Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for December 29, 2022...
Two-thirds of Americans want the FBI investigated for subverting the First Amendment. Unfortunately, it will never happen. The inmates are running the asylum…
I introduced yesterday that the ethics police in the NIH is Fauci’s wife… Also keep in mind that Anthony Fauci’s daughter was working at Twitter as a software engineer…
On Dec. 21 (China Standard Time), a People’s Liberation Army - Navy J-11 fighter pilot performed an unsafe maneuver during and intercept of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft, which was lawfully conducting routine operations over the South China Sea in international airspace. The PLAN pilot flew an unsafe maneuver by flying in front of and within 20 feet of the nose of the RC-135, forcing the RC-135 to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision…
The Hindu Vedas contain fantastic stories of ultra advanced flying craft and exotic energy weaponry. Evidence of unexplained ancient aircraft can be found across the planet especially in areas where major civilizations once thrived… These Hindu texts describe flying Vimanas and details of an ancient nuclear war…
The collapsed postal system in China due to Corona outbreak... Insane…
Lunar occultation of Mars… Mark your calendar. On Jan. 30-31, 2023, the Moon will pass directly in front of Mars, producing an occultation visible across southern US states, all of Mexico and Central America… In Los Angeles, Mars will disappear at 20:36 PST and reappear at 21:30 PST on Jan. 30th. To find your local times, visit in-the-sky.org and set the location to your home town.
Researchers have confirmed biblical conflicts using Earth's magnetic field…
If being gaslit by the White House, FBI and media wasn’t enough you’re now being gaslit by soup companies…
Hundreds of manatees flood Florida state park as rivers remain cold…
I love when this guy speaks… Listen as he explains how a major cyber attack will make covid look like a walk in the park…
Meanwhile, There is growing concern among industry executives about large-scale strikes… Cyber attacks set to become ‘uninsurable’, says Zurich chief…
A Ukrainian politician yesterday FALSELY shared a photo to her 331k twitter followers of a child from a 2013 on Amazon and claimed he just survived a russian artillery attack for war propaganda. It got 39,000 likes before she deleted it from so many people calling her out…
Was he Seth Riched or Epsteined? Kanye West: Former business manager says rapper is ‘missing’ after failing to locate him for lawsuit…
Leaflet dropped on Nagasaki before the nuke…
Researchers have discovered the first "virovore": An organism that eats viruses…
Amazing art… High end knives…

Money laundering and corruption… BlackRock reaches deal with Zelensky to finance the “rebuilding” of Ukraine…
I would love eating healthy food for the same price than junk food…
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What .....the 107 billion the obiden gave this dirt bag was not enough???....think mayby the bombings should stop first and a peace deal made?
Nope.....that would make sense.....NONE of this makes any sense EXCEPT....the money laundering aspect!
Frauchi's spawn:
I guess dental hygiene and hair cleanliness isn't a priority, but you gotta have a penis ring in the nose? I would never speak to, let alone hire anyone like that. Gross!