Wow. You cover some very interesting subjects. THANK YOU!

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Jun 20Liked by Strange Sounds

Excellent news Round Up....as always!! Thanks, Manuel!! You are The Best!! ;-)

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Jun 20Liked by Strange Sounds

With man playing god with the weather should bring no surprise so that they can blame it on 'climate change'!

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Jun 20Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks, Manuel!

Re Surveillance by alexa & google home. I heard quite awhile ago that surveillance is MUCH more insidious than these, done via methods we cannot even comprehend.

Re Ten Commandments - and this opening up the possibility of other “religions’” allowance. Have heard this has already happened by various methods - statues, prayers, rituals, extracurricular groups and courses, etc. Actually, religions are not needed. They are control systems. What we need as far as guidance about integrity, honor and how to “behave” is already inherent in us. Humans just need to access it. Not that hard, really. Just most don’t want to. I personally think that a lot of humans just like fighting, battling, warring.

Re small pickup trucks and other pickups being “goned.” 😰

Re traction, hanging by neck for back/spine stretch -this isn’t new. There are gadgets to buy that attach to a doorknob or other properly placed support. It works. —😂 Remember Barney Fife on the Andy Griffith show, doing the same thing to stretch himself to become taller?

Re going off grid and Prepping. From big cities, yeah. From other places, who knows? There may be no permanent escape, really. Or so I’ve heard. Although I’ve also heard it said doing so and prepping may make one a bit more comfortable in the catastrophe. Another choice to make.

Re Mexico SElections. Gee, can’t have the selection interfered with….

Re East Palestine. Yup, stuff got to NC.

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Jun 20Liked by Strange Sounds

Warming everywhere but the Rockies...

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Jun 20Liked by Strange Sounds

I think that Timothy Leary was there before Pink Floyd.

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"Is this good? Or is this is a precursor to having Islam's profession of faith and other religious doctrines similarly promulgated in your public schools?"

To answer that question, we have to go back to the beginning. When those resisting British rule, which was controlled by the RCC, came to this country, it was for the purpose of worshiping what many people considered to be (rightly so) the One True God and to escape the tyranny and taxes of the church/state of the UK. The separation of church and state was foremost AND was also a Biblical principal.

After gaining their independence, they began building the new world under Biblical principles and colleges and universities began popping up however, they didn't resemble the so-called "learning institutions" of this age. They were FOUNDED upon Biblical principles, in fact, Harvard University began as a SEMINARY School. There was no resistance to Christianity as we see today, it was the standard by which to live!

As the country grew, and as the biggest attack against the Bible and Christian believers was being formed (Darwinism and evolutionary theory) atheists began infiltrating the universities and challenging Biblical beliefs. The rest is recorded and looked back upon as the greatest fall from Biblical truth ever seen and we are at the very end of it.

To the Bible believer, (because they have FOUND the truth, that's why we don't keep looking for it!) God controls all things by His Sovereign Will (which complete Sovereignty The God of all Creation must possess) and He initiated the founding of this country and His followers were simply obedient. Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism of 2nd world countries were always known as pagan religions in this predominantly Christian country until the new age of "enlightenment" began to fester in society. This included ALL major religions of the world and converts began to pop up in every sector of our culture. It has been a slide to Sodom and Gomorrah since the dawn of the industrial age and we are now almost completely cooked.

WE are in the last of the last days and hours of this age, the age of Grace and this fact is evident everywhere we look. The end was prophesied to happen very quickly and a glance at the last 5 years shows how far we have fallen. I believe that CERN was instrumental in opening the door which had been closed for many centuries and through that door came wicked spirits of old, previously held captive, reserved for these very last days. This is what the Bible says and it has been proving itself 100% accurate from the start, especially in this age as end times prophecies come to pass at BLAZING speed. This is why I have shifted from casually speaking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how His Sacrifice at Calvary and the Shedding of His Blood saves ALL WHO WILL BELIEVE in Him to utter urgency at this late hour.

I think, harkening back to the original question of whether the 10 Commandments being hung in schools is a precursor to the tenets of other "faiths" making their way into the schools. I think the question would be better asked in light of the fact that we are so very close to the huge changes prophesied in Scripture coming to pass. Many of these have already begun to come to pass showing us our future and overlapping with the age of great tribulation. So, perhaps the question should be rephrased to something like this..."Do we have TIME for this to be a precursor to having Islam's profession of faith and other religious doctrines similarly promulgated in your public schools?" With the war in the Middle East (and rumors of wars all over the world) I can answer that question thusly: I don't think so.

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