Hey Anheuser-Busch! Just drop that unsold Bud Light to quench the Canadian fires...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for June 8, 2023...
With Canadian raging fires now, why not send all the unsold Bud Light to help quench the fire? Doesn’t have to be water to put it out, and you get some needed good publicity for a change… Bud Light is co-sponsoring an 'all-ages' drag show party: ‘Safe space’ ‘family festival event’…
On May 19, 1780, in an event known as Dark Day, New England was cast into blackness as a result of Ontario wildfires mixed with unfavorable atmospheric conditions. Such was the lack of light, candles were needed in the day to provide illumination. Parts of New Hampshire were covered in ash 6" deep…
Oh man...... What does that mean if you're having a bbq and you have a vegan neighbor that doesn't want to smell your ribs cooking? DC woman wins legal bid to bar neighbor from smoking pot in his home…
Map showing flooding extent in Ukraine since the Kakhova dam breach…
Because the sooner we exhaust oil and gas, the sooner we can go green! Right? UK firm given £430m green transition loan then expanded oil and gas business…
The general public would very surprised and shocked at how many critical medicines (even out of patent or generic ones) are made by only one or two factories. And if something happens to the factory a global shortage happens… US doctors forced to ration as cancer drug shortages hit nationwide…
This may explain why we behave so dumb since the plandemic… It also makes me wonder about the long term neurological effects of the black death and other pandemic/endemic illnesses… Researchers have discovered viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 can cause brain cells to fuse, initiating malfunctions that lead to chronic neurological symptoms…
Australia to ban swastika, SS sign citing rise of far-right…
That’s good! They are also starting the same in Ukraine… Journalists are asking Ukrainian soldiers to hide their Nazi patches, NYT admits…
If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work.
A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it… OMG, what could that be?
I can excuse the human trafficking and slave labor, but misleading me about carbon emissions is where I draw the line… Fifa misled fans over ‘carbon-neutral Qatar World Cup’…
Werner von Braun: The "last card" for conquering other countries would be a planned fake alien invasion…
CANADA… Public school teacher tells Muslim students “You don’t belong here” after some skip Pride Week…
Demonstrators clashed and fights erupted during a protest Tuesday evening outside a meeting of the Glendale Unified School District board, which was scheduled to vote on recognizing June as Pride month…
This is looking bad for our wallets… Drought tightens grip across Corn Belt – 34% now hit with drought…
Do they have anything to hide? Israel Health Ministry central lab was shut down due to flooding for the last three days… According to different Twitter accounts: ‘The official lab of the Ministry of Health for the approval of medicines is closed due to flooding. In addition, there was damage to documents, biological materials, medicines and computers’… Israel National News reports that the Ministry of Health said: "We are working with certified parties to assess the damages and return the laboratory to work as quickly as possible."

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If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work.
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Thank you and have a great Thursday,
Flooding of the Israeli Health LAB? Looks totally submerged to me...submerged in some nefarious activity. LOL.
Any shortage on cancer drugs would be a good problem for those collecting the bottom line profits! It's the equivalent of "not enough parking" at a restaurant; it's a GOOD problem. They have a shortage now because the clot shot INCREASED the incidences of all types of cancer, bringing back the disease in people that were diagnosed in full remission before taking the shot. It's just another day in big pharma. A win, win, win, win, situation for them and their petro drug companies! And they get to decrease the population to boot! Judgement is coming and He is coming QUICKLY.