SomeOne IS talking about it:

Suspicious0bservers Cycle Vid Short: Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence (17 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j635Cv2aOlA

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Another S0 here, good day to you.

If my instincts are trustworthy, I suspect Manuel might be too.

For those who may be looking ... this chan is def worth your time

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Not sure who Manuel is... Maybe I missed something... Anyway, though I don't keep up with S0's daily stuff lately, I do keep an eye out for Ben's work on the coming micronova.

G'day to You as well!

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Manuel is our author here. I'm a long-time follower of Ben's also and same approach - monitor progress.

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Ahhh. Thanks for the clarification on Manuel! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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😳. What if it’s all a dream?

About 15-20 years ago, I was on a retreat. Near the end of the time, I was saying to one of the organizers, what a fine time it had been, and that I really enjoyed it. Her response to me was to “enjoy the dream, but to remember that it IS a dream”….does anyone really know, I wonder? Looks as if “we” may be “fixin’ to find out.”

And then there’s Shakespeare’s stage, and I think Walt Whitman alludes to the same thing. And others. Guatama Buddha and ancient Eastern Indian, Asian teachings, from which many of the subtle ideas many express, are taken, alluding to life is but a dream….

Discount nothing.

That planetary information IS fascinating.

I’ll be looking at that. Great items, Manuel.

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I wonder why any American support their government... These supremacists need to be pulled down!

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The electromagnetic field I believe, is the true "building block" of the universe. And before it can manifest anything physical, it first needs information. "In the beginning was the word ... "

Study the dynamics of the torus shaped EM field, the meridian energy flow (waters of life) that energise it, and the portals (chakras) that lie along it's length. Stick with it ... and when the penny drops it'll blow your mind. And the Kingdom of God by Jesus Christ will make perfect sense.

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hey bud, i need more details if u plz.

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As I've posted here before .....

.... the gas giants are "clustered", related to their positions to Earth & the Sun, in the same region and their magnetic fields are conflicting the Sun's magnetic field; Earth is in the middle. Odds are similar events took place around 79 AD, the last time the positions were the same.

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ahhh insightful, what happened after that.

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Neptune's storms have begun " ....🤔 I can barely keep up with storms here on earth, so NASA put Doppler and weather stations on Neptune 🤣

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Coogee Beach balls - maybe the - uhm “aliens” emptied their holding tanks…the makings of a good sci-fi story!

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Thank you, Manuel. Is it big crunch time as proposed in Stephen Hawking's book A Brief History of Time? https://www.amazon.com/Brief-History-Time-Stephen-Hawking-ebook/dp/B004WY3D0O/

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Nothing is changing, including the non stop fear porn. But lots of propaganda to keep the masses distracted. That is because they are busy in the background planning our murders. Never forget,......"Wag the Dog". If anyone is buying all the BS, the non stop landslide of BS, they will definitely be broke soon.

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Holy shitzky.

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Excellent, as always, Manuel!! Thanks, Manuel!! Interesting to see the list of what is going on in our galaxy!! We need to ask what is causing these changes......another "body" entering our system??? So, Australia has been "Black-balled"!!! ;-)

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"you can't really reach another conclusion other than there's something very heavy-duty going on behind the scenes, like really profound" - Tucker Carlson to Glenn Greenwald @53:31 https://youtu.be/AKh4txSD0eQ?si=40GuUyUqf2n8K8ZN&t=3199

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This is a great summary of separate bits I’ve picked up and even a couple of new ones. A cyclical catastrophe explains the lack of historical knowledge despite humans supposedly having been around for “millions of years.” I am fascinated by the idea that the universe may be 6000 years old and what our “science” is recognizing as historical are in fact remnants that came with the program…..

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What can we do about the AMOC risk? "..This requires us to address the underlying cause – global warming – by reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible..." Is this not throwing science out the window - by careless disregard of the rest of the solar system - and blaming humanity for weather / geophysical cataclysms as if we live in a closed system?

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I wonder if Neil "Ohio" Young will write a hit song about Directive 5240.01.

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