Sitemap - 2023 - Strange Sounds

Happy New Year 2024

2024 conspiracy predictions… Hit me with what you think will transpire this year?

Who's with me?

Will be back tomorrow!

Merry Christmas!

Scientists warn ‘doing your own research’ is ‘dangerous’ and turns people into ‘conspiracy theorists’

We sent them into the fire but this was not a crime ...

My friend says Santa is not real…

...This is gonna be a f*cking mess...

And they keep telling you everything is good...

My condolences to the judge's family…

It’s probably hilarious if you don’t live in Minnesota…

There are people who are still in jail for entering the Capitol Building on 1/6...

Billionaires know that a "carbon reduction" event is coming soon…

What aren't people talking enough about?

Predictive programming at it’s finest...

Big brother is always watching you... And right now more than ever!

As funding for Ukraine's war runs out, Zelensky finally announces peace talks during WEF in Switzerland

If MSM & their big pharma pay masters didn't want you to see it, then it's probably worth sharing…

Put your glasses on and you'll see they are all around...

Read: We will intentionally start WW3 if you don't approve this bribe...

I didn't have that on my 2023 bingo card… Bizarre…

'Rizz' named word of the year 2023 by Oxford University Press

It's OBVIOUS! They just want to LIVE in PEACE...

We’re just a few years away from having to pay one of these a*sholes for every breath we draw…

Safe and effective, they said. Take 5 shots of it, they said. It’ll keep you safe, they said…

The Clinton body count...

Just some food for thought!

Hold up! I've seen this episode before...

I will burn cities to the ground before I work in my sleep...


The world just got a little safer...

Today no newsletter, I'm in bed...

In today’s edition of things that did not age well...

The recurring case of the indestructible passports...

Looks like a whole bunch of glowies got their talking points for the day...

Remember during Thanksgiving dinner that not everyone took the Red Pill...

Today is the 60 year anniversary of the JFK assassination...

You know something is up when other people start to notice…

All world politicians are all talk, and this includes kings and queens and emperors if there are any left. They are all puppets for the Global Elite...

All we know is it was meant to be seen...

I've seen this one before...

Welcome to red dawn...

Why do you have to make a deal with China to get them to limit exporting drugs into your country?

Isn't it suspicious? At least just a bit?

NBC News accidentally confirms the deep state...

This is your daily reminder that NONE OF THE PEOPLE in this picture are on your side...

Check out the special Christmas bag currently available via K-Mart online. Crazy, no?

Welcome to post truth dystopian future...

Blood red skies & STEVE cover parts of Europe during 'double blow' geomagnetic storm

Parts of the Nashville Manifesto have been leaked... And Big Techs are already trying to censor the story...

Myths are real!

Things just continue to get weirder...

They will get you suspended for showing and telling the truth...

Surprised no one talks about this around the world...

It was a show from Day 1

Which one are you?

Sorry, I had to say it. It hurts to be treated as someone you are not!

The big Irany...

Soon, they'll find a way to tie humans to causing geothermal heat flow...

Save innocent civilians and earn cash. Seems like a great deal...

Can you help identifying a logo?

The Ministry of Truth strikes again...

Is everyone looking forward to that Simpsons episode?

The Kraken has been released. Let the games begin...

Welcome to the International Space Station for the oceans...

A refresher everyone needs (in my opinion)...

We dont even realize we are already there...

Is this the first confirmed use?

Stars of David are appearing on Jewish homes in Germany again...

Question everything you see...

The world has gotten pretty dark lately. 💀 RIP...

NASA to fire 3 rockets at the 'Ring of Fire' solar eclipse on Saturday during strange experiments to better understand this still mysterious sky phenomenon...

$6 billion to countries that chant 'Death to America'... And here we go!

Something odd is happening in the world today...

The truth is out there! New mysterious 'alien' attacks being reported in Peru...

Finally! No more kids in cages...

I will be back tomorrow!

A few days of rest with my family...

What will be the next big thing?

Miles beneath the surface, where sunlight can no longer penetrate, exists an eerie world of cold darkness...

Emergencies all over! And you should care about all those things at the same time...

It’s a religion and these are objects of worship…

With BRICS and now G77, things start accelerating to change the rules of the game of the global order...

The flu shot is now a religion...

Mark the date! Just one month until the next annular solar eclipse...

Just posting this Simpsons prediction before it becomes reality again...

Let the natural selection begin...

This is where the timeline veered course...

Do not comply! Resist!

Have a prayer for them and their families...

Life comes at you fast...

Mexican tourism industries expected to skyrocket...

The Soviet leadership created artificial rain to save Moscow from Chernobyl radiation...

Remember who’s really responsible and hold them accountable..

Fire in the sky!!!

You are the job they are going to finish...

Today the UN will publish the final draft of a bill which will remove all your rights to privacy...

I stand on the side of freedom. And I'm not ashamed of it...

We live in the Twilight Zone... Anyone else feeling the same way?

Ground Zero is now behind the 'Biden Curtain'...

My first thought when I saw it was "Oh Oh I bet it is delicious"

I wonder who is the mysterious buyer and where is the radioactive gas going to end up…

You’re not going crazy, all of these things are happening right now and it's not about to end soon…

This world is getting more demonic by the day...

Can someone explain one good reason for this?

And I thought it was a sarcastic joke...

Looks like Elon is rolling out a digital ID...

Today is my birthday

Lightning is amazing, but sometimes it's the clouds that steal the show...

Don’t worry, you’ll own nothing but you’ll be happy...

Tell me no one is going to fall for this again…

The Government with infinite money for foreigners wants you to donate your money for our citizens...

Yep! Probably done by AI you paranoid weasel...

Without drawing any conclusions, we can all agree this is an interesting coincidence...

Is anyone surprised?

Some stuff is hot (again) and some is not...

The world has gone mad...

Looks like Trump is going to get indicted again today...

You wanna stop watching news? But.. but.. how will you know what to be afraid of ?!?!?!

Charity begins at home...

Some positive news to start the day....

And the censorship continues...

Hi everybody

PROPAGANDA - You need to be a bit more terrified!

Why would a sitting US Senator be betting his own money against the US market?

Some feel "no longer humans"

OMG! This is terrifying...

What do you think the next manufactured crisis is gonna be?

It's all starting to make sense...

Afrika Korps 2.0… The West is also losing the battle for the African continent...

What the heck is going on with the world?

They told us they found "Aliens" before they found a single client of Epstein and Maxwell...

Judge Noreika did not kill herself...

Beyond scary. Glad he's in stable condition…

Only the willingly blind are puzzled at this point...

Just wait 'til it hits $1billion and then someone in Cali will win it…

The Exxon Mobil heatwave killed 3000 people this week...

Karma is real...

If you're a parent, don't let them program your kids...

What is farming?

Obey... Consume... Sleep...

Equivalent to 59.5 atomic bombs!

Even in 1894 they knew skull and bone were lizard people trying to kill you with vaccines

Upgrade your grey matter because one day it may matter...

It's over... Now, stop crying and find yourself a new friend...

This is peak satire...

We will soon become mole men... Morlocks...

Child sex trafficking isn't a conspiracy. It is real and it is devouring countless innocent lives...

666... Nothing to see here...

One year ago today, the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed…

They cannot win without manipulating the system! They are tyrants, pure and simple…

The media will bury this story in 3..2..1…

Dr. Evil shows his true form…

Deadly wet-bulb temperatures have arrived in the US…

Welcome to the summer of riots…

Elon Musk for free speech? LOL…

Probably going to become reality sooner than you think… Be ready!

Wildfires smelling like burning plastic? Formaldehyde? Are you being poisoned?

Thank you for the good laugh… And catch you soon for the next round of nonsense...

Another Bill Gates catastrophic mess is about to hit the US...

What matters is how you read the signs...

Soon us useless eaters won't be eating and we will be happy...

What was this really all about?

Just imagine being inside that...

The "Schumann Resonance" spike from June 18, 2023…

All this circus reminds me of Bill Clinton saying he didn't know fellations were considered sexual relations…

I wonder what they are trying to hide this time...

The truth we already knew...

A people divided is not a people united and this is what the powers that be want...

Want to know why student loans will (probably) never be forgiven?

This has gone well beyond a joke now...

Let that sink in…

Global cyberattacks, like those currently hitting US government agencies, will have COVID-like characteristics...

Let the games begin...

Biden and his government will collapse like Bud Light…

Now that David Grusch has revealed that the Vatican does indeed know NHI (NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE) exists, these paintings become very relevant to the discussion...

Hey mom, what's a contradiction...

This is fine... Nothing to worry about...

JFK: 'No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one'...

Politicians are not ELECTED, they are SELECTED...

Walmart wants ME to pay THEM for my comfort...

Hey Anheuser-Busch! Just drop that unsold Bud Light to quench the Canadian fires...

Lava flows and red alert in Hawaii; Apocalyptic sceneries in New York...

When all hope seemed lost…

They want global dominance and total health control…

Let’s do a mass experiment, a new kind of mass experiment of what happens when you tell the people the truth...

You can't make it more obvious...

Yeah! I'm not buying it either...

They weren't fearless... They were terrified... But they went anyway because it matters...

Yankee go home!

Your hydroxychloroquine is about to get even more precious in parts of Florida...

Investigation clearly shows that supporters of Trump are responsible for increasing the Earth's gravity in order to make President Biden fall down...

The US is pushing its agenda all over the world… And that’s sick…

It all comes down to "your kids are adults" because then, you know what...

If somebody tweeted this today they would be hunted down, tortured, and imprisoned…

Why is it that certain criminals are allowed to steal/kill/abuse openly with no fear of being held accountable?

There is enough in this world for everybody's needs, but not enough for certain people's greed...

Yep! Their no1 priority is division, distraction and confusion…

Earth has received its first ALIEN message...

My tin foil hat is probably too tight, but this vibe doesn't feel right...

Nobody ever suspects the butterfly...

Space fishing... Another type of high-tech catch and release...

Just trust the science... Blindly... Because it's safe and effective!

It's incredible that putting these 2 headlines together makes me a conspiracy theorist...

This is a first for me! Surreal rectangular sunset in Texas...

Oh Canada!

And finally they will fail, swallowing up all your money in one of their gigantic blackholes...

Can you believe that? WHO pushes for childhood masturbation for children aged 0-4, arguing that sexuality education starts from birth...

EU & US tax payer money in 5 sec firework...

They just want to keep us in the dark as part of a larger assault on information...

The end of FREE SPEECH on Twitter...

We all predicted they would say this a year or two later... LOL! So disgusting...

The signs are everywhere... Earth disaster is coming...

I'm feeling great! I hope you too!

What other Presidential candidate has even come close to saying this?

Surely this is all legit...

God shave the king...

Lunar eclipse 5/5/2023: You can rewatch it here if you want...

Is this the Navy's Dylan Mulvaney moment?

Russia needed a real casus belli - a pretext for war to eliminate ZELENSKY AND HIS 'CLIQUE'; Now they have it... Apocalypse Now!

They want to poison us all... 3D printer MEAT for our deli meat substitutes...

The balloons are back... Now, what are they trying to hide down below?

Another nuclear incident training exercise in the U.S... Something is clearly coming our way...

When are they going to stop all their madness... They are playing with our lives...

It's amazing how incredibly sad the Main Stream Media has become... They say something, think the opposite...

Beware! They are planning for the next pandemic!

The revenge of Big Pharma

Warning signs in the sky haven't been so clear and powerful in a long time... Be ready!

Stop fooling us! We will resist until the end...

Sometimes the scandal is not what law was broken, but what the law allows...

Elon Musk removes China state-affiliated media tags…

Solar eclipse, midnight sun, and fireball... If you love sky phenomena, you will enjoy this newsletter...

Monovalent Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines no longer authorized for use in the US...

Sorry I did a mistake yesterday!

What the heck was that? Strange pillar of light appears over Detroit...

John McCain’s widow: 'We all knew what Epstein was doing'...

The cringe… Some people must love needles…

Never a dull day on earth is there?

Dinosaurs never went to church. Look what happened...

Nice try Fed... But we are not the dummies you want us to be...

Did they secretly put Joe Biden’s face on the new 2023 American Women Quarters?

AI bots were given freedom in a virtual city. They acted like people…

They really don’t like the taste of their own medicine...

Happy Easter

There is better beer than Bud Light. There is better apparel than Nike. Drink beer and wear clothes that aren't focused on wokeness…

Sorry for today!

No problem! You'll eat in. You won't drive. And you won't go anywhere...

Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse?

Are you ready for the big shake? Because, it’s 'WHEN' not 'IF'…

Have a great Sunday...

The poisoning at East Palestine is worst than expected... Even the CDC team studying health impacts of Ohio train derailment fell ill during investigation...

The 2023 word of the year will be "derail"...

Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the wild frontier…

I hope this is just a bad April Fools' joke…

I spy with my lil eye…

Our consciousness has been manipulated subconsciously to change our perception of reality...

Every veil secretly desires to be lifted except the veil of hypocrisy...

The importance of the CITIZENS sacrificing more... Not the leaders...

Knowing that the Easter Island heads were found to have bodies gives this some imaginability...

Coincidences? Or is today a big day for the occult?

We are all domestic terrorists...

Things gonna be alright... Things gonna be just fine...

I certainly wouldn't be comfortable living there...

If you still have no plans for tomorrow, then protest!

Macron goes nuclear... Libya too?

The problem with politics is that it's full of politicians...

I didn't realize it was bank collapse season already... I still have my train derailment decorations up…

The US government debt chart looks like Burj Khalifa...

Do you remember that? You better be prepared because the next Big One is going to happen no matter how much you want to deny it...

Nowadays, everything is racist…

They want to punish you because you won't believe their lies...

So it's like it has always been... We are being lied to and manipulated by our own governments...

Don’t bother me... And just get out of my way…

Was he about to reveal the truth?

The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government... And it hasn't stopped yet...

Keep your eyes to the sky and decipher the signs...

One of the greatest actors of all times sitting with Leonardo DiCaprio...

Are you prepared? Are you ready? Another 'Big One' could happen anytime soon...


Have a great Sunday

Playing both sides to make them money. Once it’s all done with, they’ll say “We told you so.”

Women be shopping…

Totally legit.... I have absolutely no questions at all...

The Fukushima radioactive catastrophe is about to get worse, but nobody is talking about it...

This is not up for debate... You will be banned for disagreeing...

Edward Snowden explains it better than I can… But I am happy because we seem to be on the same wavelength...

Enjoy your Sunday

Always trust the government...

It is quite honestly a miracle...

Early warning signs of fascism…

Hey Greta! Why aren't you in Ohio right now?

Red Pill warning...

Remember this the next time he pretends to be anti-establishment or anti-media...

Nothing would speed up the creation of a One World Globalist Government as quickly as space invaders

Seriously what the heck is happening lately?

Vaccine mandates could soon be rolling again...

One after the other...

Those puny little ants outnumber us 100 to 1 and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life...

The worst offender in US government censorship & media manipulation is an obscure agency called GEC…

Notice she cut her hair first...

We were all lied to...

Here’s the clearest image of the now-downed Chinese Spy Balloon I could get before its explosion…

Why isn't the Pentagon shooting it down?

The Satanic Temple opens an abortion clinic...

TOTAL CONTROL! Brace yourself for getting plugged into the matrix and getting fed by a NG tube...

This is alarmist fake news meant to fearmonger…

This is just ridiculous… As if we were dumb and dumber...

Wait, wait... What's this?! Yes... It's just amazing!

My favorite conspiracy theory is that everything is gonna be okay...

I am not buying the King's bullshit... What about you peasants?

When reality becomes scarier than the worst conspiracy theories...

Up next is WWIII, but first a word to our sponsors...

Doomsday clock hits 90 seconds to midnight... Fearmongering or is the threat actually real?

Only OG’s remember when this was a crazy conspiracy theory…

They are now openly discussing “Human Engineering” to solve the alleged Climate Change Crisis…

More than "666" million doses… Are you awake yet?

Thank you

Imagine believing that cow farts cause the planet to heat up…

Some pictures of my expedition to Antarctica

An important petition... And another bunch of amazing news...

Something huge is coming...

Ladies and gentlemen! The staged "arrest" of Greta Thunberg... Thank you Greta, for exposing the climate agenda as a total hoax once and for all...

I predict stormy weather ahead...

Soros, Klaus Schwab and Gates... all out? Interesting that the top WEFers are not WEFing...

It really does take balls to win a women's beauty pageant these days...

As conspiracy theories go, the idea that our governments are motivated by an obsession with our safety is seriously bottom of the barrel...

Reminder! This is how THEY meet up to decide what WE must give up to battle climate change...

You are not a horse. You are not a cow... But we hope you are a sheep...

There’s no question anymore. This civilization is ending. It just is. Now, relax...

Didn't Klaus Schwab announce cyber attacks are the next threat to humanity?

This is what gaslighting looks like by the government sponsored mainstream media...

Want to know what the stars have in store for you? Just weirdness...

Brazil has its own damn shaman too...

Something big is happening in Brazil! Bolsonaro supporters storm National Congress in video...

You will know them when they come to avenge me...

There is no harm in being uniquely yourself...

No matter where you are, it's pretty much the same scene everywhere you look... And that's insane!

To you readers who cannot read the newsletter in their emails or anybody who wants the dark version of the email newsletter...

Today, they make a vaccine for everything... And that's not a good thing at all...

The world as we know it is about to end... Now we have to find the stairways to heaven...

How many of these coincidences do we still need? Bills Damar Hamlin goes down, ambulance on the field, CPR administered, prayers...

Your ideas about reality have been manipulated by such an extent it's nearly impossible to form an accurate worldview...

We are ruled by criminals that treat 'exposing a crime' as 'committing a crime'... And this has to end...