These articles, news, etc are great! But get ready the real creepy, crazy unreal is fixing to happen - up thru February. Appreciate this website👍

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And you know something that we don't about February? Hows about sharing it?

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Always appreciate the w/w reporting! Thanks, Manuel!!

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The increasing prevalence of auroras at lower latitudes is not only due to solar maximum. The weakening geomagnetic field strength and rapidly accelerating shifting of the magnetic poles towards the equator indicate that our planet is experiencing a geomagnetic excursion or possibly even a full reversal. These are extinction level events and amply explain the rapid shift in climate because multiple feedback loops are profoundly affected by the increased intensity of cosmic radiation. While Carbon dioxide does play a role in these feedback loops, the dominant climate narratives are mostly based on a desire to exploit and control populations through fear.

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The world is turned upside down. See Isaiah 24:1

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"Youtube kids and Youtube are pushing sexualized, propaganda filled, and other adult content to small children." ~ YouTube pulled the plug and closed my Ministry channel for pointing out this and similar truth. ANYTHING that runs contrary to, and specifically points out indisputable truth, they hate.

Galatians 4:16

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

_________________ The obvious answer to that question is: YES.

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"Keeping that thing alive is crazy…" The cow with two heads. Yes, that poor thing would be immediately euthanized in any sane country but this happens to be in Hindi India where the worst of the worst gods and goddesses are worshiped. Of all mankind's world religions Hinduism is by far the creepiest and nastiest demonic religion on this earth. They are probably worshiping this cow more than they worship all other cows.

Think about this, now that we're talking about it; every world religion, even Catholicism is simply man's efforts to reach God and they all incorporate the nuttiest rituals and doctrines, every bit of them WORKS of some kind and seen as rewards for doing more and better things.

Biblical Christianity is the ONLY system of worship, given by God and in which God Himself reached out to mankind (not vice versa) and paid the penalty for the sins of which we all know we are guilty.

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I just came across something you might find interesting.

From wikipedia:

The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (abbreviated as UNOWAS) is a United Nations political mission in Dakar, Senegal established in 2002 for preventive diplomacy, political mediation, and facilitation in West Africa and the Sahel. It is managed by the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.

I see an eye surrounded by spiraling 6’s. In the center, the pupil, is the UN logo (cross-hair on the world).


Thank you for all of your hard work!

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Ah, the things money motivates!

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Thanks for sharing this. I got up about 1am on the 10th and didn’t see anything. Couldn’t believe Key West got a view. I’m in the Carolina’s.

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