe. In the days of Chaucer land was privatized for money. Gold coins. Family property alienated for gold. Village land alienated for gold. Parents tossed into the street for gold.
The CDC is trying to say that the new variant is more likely than other previous variants to evade both vaccine and natural immunity. Basically, as new variants continue to arise, people who have had prior infections with other variants and people who have been vaccinated against other variants won't be any less likely to be infected than people who have never been infected or vaxxed.
They are not saying that vaccinated people are more likely to get infected with this variant than unvaxxed people. Being vaccinated isn't going to really help you, especially as the virus continues to mutate. This is true of pretty much any respiratory virus vaccine. They become less effective as time goes on.
The tick causing meat allergy in Australia is NOT the same tick causing meat allergies in the U.S., so what's the mystery here? In fact, meat allergies from Ixodes holocyclus (Australian paralysis tick) bites were originally discovered in Australia by Australian scientists in 2007, and Mammalian Meat Allergy (MMA) cases are on the increase there due to an explosion of the tick population in certain regions.
In contrast, the tick causing meat allergies (Alpha-Gal Syndrome) in the U.S. is the Lone Star Tick, but other tick species have caused meat allergies in 17 countries on 6 continents and were first noted in 2002.
If this is a plot by globalists to prevent people from eating meat, it's not very successful since the syndrome is still very rare in tick bite victims. My husband was recently bitten by a Lone Star Tick and suffered no reaction other than an itchy red welt on his back. He's still eating his favorite bison burgers with no effects - lol.
Isn't it incredible how we the people are under attack from so many (secret) weapons yet most people don't even KNOW it? Here's the short list: Toxic metal nanoparticles criss crossing the sky, falling on us and killing the whole biosphere; weather being controlled and manipulated; fires burning all over the world, extreme floods and droughts the norm; mosquitoes being engineered to spread disease (the Bible calls it pestilence); ticks being made to carry disease (I'm sure Lyme disease was their creation) 140 biolabs all working hard to CREATE and make more harmful pestilences; food being contaminated; food being GMO; water filled with fluoride, ROTTING teeth! (that's correct, it does the opposite of what they say!) and now they want to bring back covid and the shots and every other attack against the people? Just say NO!
Jesus is coming any minute now. I believe that with my whole heart. I have been waiting for Him for many years but it's only been in the last 4 that I have felt (and many others likewise) that the tribulation period is overlapping with this age and the world is set up for the reign of antichrist. These are the days! We are in them and they will end very QUICKLY!
And isn't it queer, we the consumer don't get any say or a vote on GMO foods, fluoride in our water, 5g towers in our neighborhood, and on and on. But a billionaire, psychopath, cult member of satan does?
The mystery is "ABV" (anything but the vaccines) here is a clip about the new syndrome, Alpha-gal. Don't ya love the name?
Sam Baily: War on Meat - Alpha-gal Syndrome
Alpha-gal allergy is a reaction to the carbohydrate galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, so the name makes perfect sense. As for Sam Bailey, my standard for burden of proof goes far beyond basing a belief on coincidence alone. As anyone who's ever taken a college course in mathematical statistics knows, coincidences that may seem significant are incredibly common and completely random. If you don't believe that, look up the coincidences surrounding the lives and deaths of Abraham Lincoln and JFK.
Regarding climate change, our planet is naturally warming because our climate is in an interglacial period of warming, which has happened before, and will happen again, interspersed with glacial periods, during which we have ice ages. Rising temperatures will give rise to increased populations of parasites such as ticks and will give rise to new and ever mutating pathogens. This is also a naturally occurring event.
Prior to the Black Plague of the Middle Ages, autoimmune diseases did not exist. The Plague caused human genetic mutations that gave rise to diseases such as Hashimoto's, Graves Disease, multiple sclerosis, Type I Diabetes, and other autoimmune disorders.
Just like the Globalist Leftist Elite always blame natural events like climate change on human activity, many conspiracy theorists seem to do likewise when they claim that tick borne diseases are a globalist plot, or when they blame every cancer or heart attack death on COVID vaccines, even if the deceased was morbidly obese and smoked cigarettes for 40 years.
We don't need to invoke zebras when there are plenty of horses in plain sight. In almost every case, and especially in the absence of hard evidence to the contrary, the simplest explanation is the correct one.
The c d c and the variant being harder on folks who’ve already had covid or are vaccinated.
I believe this is so - the damage done to immune systems is the issue. The immune systems of those who have had the cov id or are vaxxed are now more weak and they are more susceptible to any illness, not just a real or made-up variant or vaccine.
The “shedding” issue may also contribute to weakened immune systems, so many may very well be more affected by a variant and even more so if they choose to be “medicated.”
The perpetrators are very slick - haven’t missed a trick, as they say.
No , that is not what the CDC said. The new variant is different enough from the previous ones such that it evades both natural immunity and vaccine immunity, so everybody is back to square one. No one ever said this variant is "harder on folks who've already had covid or are vaccinated." It's likely not very hard on anyone except the very vulnerable - the virus has evolved to become much less deadly than it was at first, which is what viruses usually do because they are like parasites - they need a host to reproduce themselves, and if they kill off all their hosts quickly, they cannot spread as far or as fast, so they become less lethal and more highly contagious. So it's like a bad cold, and it's going to spread quickly. And the "experts" will try to use it to gin up fear and control people, and hopefully they will not be successful this time around.
Quite frankly, I give little credibiltity to what the see dee sea says.
I do agree with your last sentence.
I don't either - even Dr. Deborah Birx, the scarf lady, once said in a news conference that she doesn't trust anything coming out of the CDC, and I agree. They deserted their primary mission decades ago.
However, you brought up the CDC and what you said they said was not correct. But the CDC is right about this - it makes sense that this new variant is evading natural and vaccine immunity - that's what viruses do, so that's to be expected. This variant is an equal opportunity pathogen - nobody has protection against it, regardless of vaccine or prior infection status.
It's already rolling where I live - cases are on the increase. After a basically COVID free summer, several people I know have been infected in the past couple of weeks (including a 2-month-old baby,) plus people are cancelling appts at my work due to COVID and also strep throat.
I had to go back to the beginning of the thread, because I generally wouldn’t quote the cdc on anything. I did use the acronym in the beginning of my comment - that was to indicate the item in the news that I was talking about, referring to. The article - and some added “artwork” did give reference to the idea that the new variant would be, to use my words, “harder on certain folks.” Or that certain folks may be more susceptible to illness from it.
“Nobody has protection from it.” I also alluded to that same thing, albeit not in quite clear words.
I do also believe that an immune system compromised in any way, will make anyone more susceptible to any virus, bug, even bad/“off” food or whatever.
I think we actually agree - just different wording of thinking.
I’m sorry for those that have already been affected.
Take good care, Colleen. Stay safe and well.
Thank you - you too! Recent research on people with long COVID shows they definitely have damaged immune systems; if I remember correctly, it was the T-cells most affected. Most of my friends have had COVID, and most of them seem to remain susceptible to all sorts of health problems and infections, even two years after their initial cases of COVID, and also seemed likely to have repeat infections - some have had COVID 3 times.
As I was considered to be high risk for severe illness and death, I got the original two dose vaccine back in January 2021 - figured in my case, the benefits outweighed any risk, and had no reaction or side effects whatsoever, and stayed perfectly healthy throughout the pandemic. My antibody levels remained so high, I never bothered with any boosters and don't plan to get any more of these vaccines in the future. With this virus mutating so fast, these vaccines can't keep up and are pretty worthless at this stage. Plus, we have treatments now and we know a lot more about the disease.
I think immune systems are also damaged from the lockdowns and obsessive disinfecting and sanitizing. People didn't get exposure to normal germs that keep our immune function strong and they are paying for it now with increased susceptibility to strep, flu, RSV, etc. We lived life completely as normal during the pandemic, didn't isolate or work from home, and we traveled long distances out-of-state on commercial airlines, stayed in hotels, went to concerts, theme parks, and crowded venues without masks and we stayed healthy - not even a sniffle.
Everyone should have the freedom to decide what's right for them, and the gov't needs to take their mandates and lockdowns and put them where the sun don't shine. People have had enough of their crap!
The hype about the new covid variant, IMO, is just another exercise in compliance. Who will mask? Who will take the shot? Remember that during covid the flu disappeared and this is the same. This variant (if it exists) is no worse than the flu. Had the flu before? Well, there's a new strain. Have taken the shot? Well, it might or might not work and you can catch the flu anyway. The best way to guard against any virus is to strengthen your immune system (if you haven't gotten a bad batch of the covid jabs and your immune system is compromised regardless) by getting plenty of sunshine & fresh air, rest and sleep, organic and fresh foods, some exercise, supplementation with trace minerals, Vitamin C, D3, K3, and generally by following the protocols to detox your body from the spike - yes you can get via shedding - communing with good friends, nature, and our Creator, and living without fear. Fear of the unseen, and especially fear of death which causes people to do weird things, will cause a stress response that disengages the brain, which will eventually lead to what people are trying so hard to avoid - death.
That's Vitamin K2 not K3
I depend a lot on the Zelensky protocol to keep my immune system strong: vitamins C and D3, plus Zinc and Quercetin. Quercetin also clears the senescent cells, also known as "zombie cells" that accumulate with age.
THANK you for the news, you don't have some good ones, ha? Nothing in sight? SOme people start to speculate about the missing children of Lahaina, can you find anything???
You made the point here, GOOGLE, NASA, Musk et all, MUST HAVE THE ENTIRE satellite imaginary from the entire fire, including its start.... That's what they are for up there, to WATCH, and possible direct... Gateway Pundit published a NASA picture from the 8/8th, showing a big patch of the most intense circular area in the NORTH of the city. Included it my my post about Lahaina with added more thoughts..
August 10th 4 K Footage of the War Zone, (Lahaina, Maui) by Eric West
Eric has many more videos posted with eyewitness survivors.
Please share everywhere.
There is a reason that modern science hasn't found a cure for aging - they don't know WHAT it is! God tells us what aging is in the Bible. God created mankind to live forever but disobedience to Him brought the CURSE upon him and all his ancestors (us) and that curse is DEATH. Aging is the PROCESS of death. Every person born is stained with the indelible ink of sin and it must be removed because it's wages are DEATH.
We see it everywhere we look. We see it in our pets; we see it in our relatives; we see it in a rose; we see it in OURSELVES. Our youth suddenly passes, our senses fade, our strength weakens and we take the same route we have seen throughout our lives everywhere we look and even AS we look, as the years go by, we can't see as clearly. We are first hand witnesses and informed all throughout our lives by our living environment that something is wrong, even through the lies that have relegated the Bible to the dump of bad, even laughable fairytale nonsense by modern science.
They decry, "that's a book of fairy tales and we CAN live forever! We simply have to learn how!" They have thrown out the ONLY message that can save them from this persistent, constant, oncoming, ever speeding up freight train of old age, decay and ultimately, death.
God put an alarm in us; a constant FEAR of death so that we would be afraid enough to SEEK our Creator to LEARN what we can do about it. But most ignore that nagging fear and pile up more stuff into their lives; distractions which only serve to put off the thoughts of death and of which things themselves also crumble to dust.
At the end of their lives, they are so disillusioned by their resistance to HEAR the call of God that they close their eyes, some believing that the lights go out forever and others believing perhaps that they will come back as someone else and even others believing that the Creator will weigh out their good deeds with their bad, hoping that the balance tips in their favor - ALL ideas that the Bible explains are false hopes. If you had only ONE sin, it would tip the scale against ALL your life full of good "works". We must be made PERFECT to be with God forever.
This saddens me because I am one that, despite the lies I have been told, have sought to know the truth at a very young age, looking everywhere for it INCLUDING in the one place that most people have shunned, the Holy Bible. In it I learned that God LOVES us and while we were yet sinners, He came as one of us for the PURPOSE of giving up His life and taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself at the Cross of Calvary.
I accepted that this is TRUTH and by God's Sacrifice of coming as a Man Himself, Jesus Christ, the God-Man and dying the most torturous death ever known to demonstrate His LOVE for us, and THEN taking the punishment the Father poured out on HIM, His ONLY Son, suffering the sins of the entire world, He rose from the grave, conquering sin and death FOR us and rose back into Heaven to be seated at the Right Hand of the Father, IN His Throne, ever interceding for us.
I believe this completely and because of my belief, He has forgiven me of every sin I have or will ever have committed AND I KNOW IT! (1 John 5:13)
I have no fear of death but only anticipation of a glorious eternity with Him in a body that NEVER DIES. The urgency is now very real and those that belong to God are sounding the warning alarm louder than ever. The time is VERY short. The time is NOW.
Literally, any day now millions of us around the world will disappear, taken by Jesus Himself (1 Thessalonians 4:16). It's still not too late. If I were unsaved, I would spend every waking moment seeking the truth of God in the Bible. God lives in me (indwelt by the Holy Spirit; 1 Corinthians 3:16) and He doesn't want ANYONE to die. That is why I write so boldly. Now is the time. Do not miss the Free Gift of God in Christ Jesus. He is the only Truth to be found in this world. Seek Him today.
Yep.All a distraction
New variant (hahahahaha) Eris, goddess of Strife and Discourse....go figure, right?
I wonder if Zelynsky has a mansion on Maui, somewhere between Oprah's and Bezos's?
The show is getting zanier and zanier, with the same sick feeling to it as I got watching the movie Time Bandits so long ago.
The Powers are trying to snap us like little twigs, but have you ever seen the demonstration where you try to cut through a hank of hair corded together, after cutting through a single hair or few?
It gets more and more difficult, of course, the stronger the cord becomes.
Obviously politics aren't the way forward, but how do we manage to come together in great enough numbers to oust the evil influence(s)???
That is the zillion dollar question.
I believe Zelensky's mansion is in Florida
IS the new COVID variant actually more dangerous? We didn’t get the DeathVaxx but did get Omicron. Do we have any protection or is this simply another PsyOp?
Its dangerous to people who were vaxxed. There is a virus phenomenon called (ADE) Antibody Dependent Enhancement that causes the body to attack the immunization and the host as a foreign agent. This was one of the big reasons why NO ONE should have ever taken the vax. ADE is almost impossible to treat and the likelihood of survival drops very low when ADE occurs in a vaxxed patient. Its not really a new is simply ADE displaying its own natural state when it sees the host as the one generating the spike proteins. No matter how many times I warned people about this, sadly most people were neither educated nor intelligent enough to understand the key issues.
"All the housing is owned by old people staying in place and young people have nowhere to buy.." Observationally seniors who manage to live in place these past 4 years and hold on to their property as well with legal control may not at all be the issue. Credit and work history as well as affordability to own is. As with everything we are embedded into customs and habits of mind persist throughout time and place. No law - only medical/political writ large intervention - can force change and the forcing reinforces catastrophe. In the days of Chaucer land was privatized for money. Gold coins. Family property alienated for gold. Village land alienated for gold. Parents tossed into the street for gold.
The last home I sold was bought by an agent for blackrock. Not by a person.
The CDC is trying to say that the new variant is more likely than other previous variants to evade both vaccine and natural immunity. Basically, as new variants continue to arise, people who have had prior infections with other variants and people who have been vaccinated against other variants won't be any less likely to be infected than people who have never been infected or vaxxed.
They are not saying that vaccinated people are more likely to get infected with this variant than unvaxxed people. Being vaccinated isn't going to really help you, especially as the virus continues to mutate. This is true of pretty much any respiratory virus vaccine. They become less effective as time goes on.