Those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 8, 2022...
Machines that count votes in Arizona are "misreading the votes"… Probably same problems occurring all across the US…

For those banned from Twitter, here’s the same video on Youtube:
Here’s a major channel corroborating the counting problems…
Meanwhile, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild has died…
Yes, the guy in the picture below…
Interesting also is the fact that Evelyn's wife was Jeffrey Epstein's handler.
So which Rothschild is the unelected ruler of earth now? To my knowledge, the head of the family is Baron David Rothschild, but I may be wrong...
A mysterious sight… Antares rocket shoots over Manhattan – Visible along entire US East Coast…
El Salvador has been in a state of emergency since March, following a wave of killings attributed to criminal gangs. In response, the government has introduced a controversial measure of destroying the tombstones of gang members to prevent them from becoming shrines…
Rule 1, don’t let the military or government officials greet them… Scientists are working on an official 'alien contact protocol' for when ET phones Earth…
I like these small creatures… The Opossom is able to withstand up to 80 rattlesnake bites. Thanks to him, there is an antidote to snake venom. They don't get rabies and they eat ticks. They're your friend. ❤
What was once hundreds of employees removing posts is now a 15-person team at Twitter, all as part of a “corporate transition to reduce opportunities for insider risk,” Twitter’s head of safety and integrity Yoel Roth tweeted… Those 15 people are doing a great job banning anyone that makes fun of Elon… They must be extremely well caffeinated and chained to their desk making bots to mass delete accounts… MIT reports Twitter lost over 1 million users since Elon Musk’s takeover…
In Dubai, the Emaar skyscraper caught fire near the Burj Khalifa…
If it’s not Covid, it’s because of the flu… US hospitals are so overloaded that one ER called 911 on itself…
Salvator Mundi, the most expensive painting ever sold. Depicting Jesus Christ in an blue Renaissance dress, making the sign of the cross with his right hand, while holding a transparent crystal orb in his left. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, circa 1490-1510, and sold for $450.3M in 2017…
I know many people that were born today because their parents were drinking 20 years ago… Polish leader blames low birth rate on women drinking…
TikTokers get destroyed by psychology professor…
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We pay for their pollution… Billionaires emit a million times more greenhouse gases than the average person…
The new film All Quiet On The Western Front is pure nightmare fuel…
You should absolutely read the book. It is one of the best books related to war ever. It's horrifying, and sad, and beautiful & in my opinion should be read by every person on earth…
Auroras most commonly appear green, because oxygen atoms, which are abundant in the part of the atmosphere that solar wind normally reaches, emit that hue when they are excited. However, during the recent solar storm, on Nov. 3, the crack in Earth's magnetosphere enabled the solar wind to penetrate below 62 miles, where nitrogen is the most abundant gas. As a result, the auroras gave off a neon pink glow as the supercharged particles smashed mostly into nitrogen atoms…
I’m sure his coworkers think he was eminently qualified to be the chairman’s son… Tyson Foods CFO arrested after drunkenly entering random woman's home and sleeping in her bed… Interesting. The (now former) executive of Beyond Meat who got arrested for assaulting someone was also a Tyson employee for 30 years…
This is how they use your tax dollar… The new Space Force uniforms look totally lame…
Did they just invent seedless cats? Kitten found with no sex organs in veterinary first in Tyneside, UK…
This guy gets it…
The depopulation deniers are quiet on this one… Water wars: Several major rivers experiencing drought at the same time. I wonder what could be causing this…
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed…
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Seedless cats 🐱 😂😂😂
most accurate portrayal of Jesus Christ (Heaven is for Real):