Sitemap - 2022 - Strange Sounds

Enjoy the last day of 2022, because analysts forecast 2023 will be even worse...

I wish you ALL a Happy and Healthy New Year...

Jerry's Pizza: "WE GOT TA(S)TE"... Instead of PizzaGate we get PizzaTate...

Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed...

This is what the HAARP PULSE actually looked like... And more amazing icy phenomena...

A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth…

We don't know who struck first, us or them, but we know that it was us that scorched the sky...

A few amazing pictures from the Polar blast bomb cyclone that engulfed the U.S. and Canada in the last few days…

Merry Christmas to all of you…

How deep does the rabbit hole go with FTX? Quite the coincidence here...

Why not eating lab-created human flesh? The idea of synthesised cannibalism is slowly but surely making the rounds...

I’m not lying, you’re lying...

The next word to be deemed harmful is freedom... We are really living in a clown world…

Unplugging from the matrix, is plugging into reality... We just have to kill the mind virus...

One year ago…

No comments...

The aliens are helping us out !

Until they release ALL the records, I have to assume this batch contains the equivalent of the color of his socks that day, and a list of his magazines subscriptions...

We have superpowers that give us the ability to do impossible things...

Well that’s convenient… Technically it's good vs evil...

The biggest psychological experiment in history is running right now...

Who else vividly remembers the Monopoly Man with a monocle?

Get ready! The Covid Files are coming big time and this could turn really interesting…

Sometimes you just know and can't explain it...

Welcome to a Brave New World, an utopia in which humans are trapped in a society where their humanity is deleted...

Look at the sky... It's shining for you...

They are attacking freedoms everyday and there's not much we can do against it...

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continued ...

All those blood rituals are creepy and horrifying... These ceremonials aren't edgy or quirky or art they are occult practices...

You will own nothing and be euthanized after we've sucked all of your blood and energy...

Have a nice thought for my mother...

People vs. Tyranny? Don’t mess with The People, or it won’t end well…

We live in a dystopian world where everything is controlled, censored, and truncated to fit an evil propaganda... It has to stop...

It’s all about how you look at things…

Instead of our politicians having Digital ID on us, perhaps we should have Digital ID on them...

Packaging update? Congratulations! You're pregnant with Fluvid-19…

What's in the sky? Sorry, no one really knows since it's not regulated in any way, shape or form...

Ok just put the gun down please… And give me a grasshopper…

The MSM clearly shows that they fear FREEDOM of SPEECH...

We live in the Twilight Zone... Anyone else feeling the same way?

Has anybody seen this? BAALenciaga! And people think it’s a game...

59 years ago today, the US govt killed its own president in broad daylight...

An invitation to your own demise. Diabolical... At least they are asking this time...

The greatest trick the lizard people ever did is to make their existence a joke...

They have conditioned you to believe that war is peace, ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery… And they are crushing it…

Don't worry sheep! The portal will open anytime soon!

Now they can replace her with a young, energized, 67-year old Congressman...

WWIII is Postponed while Moon and Space Conspiracies Accelerate...

Miracles sometimes occur... This is uplifting...

All these harbingers of doom popping up constantly around the globe warn us the world is just about to collapse!

Signs are all around... Notice them, understand them and prepare accordingly...

Pfizer wanted 75 years to release info, but the FBI only needs 66 years. Big progress folks !!

Modern farming is like an open air chemistry lab. Pesticides everywhere. Even suburban lawn dads are broadcast spreading pesticides now...

Sorry everybody... But today I am sick!

The Great ̶R̶e̶s̶e̶t̶ Resist is upon All of Us. We All have to chose whether to allow this to happen or stand up against it...

Those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything...

Imagine blasting a dookie so big it makes history...

Now who is next?

Good or bad omen? Taurid fireball SWARM forecast ahead of full blood lunar eclipse on Election Day next Tuesday...

Nothing to see here... Move along now kids...

Our "leaders" are a bunch of 80-year-old drugged out gangsters who steal our money and give it to their lobbyists. This system is a joke and has to change now...

Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves...

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars... The endtimes are just around the corner... Be ready...

Nuclear mutants: Are we all going to turn black?

The system isn't broken, it's working exactly as designed... Comedy is now legal on Twitter…

From Hippie to Right Wing terrorist... Just ridiculous...

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Don’t buy the MSM climate change scary stories. Like all Halloween tales, they aren’t grounded in reality. It's fearmongering!

Elon Musk walked into Twitter HQ today... Just a reminder: Elon is NOT your friend... He's another WEF puppet!

Digital IDs, Digital Currency, Digital Vaccination Certifications, its all coming. We are being bought by and sold to billionaires...

The laundering state! When do we get to recognize Ukraine as the 51st state?

Another WEF puppet to take the stage…

You were badly conned & now you are ALL damaged

Keep the fire on

The earth isn't flat or round... it's screwed...

“You will not catch Covid if you are vaccinated” Biden lied. Fauci lied. CDC lied. They KNEW that there was zero evidence to support their claim, yet they all lied knowingly... RESIGN!

And it’s started. The Alex Jones trial has set the precedent. Questioning the Official Narrative will not be tolerated.

What you know is what they got CAUGHT doing or what they WANTED YOU TO KNOW...

These geeks can't stop playing God…

Ukraine war: Proudly brought to you by Pfizer...

Thanks for the nightmares...

Funny how quickly you get banned from banks when you call out certain people...

What conspiracies are documented in the Vatican’s secret archives?

Aliens exist in front of everyone. NASA knows. The Government knows. And we even caught one refueling from our sun!

One of the mysteries of life...

Not the heroes we deserved, but the heroes we needed…

I am back home!

Nice beach, nice people, good vibes...

Don't worry, I am still around...

If you really believe all that money going to Ukraine is really going to Ukraine, then you don't understand how money laundering works…

Right on time for Halloween!

Politicians, elites! You all said nothing was going to happen on September 24th. Now this is huge...

As if they were constantly lying to us...

They want you physically & mentally weak, isolated, lonely, forever in debt, without god, without gender, without children, depressed, anxious, afraid, obese, addicted to drugs, eating cockroaches...

I like the absurdity of this reality... HaHaHa! It's comedy central at this point...

Who is playing Camilla? Or maybe "what" is playing Camilla?

Aren't you glad the FBI is looking into celeb disputes instead of the Epstein client list?

A goat leading the Queen's funeral procession is still good for a conspiracy theory, no?

That's a male teacher in Canada! Disturbing...

Your life is yours to do what you want with, it's all yours. Don't let them stop you...

Amazing. Ukrainian troops speak fluent American English now...

These terrifying flying robots will inject toxins, drugs or even a VAXX into your body without you NOTICING it...

Creepy and sick! School children in Canada and Australia are being groomed to eat insects...

They're just trolling us now

The zombie apocalypse is real and it’s happening all over America right now...

That's my favorite picture of The Queen...

The corruption is massive... Everywhere...

Terrifying! "God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot."

You can’t make this up... Gaslighting is happening everyday and it’s causing real psychic damage...

Your government loves you… Really! LMAO!

Im running out of conspiracy theories because they have all become reality...

Get your F-15s ready! It's getting nasty!

There is no better way to celebrate the apocalypse, isn’t it?

Verify the media before you believe them... And remember Gary Webb Today!

Can we stop calling questioning the government "Conspiracy" already?

Just another store in India…

Now look who is sponsoring the US Open from which NoVax Djokovic has been banned...

I'm seeing a connection here...

Yikes! Not almond, not soya, not buffalo, not donkey... Scientists say COCKROACH MILK is 3 times more nutritious than cow’s milk and will become next superfood…

LOL! You now must be 21 years old to buy a can of whipped cream in New York state...

Are you a ‘doomer’ or ‘appeaser’ in your friends' group? Anyway, it’s best to prepare for the worst!

This is in LA... How is this remotely humane?

Get prepared to see more "Chernobyl necklaces" around...

Today is my birthday

Just a big bunch of hypocrites…

It's not a matter of choice... You WILL eat the bugs...

We are the Carbon they want to reduce...

So the rest of the world is warming faster than the rest of the world...

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell, 1984...

No please, continue throwing a hissy fit while your material conditions degrade...

Today no newsletter! Just a big THANK YOU!

3 years ago today, Epstein did not kill himself...

Welcome to banana republic where the Biden Administration weaponizes DoJ and FBI to target their political enemies...

What happens if the Fed Reserve runs out of money?

The unwritten law of the ruling class: we are from above, you are beneath us, and the rules only apply to you because we're the ones that apply the rules.

Always trust the science…

Hey MOM, what is a conspiracy theory? It's when someone finds the TRUTH way before most people do...

Just put the sunglasses on, you'll see, they live...

It looks like a horror movie but it was 2020...

He was such a villain that they had to kill him twice...

Hope you are also having a great day!

The good reset

It is always nice to see important information come back out of the memory hole...

Soon they will implement SEX lockdowns for everyone...

I hope you are all good!

This could become a reality if we all continue to comply…

You'll rarely need a doctor, lawyer, or policeman. But every day, three times a day, you need a farmer...

One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter...

God, give us some rain!

Water will become the most precious commodity in the near future and its scarcity will trigger riots, wars, mass immigration and famines... Take care of it and be ready!

Yeah I'm not buying it either...

Nothing good is going to come of weaponizing robots. There's a reason it's a staple for apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic science fiction...

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist...

Crazy idea: Maybe we should all actually make an effort to work together instead of shooting at each other...

Superheroes and villains unleash their clout around the world... But it's just a game, no?

Insider trading: Chip stocks to the moon!

I’m fairly convinced now that we live on some sort of prison planet...

Nice try, NASA...

The world needs to unite against the globalists, because they fight against freedom...

It seems like all out chaos is headed our way...

Remember who’s really responsible and hold them accountable...

Have a great Sunday and catch you tomorrow!

No fuel, no medicine, no school, no food... Time for uprising!

Johnson resigns; Abe is killed… I wonder what's next, and what this means…

The summer of food riots is starting...

Let's discuss the actual problems...

The CIA is definitely recruiting mentally unstable people for these shootings...

Intervention is often about power and politics, not because it's the right thing to do...

Life has become more political than ever, yet everyone is afraid to talk about politics...

Israel Adesanya did not kill himself...

This is about the future of the 'Liberal World Order' and we have to stand firm!

They're literally trained to kill you...

There should be a massive protest to demand the Epstein / Maxwell client list be revealed.

Modern day corporate sponsored "environmentalists" puppets and their fans are the biggest scam of them all...

We are being strangled by all these corporations and the powers that be. And people are acting like everything is fine and dandy...

Little day break!

Was it all planned?

The Supreme Court has overturned Roe V. Wade. How do you feel?

Trust the scientists, trust the doctors, trust the TV, trust the CDC, trust Fauci, trust the government. But please, do not use your brain, under any circumstances...

Are you awake yet?

Welcome to the Great Reset...

Some very strange signs in the sky...

We are on the verge of entering an age of slavery more totalitarian than anything witnessed in human history...

Just feel the beat...

Just keep in mind! If you boil drinking water to kill germs, you're still drinking them, they're just dead…

We have simply been conditioned to believe otherwise... Keep the faith!

What do you do when you know there’s no future? I PREP! I’m just wondering how you’re managing...

Gotta talk to people in a language they understand...

Even kids know government authority derives from the consent of the governed...

They're using fear to control people's behavior and destroy public activism...

Are you ready for the coming natural, societal and food catastrophes?

The summer of death is approaching... Get READY...

They fear love because it creates a world they can't control...

Do people really believe they live in a world of leprechaun, unicorns and caring governments?

While one side calls for zombie apocalypse, the other side calls for vaxageddon...

China is not the only country that will throw you in jail for speaking out...

Never forget what happened today 33 years ago...

Pretty gay if you ask me...

It makes you wonder what else they could be hiding...

Why can't they just leave us alone? I just want to live a normal life without all this propaganda, psyops and co...

Our governments are failing us for profit…

Only the criminal who set fire can tell you when the next fire will be...

The Great Reset can't happen if the peasants have guns...

There is no Left vs Right... It's THEM against YOU...

Be scared... Be really, really scared...

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun...

This is wild! The world is turning crazy!

It's all meant to be continuous...

The K is silent in Monkey Pox

The surest and most inevitable source of collapse is that one day we will run out of resources. So stock up NOW!

There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future...

The love of money is the root of all evil...

We’re being ushered into the NWO step by step...

LUNAR ECLIPSE TONIGHT! The Moon will turn red for almost 85 minutes!

Moon goes BLOOD this weekend...

Get prepared! Because what's about to happen will be very nasty!

The hypocrisy never ends... Our governments can send billions to foreign countries, but can't help their own people...

Demon possession is real...

Are you ready to get Schwabbed?

If only We the People had thought of forming some sort of organization that existed to secure OUR rights...

Today I am sick! No newsletter!

Has anyone noticed we are now jumping from crisis to crisis to crisis?

The best way to survive famine is to prepare before the panic... So get ready!

Is this just me? Or do you also believe that sometimes everything is a 'deja vu'...

The biggest "disinformation problem" is always the govermment and those who head it...

Have a great day!

Are you ready for the Orwellian Ministry of Truth?

Finally, first country drops COVID vaccine program

Musk: 'Authenticate all humans' means Digital Identification...

Governments don't want critical thinkers...

The system has been rigged against you from the start... Find your way to fight back!

What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About a year...

Get ready for the apocalypse... Because it's right around the corner!

“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.” - Banksy

Real journalists are imprisoned and fake journalists that serve the deep state are celebrated and rewarded. The world is bleeding...

Tsunami hits Iran... Back tomorrow...

Best wishes for Easter

Forget politicians, they're all just puppets. Focus on the people really running the show...

It is now illegal in China to post the name “Jesus Christ” online...

This is why all the propaganda keeps getting pushed. They want us distracted with politics, religion, race and anything else so we don't realize how much they've taken from us.

The system is a massive SCAM and WE are the FOOD

Are they attempting to REBOOT the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Man coughs up 15cm-wide blood clot in shape of right bronchial tree... And then dies of heart failure at 36

Climate change? Really? Looks more like weather warfare to me!

We are dancing into irreversable societal and economic collapse... Be ready!

They were quick to warn us from the "Winter Of Death" BUT they are not talking about the coming "Summer Of Food Riots"

Say Hello To The April Fool

Big machines parked in orbit - Black ops, Star Wars or ET?...

I remember when being a conspiracy theorist took a lot of creativity and time...

Enjoy the show!

Restaurants now requiring proof of Ukraine support!

It's biblical! They are all over!

Collapse is just in front of us! Are you ready to face it?

What’s up with all the people suddenly acting like we should just “totally do a quick WW3” to save Ukraine?

Remember who’s really responsible and hold them accountable

You legit have to be CRAZY to want a cashless society WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT

Stay strong. This is all designed to break us. I love you

"15 days to slow the spread" is now two years old

Trust the people who have been banned, censured, impeached or summoned. They are the fighters!

It's just another vicious cycle!

They don't care about us...

They planned it all along!

Never Published Before: The Ring-Shaped UFO

Everyday I wake up and ask myself, “what chapter of Revelation are we doing today?”

Brace yourself for the Mother of ALL Storms

What is about to come out that they don’t want us to know?

Are we witnessing Western Mass pyschosis?

Only power and money hungry parasites...

It's important to keep a close on on what's slipping under the radar...

We should really turn off the computer and start re-building our offline lives

To the believers, it's prophecy, and the end times… To the non believers, its an agenda for the elite to enslave the world…

What a waste of life…

Apocalyptic sunset WITH BLOOD RED SKY

Where will you be on April 8, 2024?

Today is Twosday

Storms, after storms, after storms! Get ready!

Don't trample on me!

Everything is pointing to the Endtimes...

But we're just some crazy ole conspiracy theorists, right?

Our world is shaking! Prepare now!

Scratch a Liberal and you’ll find a Fascist!

The real conspiracy

Are we all dead?

This always gives me CHILLS

Hey Joe! Isn't it time to ditch the mask requirements?

I am fed up of all this police and government madness

We are all terrorists now!

The world is going out-of-control! Get ready NOW!

Time is running out for change

10 Vaccine injections for every Canadian

5,000 tons of ALIEN DUST falls on Earth every year!

Musky fish becomes bird nest

A loose high-voltage cable kills 26

The tide is turning toward FREEDOM!

Glowing blue spiral across southern U.S. sky

Sorry for the long absence!