Former spy tells man with CIA ties that his government is ran by secret people...
This interview is pure theater like everything else in the mainstream...
Yep! It’s all bread and circus! It’s all acting… Tucker is not one of the good guys. There are no good guys looking out for you guys. It's all in the hands of the controllers…
My favorite part was when Putin called out Tucker for his CIA ties… Actually, he didn't even accuse him of having ties to the CIA, he brought up that he was rejected after trying to join. Had to sting coming from somebody whose former KGB, effectively saying "you were deemed too incompetent to hang with the big dogs, settle down" You could tell Tucker did not like that…
Yes, That was very brutal… Doing so Putin essentially reduced him to a clown. The subtext was essentially 'I've done my homework on you, and since you couldn't get into the CIA this dog and pony show is all you've got. You need me.'
I'm shocked, absolutely shocked that Tucker didn't mention how the leading cause of death for Russian oligarchs who criticise Putin is falling out of windows, and what does Putin think about that alarming coincidence... He probably didn’t want to be another tragic ‘falling out of window’ victim if I had to guess…
On the other side, could you imagine Biden trying to explain American ‘history’ for half an hour?
Anyhow, getting rejected by the CIA is the classic cover story for an undercover agent. You should read about Tucker Carlson, his time in Nicaragua, who is father was, etc. Putin himself was an intelligence agent.
This interview is pure theater like everything else in the mainstream…
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Put-In, a great tactics with no memory for little bit English... Why no English Wladimir?
How many messages are LOST in Translations...
plus, poor lil TUCKER was abandoned by his mommy at a very young age...then a few years later daddy married the HEIR TO THE SWANSON TV DINNER FORTUNE...THAT'S why TC is so rich...