" the giant 'Resurrection' sculpture in the Vatican" ~ IS "EVIL". They are NOT Christians following CHRIST. They are Satanic and loaded with anti-Christian themes. And this is nothing new. The Rome / Roman functionaries in times past undertook widespread and sustained persecutions of Christians, including spectacular executions for the sake of popular entertainment, throughout the three-century history of the early Christian Church. Rome and its 'Satanic' emperors still act as deceiving functionaries, just like Satan himself, who they believe is the 1 true light bearer.
Sorry if that upsets the "Catholics" but it's the sad truth.
All the Catholics need to do is what I did and READ and STUDY the truth for themselves beginning in the King James Bible (all others are COUNTERFEITS) But their lifestyles and tradition keeps them from doing so.
The Vatican is THE most wicked institution on earth. Read Revelation 17 and it describes her (the woman that rides the beast) perfectly.
Many modern, Bible believing Christians believe that "Mystery, Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" is the USA. They must ignore the fact that it is a CITY on SEVEN HILLS, colored in purple and scarlet and gold and pearls and precious stones and a golden cup in her hand.
Not only is the RCC being described to the letter here it is being exposed as the most murderous institute in history. (murderers of millions of TRUE Christians) The martyrs of Jesus Christ were slain by the millions in the Crusades and the Inquisition, foisted by the RCC against anyone who denied Catholic doctrines such as transubstantiation or the Eucharist in which a man is said to have the power to call down the actual FLESH or DNA of Jesus Christ into a wafer and then to EAT Him. According to the Council of Trent, anyone who disbelieves that the wafer becomes the actual, body of Christ is to be ANATHEMA from the RCC! BILLIONS of willingly ignorant Catholics gather in churches every day and Jesus is eaten more than 250,000 times per day (twice on Sunday!) Yet their ornate cathedrals full of idols are full of "worshipers" every Sunday.
Unlike previous "great" civilizations that were defeated into oblivion, the Roman Empire disintegrated into smaller pieces which will eventually be reconstituted. It will be the base-camp of total evil.
evaporation on the scene, annihilating Gaza's victims? Anyone 9/11 and the dancing Israelis?
there is also a report about MANY MORE killed journalists in Gaza, who cant report any more on the cruel scenes human eyes can't see.. The report can be found here:
Great link. Thank you for sharing it. I have been watching Dane's weekly update for the last 11 years. The chemical ice nucleation wasn't even necessary in the recent massive snowfall. They manipulated arctic cold air from Canada (as they have done for the last 4 years) in a massive low pressure system over the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states recently including the great lakes which were still very warm from the hot summer, 60 degrees in many cases. That 20 degree air moving over the warm lakes caused the normal lake effect snow to go bonkers and just keep dumping snow over the areas to the west of the lakes. Chemical ice nucleation is definitely used in many cases, as is seen with the softball sized hail now becoming common but it wasn't necessary in this case, I don't think. Chemical ice nucleation wasn't necessary because the air was already cold having come from the arctic and manipulated over the most densely populated areas of the country. Were you residing in Buffalo when that Continental flight crashed into a house. It was 2009 I believe. HORRIFIC crash and completely caused by negligent pilots.
Except by this Pardon, incoming President Trump now has a crystal clear time frame in which to direct investigators. Hunter didn't act alone. There were MANY other people . . . . AMERICANS. . . . involved.
But there's another issue: While a President can Pardon anyone for any federal crime, there is a very real question as to whether that Pardon Power extends to TREATIES. Specifically, the Bio-Weapons Treaty.
While a President's power to Pardon comes from the Constitution, that same Constitution makes it, and all Treaties, the supreme law of the land. There is no clarification as to whether a President's power to Pardon extends to TREATIES.
There is only one punishment outlined in the Bio-Weapons Treaty for any violations: Death by Hanging.
This could be the start of a very fierce Constitutional Battle. Can a US President Pardon someone who may have violated a TREATY, which is higher than federal criminal statutes??
Illegitimate) President Joseph Biden has Pardoned his son, Hunter, for all crimes he might be involved in starting on Jan 1, 2014. Why did he pick that date? Because . . .
2014 is when the CIA/State Dept took over Ukraine. 2014 and also when Hunter’s biolab company, Metabiota, began looking for coronaviruses in Ukraine.
Joe is not just covering the drug and gun possession charges for his son Hunter, Joe is running cover for all of Hunter’s criminality in Ukraine, which is really Joe’s criminality in Ukraine.
This is not just a pardon for Hunter. This is a pardon for JOE!
But if Trumps team can prove, Blow Jiden cheated the election, therefore never being president..then isn't everything Blow Jiden approved not valid? It make sense to me, but I have no idea. Asking for a friend. Lol.
I thought David Mayer was the owner of Comet Ping Pong under a pseudonym? This is kind of like Google Maps erasing all the powerful jews of silicon valley's homes off Google Earth. People like Zuckerberg etc and their properties have been blurred out and erased.
There seems to be a theory that there is a David Meyer Rothschild who had chatabc or whatever it's called, manipulated so he can't be incorporated into it.
The giant winged man could be part of the "sons of God" of Genesis 6 who "kept not their first estate" (Jude 1:6) but "...the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." Genesis 6:2 And the verse goes on to say that the giants were born from the union of the sons of God with the daughters of men. The Bible talks of giants throughout the Old Testament. Also, in the early 20th century and decades before, giant skeletons were being found all over the earth, especially in the Americas. These giant skeletons were then given to the curator of the Smithsonian who was trusted to " keep" them and show them but when the finders asked to see their finds they were told they never gave any skeletons to the museum. Of course not, they didn't fit the budding theory of man's origin, evolution and they were carried by barge and dumped into the middle of the Atlantic ocean!
Giant Resurrection sculpture - there is just no accounting for mid century Italian artists, uggh it's an embarrassment. As for the same depictions of creatures all over the world. See "The Squatter Man Project".
"Microbes" are considered "LIFE" on some asteroid, but a "FETUS IN THE WOMB" is just some globular plebe and acceptable of being discarded?
Oh, you are sooooooo right!
"same symbol is found in 3 different countries" ~ "Naphel bene ha Elohim".
"Fallen Sons of GOD"; These are "Fallen Angel" depictions. "the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.."
" the giant 'Resurrection' sculpture in the Vatican" ~ IS "EVIL". They are NOT Christians following CHRIST. They are Satanic and loaded with anti-Christian themes. And this is nothing new. The Rome / Roman functionaries in times past undertook widespread and sustained persecutions of Christians, including spectacular executions for the sake of popular entertainment, throughout the three-century history of the early Christian Church. Rome and its 'Satanic' emperors still act as deceiving functionaries, just like Satan himself, who they believe is the 1 true light bearer.
Sorry if that upsets the "Catholics" but it's the sad truth.
All the Catholics need to do is what I did and READ and STUDY the truth for themselves beginning in the King James Bible (all others are COUNTERFEITS) But their lifestyles and tradition keeps them from doing so.
The Vatican is THE most wicked institution on earth. Read Revelation 17 and it describes her (the woman that rides the beast) perfectly.
Many modern, Bible believing Christians believe that "Mystery, Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" is the USA. They must ignore the fact that it is a CITY on SEVEN HILLS, colored in purple and scarlet and gold and pearls and precious stones and a golden cup in her hand.
Not only is the RCC being described to the letter here it is being exposed as the most murderous institute in history. (murderers of millions of TRUE Christians) The martyrs of Jesus Christ were slain by the millions in the Crusades and the Inquisition, foisted by the RCC against anyone who denied Catholic doctrines such as transubstantiation or the Eucharist in which a man is said to have the power to call down the actual FLESH or DNA of Jesus Christ into a wafer and then to EAT Him. According to the Council of Trent, anyone who disbelieves that the wafer becomes the actual, body of Christ is to be ANATHEMA from the RCC! BILLIONS of willingly ignorant Catholics gather in churches every day and Jesus is eaten more than 250,000 times per day (twice on Sunday!) Yet their ornate cathedrals full of idols are full of "worshipers" every Sunday.
Unlike previous "great" civilizations that were defeated into oblivion, the Roman Empire disintegrated into smaller pieces which will eventually be reconstituted. It will be the base-camp of total evil.
evaporation on the scene, annihilating Gaza's victims? Anyone 9/11 and the dancing Israelis?
there is also a report about MANY MORE killed journalists in Gaza, who cant report any more on the cruel scenes human eyes can't see.. The report can be found here:
former Buffalo, NY, resident, here - End the chemical ice nucleation! https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineered-winter-weather-the-chemical-ice-nucleation-factor/
Great link. Thank you for sharing it. I have been watching Dane's weekly update for the last 11 years. The chemical ice nucleation wasn't even necessary in the recent massive snowfall. They manipulated arctic cold air from Canada (as they have done for the last 4 years) in a massive low pressure system over the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states recently including the great lakes which were still very warm from the hot summer, 60 degrees in many cases. That 20 degree air moving over the warm lakes caused the normal lake effect snow to go bonkers and just keep dumping snow over the areas to the west of the lakes. Chemical ice nucleation is definitely used in many cases, as is seen with the softball sized hail now becoming common but it wasn't necessary in this case, I don't think. Chemical ice nucleation wasn't necessary because the air was already cold having come from the arctic and manipulated over the most densely populated areas of the country. Were you residing in Buffalo when that Continental flight crashed into a house. It was 2009 I believe. HORRIFIC crash and completely caused by negligent pilots.
I escaped Baldwinsville and Auburn for Florida..
Except by this Pardon, incoming President Trump now has a crystal clear time frame in which to direct investigators. Hunter didn't act alone. There were MANY other people . . . . AMERICANS. . . . involved.
But there's another issue: While a President can Pardon anyone for any federal crime, there is a very real question as to whether that Pardon Power extends to TREATIES. Specifically, the Bio-Weapons Treaty.
While a President's power to Pardon comes from the Constitution, that same Constitution makes it, and all Treaties, the supreme law of the land. There is no clarification as to whether a President's power to Pardon extends to TREATIES.
There is only one punishment outlined in the Bio-Weapons Treaty for any violations: Death by Hanging.
This could be the start of a very fierce Constitutional Battle. Can a US President Pardon someone who may have violated a TREATY, which is higher than federal criminal statutes??
Illegitimate) President Joseph Biden has Pardoned his son, Hunter, for all crimes he might be involved in starting on Jan 1, 2014. Why did he pick that date? Because . . .
2014 is when the CIA/State Dept took over Ukraine. 2014 and also when Hunter’s biolab company, Metabiota, began looking for coronaviruses in Ukraine.
Joe is not just covering the drug and gun possession charges for his son Hunter, Joe is running cover for all of Hunter’s criminality in Ukraine, which is really Joe’s criminality in Ukraine.
This is not just a pardon for Hunter. This is a pardon for JOE!
But if Trumps team can prove, Blow Jiden cheated the election, therefore never being president..then isn't everything Blow Jiden approved not valid? It make sense to me, but I have no idea. Asking for a friend. Lol.
Bombshell Developments! Trump Pledges To Prosecute Biden Administration/UN NGOs For Human Trafficking & Sex Slavery! Deep State Now In TOTAL Panic!
"Is it a case of evil things being hidden in plain sight?" Yes, He is sitting in the middle.
Maybe David Mayer is the one that created that AI …
I thought David Mayer was the owner of Comet Ping Pong under a pseudonym? This is kind of like Google Maps erasing all the powerful jews of silicon valley's homes off Google Earth. People like Zuckerberg etc and their properties have been blurred out and erased.
Interesting… I didn’t realize that
No, that was Oscar Mayer
I’m French, not a single word heard about the journalist. How sad. And how obvious the enemy is vicious.
Tank you for what you do, very much appreciated🙏🏼
Those things look like antennae rather than wings..
Would people be more or less 'freaked out' if angels turned out to be giant insects and not birds?
You shall worship zeee bugs und be happy!
Ugh...just imagine if they insisted that we eat them. It would be a reverse nightmare. "They came here to be eaten."
There seems to be a theory that there is a David Meyer Rothschild who had chatabc or whatever it's called, manipulated so he can't be incorporated into it.
'Resurrection' looks like Stranger Things.
The giant winged man could be part of the "sons of God" of Genesis 6 who "kept not their first estate" (Jude 1:6) but "...the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." Genesis 6:2 And the verse goes on to say that the giants were born from the union of the sons of God with the daughters of men. The Bible talks of giants throughout the Old Testament. Also, in the early 20th century and decades before, giant skeletons were being found all over the earth, especially in the Americas. These giant skeletons were then given to the curator of the Smithsonian who was trusted to " keep" them and show them but when the finders asked to see their finds they were told they never gave any skeletons to the museum. Of course not, they didn't fit the budding theory of man's origin, evolution and they were carried by barge and dumped into the middle of the Atlantic ocean!
Giant Resurrection sculpture - there is just no accounting for mid century Italian artists, uggh it's an embarrassment. As for the same depictions of creatures all over the world. See "The Squatter Man Project".