Put-In, a great tactics with no memory for little bit English... Why no English Wladimir?

How many messages are LOST in Translations...

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plus, poor lil TUCKER was abandoned by his mommy at a very young age...then a few years later daddy married the HEIR TO THE SWANSON TV DINNER FORTUNE...THAT'S why TC is so rich...


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I disagree. I likeTucker and am glad to see him at least trying to ask questions that no other journalist ask... but I enjoy your forum even though i do disagree with the odd post here and there. He was one of the first on mainstream media (when he was still working for Fox) that questioned the covid shot program, and the first question the Ukraine war when no other channel went against the narrative. or have the balls to do real journalism and ask tough questions..But just as i don't agree with everything on your forum, I do not always agree with Tucker either. Doesn't mean I stop listening. to him or in your case... reading.

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Good excerpt. We learned a lot from the "interview" of V. P. and Ukraine/Russian historical "facts" too. But it remains that it's best for Americans to not rely on the promises of any sort of so called "leadership". I do prefer the term "Family within Families", America too is a Family that which is to be treated as such by anyone set foot on! Although we are the Parents and NOT the children, pertaining to our Republic-Duty and "We The People" must react accordingly.

Now unfortunately the rest of the people in their countries can watch and learn. But obviously being a Global Family won't be with this shithow of fake enemies beating down our doors.

Clear as crystal. Thanks for your, most generous, extrapolation.

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Well, I think Tucker Carlson learned how to "give it a good old college try" [American idiom] from his trip to Liberia. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a450/esq1103-nov-liberia-rev/

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Let's hope it at least prods more Normies to start thinking a little "deeper"!! ;-)

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Best editorial comments, Manuel !

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Thank You , Manuel , for another excellent Article. I ALWAYS learn SO MUCH from You on Strange Sounds. Now I need to read up about Tucker, his Dad and NIcuaragua.

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I concur with your assessment, Manuel.

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Great summary. And the part where Putin admits how great connection to both Bushes he has, both Nazis, and that in the meantime, the nazification needs to disappear.. And he knows all about the pipelines and who did it, and says nothing becasue of western MSM media.. Isn't that participation in all of it?? ANd covid biolabs in Ukraine? Wasn't that part of the war?? He must be a friend of Biden too then..

Covid crimes united them all, across the entire globe, and Put-In leads in it, with his great friend JJping... Well, another wood show, just pity SNowden didn't join, and Trump, and Blavatnik, and all the other Russians, who run the show right here, in USA! AND that includes Sub-Stack, SS, in short, for many things....

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Sorry but I disagree.

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You don't have to be sorry! I know a lot will disagree!

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Manuel, I also disagree with your opinion about Carlson. Think about it...if 'Strainge Sounds' suddenly had a huge slice of the world's population turning into your interviews who were all key players --and you weren't hurting for money. (You didn't have to go out on a limb editoraly every time)and then all of a sudden to have an interview with OVER 100MM views with countrys wanting to ban you or try you for treason, would you be tempted to change your style?

I like your work, but you sound very jealous and petty. We cannot become bigger by taking potshots at someone who is an industry king. And we all have them. You could have simply commented on what Carlson could have done things differently, how YOU would do it. More professional, yes?

I really do enjoy your work, Manual, but as I've found over the last 50 years in my professional life, it's very tempting, but it's always better to stay in your own lane as to your market and audience!

Thanks again!

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Not everyone of your Readers agree on your EXTREME ongoing negative Views of Tucker Carlson or Elon Musk.Usually your Research is good. However on these Subjects it is surprising how limited it has been.

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“My favorite part was when Putin called out Tucker for his CIA ties… Actually, he didn't even accuse him of having ties to the CIA, he brought up that he was rejected after trying to join. “

At what point of the interview did Putin say this?

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