About 15-20 years ago, I was on a retreat. Near the end of the time, I was saying to one of the organizers, what a fine time it had been, and that I really enjoyed it. Her response to me was to “enjoy the dream, but to remember that it IS a dream”….does anyone really know, I wonder? Looks as if “we” may be “f…
About 15-20 years ago, I was on a retreat. Near the end of the time, I was saying to one of the organizers, what a fine time it had been, and that I really enjoyed it. Her response to me was to “enjoy the dream, but to remember that it IS a dream”….does anyone really know, I wonder? Looks as if “we” may be “fixin’ to find out.”
And then there’s Shakespeare’s stage, and I think Walt Whitman alludes to the same thing. And others. Guatama Buddha and ancient Eastern Indian, Asian teachings, from which many of the subtle ideas many express, are taken, alluding to life is but a dream….
😳. What if it’s all a dream?
About 15-20 years ago, I was on a retreat. Near the end of the time, I was saying to one of the organizers, what a fine time it had been, and that I really enjoyed it. Her response to me was to “enjoy the dream, but to remember that it IS a dream”….does anyone really know, I wonder? Looks as if “we” may be “fixin’ to find out.”
And then there’s Shakespeare’s stage, and I think Walt Whitman alludes to the same thing. And others. Guatama Buddha and ancient Eastern Indian, Asian teachings, from which many of the subtle ideas many express, are taken, alluding to life is but a dream….
Discount nothing.
That planetary information IS fascinating.
I’ll be looking at that. Great items, Manuel.