Politicians, elites! You all said nothing was going to happen on September 24th. Now this is huge...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for September 24, 2022...
Video shows military vehicles entering Beijing…

Mykhailo Dianov in the right photo after being released from Russian captivity…
I guess they should just head on down to the solar store… Puerto Ricans seething over lack of power days after Fiona…
Meanwhile Fiona has reached Canada: Hundreds of thousands in the dark…
Kecak is a form of Balinese Hindu dance and music drama. It has roots in sanghyang, a trance-inducing exorcism dance. It depicts a battle from the Ramayana, in which the monkey-like Vanaras, led by Hanuman, help Prince Rama fight the evil King Ravana… Creepy!
That’s a cool idea! Plants to mine metals and remediate land…
But not to make bread… UN food chief warns of ‘hell on earth’ food lows…
A frontal view of the deep sea telescope fish. It's unusual for a fish, because it has front-facing eyes and thus binocular vision…
Do they have this license to fly over Ukraine? Elon Musk has activated Starlink for Iranian citizens after US Sec of State issued a General License…
It is National Preparedness Month. NYC subway and buses are full of those…
And with the coming WWIII, the world could clearly have an EMP attack or a real atomic blast?
Those pictures are just insane!
Florida STATE OF EMERGENCY… Gov. Ron DeSantis declares state of emergency over Tropical Depression 9…
Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama: ‘I would rather die in India than in China’…

The real struggle will begin after he passes away. Both Tibet and China will try to appoint their own Dalai Lama. Historically its Tibet who has chosen the next Dalai Lama but this time CCP wants that they appoint the next one so that they can halt the Tibetan separatist movements. So yeah, we could get two Dalai Lamas simultaneously.
Some of the most annoying dudes on the planet… Today’s tech billionaires think they’re self-made geniuses who deserve veneration. But we don’t have to believe that…
Well, she was lucky…
A Mexican beach after the recent M7.6 earthquake… Insane!
And they will release them soon… Scientists have engineered mosquitoes that slow the growth of malaria-causing parasites in their gut, preventing transmission of malaria to humans…
Democracy is dead in Europe. WEF member and EU commission president Ursula von der Leyen openly admits : If Italians elect "right-wing" (non WEF) politicians "the EU has the tools needed" to deal with that problem. Your votes don't matter anymore…

They were in charge of the youth program, meaning they had access to lots of children. Predators seek out these sorts of jobs and roles… 3 Stoughton officers had inappropriate relationships with girl who later died by suicide…
Just say no… Parents speak out about prosthetic breast wearing transgender teacher in Canada…
Meet Dr Baffled…
US military recruiting hits 'crisis' level lows… Meanwhile, US Veteran Benefits will soon mirror Social Security benefits thanks to a unanimous, bipartisan vote…
Release these in public and watch the chaos... I would be terrified…
Thanksfully, this is just SciFi… But I wonder if we once going to discover an animal or insect looking like this monster…
A new looming disaster… A fault system running nearly 70 miles along the coast of Los Angeles and Orange counties has the potential to trigger a magnitude 7.8 earthquake…
Every time I think he can't get any creepier, he finds a way…
Why is it mainly children that witness UFOs? Examples: Voronezh Russia, Ariel Zimbabwe, Westall Australia, Missionary school in Papua New Quinea, Broad Haven school in UK.. and its often a school? Are children more easily approachable?
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It’s one of the best time to invest in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS to limit the effects of inflation on your IRA/401K and achieve the retirement peace of mind you deserve…
Below, you will find some affiliate products that I highly recommend to add to your disaster & emergency preparedness kit:
In case of an emergency, you should always have an emergency kit ready…
EMP, solar flares and lightnings may disrupt electronics in your homes, cars and generators. To prevent a fire at the breaker box and PROTECT YOUR HOME, CAR, BUSINESS, SOLAR PANELS and ELECTRONICS you should install an EMP Shield.
During the next disaster you may lose your electricity… You will never be in the dark again with this portable power station…
During the next emergency you will want to stay informed all the time… This portable NOAA emergency weather radio has even a LED Flashlight incorporated…
In case of an emergency near a nuclear facility, you should always be able to measure the level of radioactivity around you… And get Potassium Iodide Tablets…
Thank you,
a bit off topic here; but it was mentioned in one of your articles: i have photographs that i took myself *not using a cellphone* of stonehenge where one of the stones has a large piece missing and underneath it is a huge steel frame. i asked about why the frame was there and was told by the staff that they had 'restored it in the 1920's'. if you take a look at how many times they have 'restored' or 'repaired' stonehenge you will come to realize that the structure is not even close to original; if it ever was at all. if you want the photos that i have let me know; i will be happy to send them to you. i could not find photos like mine online as well.
Xi, gone? Now worry. The bungler lost to India twice. Siberia beats them back each winter.
A good book on UFOs and abductions is Alien Intrusion. There’s also a CD. It was written by Dr. Gary Bates.
People have used cattails and duckweed for centuries to cleanse water. It’s nice science is finally catching up with ye olde rednecks.
World food shortages are common, but less so with going back to Granny ag. It was common to use nightsoil and cover crops, grazing the covers, for centuries. The the Green Revolution came along, and 3rd world governments found themselves getting wealthy from 1st world donations to buy chemicals. WWII, the US government demanded all farmers use chemicals to raise crops. One great-grandfather refused to do so and so did his son-in-law, Grampa. Both men were threatened with arrest. Yet, both were powerful enough in their areas to stop the law. Both also proved they got better, larger crops by old-fashioned means than chemicals. Gabe Brown, YouTube, teaches ag world-wide. His N. Dakota ranch gets 16 inches of moisture a year, and since he went no-till, he’s taken prizes in what he raises. Cattle, poultry, covers (cocktail blend, up to 27 types of plants), hay is sold, not fed, and no barns for the cattle in winter despite it getting to minus 50F. niio