This is biblical...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for April 30, 2021...
Microburst in Phoenix, Arizona…
Apocalyptic hail in Texas and Oklahoma. Amazing videos and pictures…
Vikings created a massive boat in this volcanic cave to ward off the apocalypse…
The Cascadia rupture is about to happen…
New drone photos of Lake Oroville depict California’s worsening drought…
Drought nasty problem for salmon…
Meanwhile, a giant octopus spotted on Byron Bay beach, Australia. Picture by Jarrah Brailey
US on high alert after at least two mysterious directed-energy attacks occurred on American soil…
The novel coronavirus work really well on influenza… It has completely disappeared…
But I would stay away from the vaxxed…
Like a scene out of the Alfred Hitchcock thriller The Birds, thousands of corellas have been filmed taking over a suburb on the NSW South Coast.
Moringa is now becoming the preferate superfood for preppers… Learn why here…
Condom sales are surging again…
FBI shares citizens' gun purchase data with INTERPOL...
Baby Swordfish this little guy can grow over 1000 lbs.
Another mystery along Cascadia: melting of Earth’s crust…
Scientists spot another unexplained ring-shaped radio structure in space…
Russian warplanes are buzzing Alaska at the highest rate since the collapse of the Soviet Union…
Why is this solar activity information being released at this moment ?
We can’t do a thing to stop UFOs…
New research reveals the cause of Mexico City’s rapidly sinking and fracturing ground...
A strange geoengineered cloud… Why is this fallstreak hole square?
Get your USB killer pro kit… (affiliate)
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Thank you, Manuel
I really enjoyed the one article about the igneous rocks along the CA. coastline. It gives one hope. LOL It reminds me of two songs that I really like about CA "crumbles into the sea" is part of a verse. But I do enjoy the geology articles, very nice. I'm also someone who would love to travel the stars. Yeah, true, and tried Trek lover since seeing the reruns when I was growing up in the 70s. I don't like the term Trekkies or however, they call themselves. LOL My father taught me about the weather. He has since passed on, but discussing the weather is still a cherished memory of memories. I've very glad I stumbled upon your site. Thank you for all the intel. Peace, my brother.
I have a short video of a blue line in a hazy sky that goes east/west for as far as the eye can see. Nobody even wants to see it
Looks like haarp to me.